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sysmalakian: TODAY IS MY BIRTHDAY!
327 days ago

dp: dude
308 days ago

Bango_Rilla: Shout Bananas!!
263 days ago

BillyBlastOff: See you kiddies at the Convention!
247 days ago

GDW: showman
198 days ago

Emilien03: https://losg...
120 days ago

Pyronauts: Happy Tanks-Kicking!!!
113 days ago

glennmagi: CLAM SHACK guitar
99 days ago

Hothorseraddish: surf music is amazing
79 days ago

dp: get reverberated!
29 days ago

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World Surf Bands - Home page - Video Links

SG101 Band Map

Table of contents coming soon, sample below

Bands on page 38

  1. Gio Castilhos (Porto Alegre, Brazil)
  2. Los Rotundos (Cartagena, Spain)
  3. Moon Monkeys
  4. Nordic Surf (Minneapolis–Saint Paul - Minnesota, USA)
  5. Os Pazuzus (Brazil)
  6. Total Death Mechanics (Corpus Christi - Texas, USA)
  7. Violet Sons (Glasgow, United Kingdom)
  8. The Wedge
  9. Surf Band (Lakewood - California, USA)
  10. The SpeNerds (Anchorage - Alaska, USA
  11. The Road Runners (Fresno - California, USA) (1962 to Present)
  12. Los Ruido (Mexico city, Mexico)
  13. The Volcanics (San Gabriel Valley, South California, USA)
  14. Thee Icepicks Portland - Maine, USA)
  15. Unsteady Freddie Surf Concert Promotor
  16. The Tarantinos (Astoria - New York, USA)
  17. Atomic 500
  18. The Tiki Tiki Bamboooos (Munich, Germany)
  19. The Von Drats (Toronto, Canada)
  20. The Wrecks House (Charlotte - North Carolina, USA)
  21. Vampire Beach Babes (Toronto, Canada)

Last edited: May 21, 2019 18:51:59

Another example: This band is close to me (Or at least road trip wise)

They have tee shirts & CD's Cool

One more example: Lost Acapulco (Mexico) (in Spanish)

There are a couple of free translation software to convert each lanuage in to English or vise versa out there on the net.

Can't forget The King of Surf

Recently he has been in the hospital with heart problems and doctor visits - but my hero is still planning to do a show in May - That's what I call dedication to your craft Smile 82 years old and still driven to perform on stage - that's incredible really when you think of it - so I hope we all find inspiration from The King of Surf Guitar - The show most go on Big Grin

Says on his site: MAY 31, FRIDAY 2019 AGOURA HILLS, CALIFORNIA
VENUE: THE CANYON CLUB is the next show

In 1963 Dick Dale was on The Ed Sullivan show way before The Beatles

Last edited: Feb 27, 2019 11:18:17

This was a recent post on SG101 - has new album out

Sample of one of their songs

Man or Astro-Man? Shadowy Men on a Shadowy Planet, Link Wray, The Ventures, Tommy Guerrero, The Mattson 2, Early Pink Floyd, Cramps, Davie Allan, Don Caballero, Calexico, Friends of Dean Martinez

Not sure if song below is their's could not find it on website???

Zak and the Krakens

Thanks for posting this. The track below is from our first full-length, “Metal Mariachi Music”. Our new album is “Electric Sunrise”. The best palces to keep up with us is the Bandcamp page at or just follow us on Twitter @Phantoms_76.

And thanks again!!

Surfing_Sam_61 wrote:

This was a recent post on SG101 - has new album out

Sample of one of their songs

Man or Astro-Man? Shadowy Men on a Shadowy Planet, Link Wray, The Ventures, Tommy Guerrero, The Mattson 2, Early Pink Floyd, Cramps, Davie Allan, Don Caballero, Calexico, Friends of Dean Martinez

Not sure if song below is their's could not find it on website???

^ Thanks for the update ...You guys have a lot of good material Smile Keep us updated here. I am trying to centralize a place to promote all the surf bands around the world on some form of platform. I have a lot of ideas I'm still working on - looks like about 800 bands out there or more (Some long gone now) but there is still a good portion still in operation and many new bands as well.

I'm amazed how many bands I never knew existed in this genre, so any promotion is a good thing I feel - I look at this as just a small step moving forward right now. This is like preaching to the choir here - but I just look at this page as a resource for further Surf Band promotion down the road or a note book so to speak. The link below is a good outline but needs expanding with more content and links.

I originally joined this site to network to start a new surf band - then transformed to wanting to just write music - and now thinking of just promoting surf instrumental music from here out. I know a lot of bands in other genres and their all going know where fast and the main problem is they have no support or promotion. I think its because they have no promotion vehicle behind them or support even. There are so many Surf bands out there and new music anyway - and being as much as I was into surf instrumentals and did not even know a few bands around where I live even existed - it looks like there is room for promotion here. So thats my new goal now. Even as big as Surfer Joe is world wide I didn't know a lot of stuff about him - but I did know a lot about California bands and his friends there etc. But I was surprised how much I didn't know. So I'm sure most people out there do not know much about Surf or how good a lot of the new music is etc... So that's my new goal right now ...In fact I have not picked up my guitar in like a week Mad but I like looking all this stuff up just as much. Smile

Last edited: Feb 28, 2019 08:20:55

Mark Brodie & The Beaver Patrol (Canada)

Looks like they are inactive - put out CD in 1995

Anybody know about this band please up date here

The Beach Cruzers (California)

Site hard to figure out - looks like they sell Hats and Tee shirts and have downloads on Amazon etc

The Bambi Molesters (Croatia)

Last edited: Jun 27, 2019 11:47:07

Surfer Joe (The Ambassador of Surf) Italy

He's a touring machine check out link about

Biography (Source from Facebook page)

Lorenzo Surfer Joe is truly one of the key figures in modern surf music (The International Ambassador of Surf Music.) Has been very instrumental in promoting events related to Surf Instrumental Music and present to any world surf event. Lorenzo (Surfer Joe) has collected an experience of more than a thousand concerts since the late 90s. Constantly on tour everywhere, Lorenzo had the honor to play on guitar or drums with several surf legends and he has shared the stage with many surf bands.

When talking about surf music with Surfer Joe you don’t look for compromises: reverb, high rhythms and great energy!
It is a concert that looks back to the origins of the genre, but shows its evolution and variety, going from the heavy Dick Dale sound to lounge and progressive atmospheres, always keeping an eye on the melody and the quality of the arrangements.


All 60s surf music and instrumental music.
Influenced by anyone playing a guitar into a reverb tank and a loud Showman amp!

Last edited: Mar 05, 2019 07:28:58

The Waterboarders (Plymouth, UK)

They have a new CD and palying Worthing Surf Music festival in May.

THe KBK (Alabama USA)

They have a new CD check it out

Originally they were called Kill, Baby...Kill!

A home studio project started in 2003 under that name and delivered its first Apocalyptic Testament to the public in 2010. In 2015 there was ushered in with a name change to The KBK (to avoid confusion with a certain white power band from Belgium) and a renewed sense of being for the band.

Biography (From Facebook page)

" The soundtrack for the apocalypse. This is the sound of civilization ending and a new world taking shape.

Initially a home studio project started in 2003 under the name "Kill,Baby...Kill!", The KBK delivered its first Apocalyptic Testament to the public in 2010. From that moment forward the band set out to deliver the message of destruction and hope to the masses with a tour schedule that has seen over 150 dates in 23 states, sharing stages with such legendary and/or critically acclaimed artists as The Men, Man or Astro-man?, Southern Culture on the Skids, The Oblivians, Jucifer, and hundreds of others.

The band self-released its debut EP, 'Sometimes They Come Back', in 2011 to critical acclaim and unexpectedly large sales. This led to signing with legendary Surf/Garage label Deep Eddy Records out of Austin, TX.

In 2013 the band followed up their debut EP with their first full length album. 'Corridor X' was met with great reviews and was also met with unexpectedly high sales, breaking even for Deep Eddy Records in less than two months.

2015 was ushered in with a name change (to avoid confusion with a certain white power band from Belgium) and renewed sense of being for the band. Their schedule was slowed in order to allow time for writing new material and reworking their stage show and aesthetic.

In July of 2015 the band will debut the new live show and proceed with spreading their Apocalyptic Testament to the world.

Plans are also in the works to enter the studio in late 2015 to begin the follow-up to 'Corridor X'. The band also plans their first visit to the west coast in early 2016. "

Last edited: Mar 05, 2019 07:11:59

The Kahuna Kings (Ohio USA)

Guitar tabs


"The Kahuna Kings are a band that are like no others in the area and bring a party of music, show, and beyond as a must see act. They stand alone as one of the only surf bands in Northeast Ohio and bring plenty of guitar frenzied energy to each performance."

New song coming out soon

Last edited: Jul 06, 2019 08:02:58

The Madeira (Indianapolis USA)

Last edited: Apr 16, 2019 19:50:30

The Men From Surf (Oregon USA)

Hi Sam
Check Clint Beachwood's you tube channel.
I think he is already doing what you are trying to accomplish here
Best Regards

The Madeira are from Indianapolis.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Thanks for the heads up guys Smile Sorry about that ...many of the band sites don't have a location or hometown - many sites don't have the town the bands from for some reason.

One thing I noticed is some European bands have America sounding names and vise versa - very confusing Uh-Oh

DJ Clint Beachwood Surf music podcaster and DJ (KCR & NSSR)
San Diego, California, USA

The Los Venturas (Belgium)

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