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Posted on Jul 05 2007 10:57 AM
Hey Im completley new to guitar and all I know how to do is read tabs. I m wondering if theres any good books on surf guitar methods and hard to find tabs for songs like point panic and the ventures or the surfaris, and so on. I`m playing on an Ibanez artcore and a washburn maverick i bought for 30 bux and a peavey trans tube amp.
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Posted on Jul 05 2007 11:04 AM
Sorry for the double threads my internet is screwy right now. But 1 more quick question. anybody have any tabs for the invisible surfers? I love their style.
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Redlands, CA

Posted on Jul 05 2007 01:05 PM
Hal Leonard-- Surf Guitar--ISBN 1-56922-074-3
This one should get you started. It contains a lot of the prerequisite surf songs.
The Ventures have one out called 'The VenturesPipeline Surfin' Hits.
Then there is good old Dick Dale, with 'The best of Dick Dale'
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Posted on Jul 18 2007 07:56 PM
I am actually pretty interested in this as well. I ordered that Hal Leonard book based on Joelman's recommendation. Are there any good DVD's available? I really like good DVD's as a learning tool.
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Posted on Jul 19 2007 01:33 AM
There are actually a couple DVD's put out some time back by a group called Somg Express I believe. They didn't have many songs on them, but they did do pretty good step by step demos.
I will add, that of course the way the songs were played aren't exactually the original versions, but they are ok to get started.
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Harrisburg, PA

Posted on Nov 11 2007 07:22 PM
I am reviving this old thread to say that after spending some time with the Hal Leonard book and some other tab books It appears that the Hal Leonard is off on a couple of the songs. Penetration for one is a whole half step off the whole song. It's a nice resource because it has a disc to play along with but I thought I should mention it in case being fully accurate matters to anyone looking into this book.
Anyone have any other suggestions after all this time. I would still be interested in a DVD.
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Posted on Nov 11 2007 07:28 PM
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Harrisburg, PA

Posted on Nov 11 2007 07:38 PM
I should also clarify (because i didn't realize that both books I had were Hal Leonard).
There is a big Hal Leonard book called Surf Guitar that is very good and seems to be pretty accurate. There is another HL book called Surf Guitar Play Along that has the bad tab.
Also I agree about the tab thing. I am currently taking lessons and trying to learn past just reading tab but sometimes I like it just to get me rolling. Once I locate the first part I can more easily figure the rest out on my own.
The thing about tab is they can tell you the notes to play but does not tell you how you should be playing those notes.
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Posted on Nov 11 2007 08:13 PM
Tab is good at the beginning but yeah, train your ear up, you will make good progress when that starts. I slowed songs down on the computer without changing the pitch and learned many that way. That really helped my ear.
And Johnny_Alien, Penetration is widely believed to be sped up on record, so it isn't too surprising the tab would be off by that much.
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Posted on Nov 11 2007 08:56 PM
And Johnny_Alien, Penetration is widely believed to be sped up on record, so it isn't too surprising the tab would be off by that much.
Penetration by the Pyramids is in F#. Penetration by the Ventures is in G. Surf bands have covered both versions quite often. You need 22 frets on the guitar to play the lead in G, since there is a very high D.
PS Totally agree about learning by ear.
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Posted on Nov 11 2007 09:54 PM
I just checked. Both the Pyramids and the Ventures In Space version are in G. I have a live Ventures version that is a full step higher in A. The tab version I have is in F# which is nor correct for any version that I have (not to say that there isn't a version by any of the bands that I don't have)
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Posted on Nov 11 2007 10:08 PM
From Surfin' Guitars book by Bob Dalley:
Steve Leonard, the writer of Penetration, says:
"I took Pipeline and analyzed it and transformed it into something different. I changed the key to F#, so I could lift my finger and add the seventh. I recorded that F# riff and played different melodies to it until i found one that sounded good."
I don't remember if the Pyramids recording was sped up, but I do remember thinking that they did play it in F# - so the book is not actually wrong!
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Posted on Nov 11 2007 10:10 PM
The Pyramids version does sound like it is in G (or pretty close) so it must have been sped up.
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Posted on Nov 11 2007 10:19 PM
I am really against tablature. I think it just postpones training your ears to pick out what you hear on recordings. Most of the tablature I've seen (for any genre of music) is either simplified or inaccurate, sometimes wildly so.
The best thing you can do if you're learning to play is to train yourself to learn off recordings. It's difficult at first, but it's far more rewarding than having someone tell you where to place your fingers. If you learn a song from tab you've learned one song, if you learn to use your ears you've taught yourself how to learn any song. Of course it will initially take longer than someone telling you where to place your fingers, but the payoff is well worth it.
I've done all I could to wean my guitar students off of tab and they were all very grateful eventually. In my opinion it's a crutch that prevents you from really learning the instrument.
I would tend to agree with this too. Most tabs I find are very simplified and or wrong. But that being said, I do use them sometimes to "get in the ballpark" on certain songs use my ear to modify what the tab is showing me. One of the big things that helps me is watching live band doing songs I like to learn. One of the most difficult things with doing it by ear is tunings other than standard being used. Iused to go nuts early in my ear training playing off of old Ventures records untilI I realizd that they usually had their guitars tuned about 1/2 step higher than standard.
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Redlands, CA

Posted on Nov 12 2007 12:00 AM
_<u>**Hey Im completley new to guitar and all I know how to do is read tabs.**</u>_I m wondering if theres any good books on surf guitar methods and hard to find tabs for songs like point panic and the ventures or the surfaris, and so on.
Guys we always go around and around on this one. Lets look at the original posted question.
This person is not a player. He is a learner ( beginner). He wouldn't probably know one key from another. So any tab books can get him started.
My students that come in cold turkey have a lot to learn besides keys and reading music. Heck most people can't play long enough at first to even get a single tune down. Even a short one. We here ( most of us) have time tested hardened finger calluses. New players have soft finger pads. Most new players I get are just happy to read some tab to get used to putting their fingers on the right strings.
So when a person shows up here and ask how to drive a car, lets not get up and show him how to build one. All they want to know is how to start the damn thing and maybe drive a little.
I know, I know...
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Harrisburg, PA

Posted on Nov 12 2007 08:09 AM
From Surfin' Guitars book by Bob Dalley:
Steve Leonard, the writer of Penetration, says:
"I took Pipeline and analyzed it and transformed it into something different. I changed the key to F#, so I could lift my finger and add the seventh. I recorded that F# riff and played different melodies to it until i found one that sounded good."
I don't remember if the Pyramids recording was sped up, but I do remember thinking that they did play it in F# - so the book is not actually wrong!
I see the point here but it seems to make more sense to tab it to sound like the recording. That's just my opinion though.
And I didn't mean to open a can of worms here I happen to agree about the downfalls of tab but like I (and a previous poster) said before, it is good to at least get you started on the right path. Once I know the general key I can get most of the rest although i am still pretty new to the guitar game (I played bass pretty much exclusively).
Anyway since the original poster was a beginner such as myself and others reading this might be the same I thought I would alert to the downfall of the one particular tab book since many might not even realize the keys were incorrect. I wouldn't have known had I not been working on it with the teacher and saw it was different in 2 of my books.
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Posted on Nov 14 2007 12:01 AM
I am glad you started this thread because it made me realize that I have yet to see a tab book for surf. Also, thanks to those who posted the names of surf tabs. 
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Posted on Nov 14 2007 12:37 AM
well put Joel, thanks for the reality check.
— Danny Snyder
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