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sysmalakian: TODAY IS MY BIRTHDAY!
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dp: dude
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Bango_Rilla: Shout Bananas!!
264 days ago

BillyBlastOff: See you kiddies at the Convention!
248 days ago

GDW: showman
199 days ago

Emilien03: https://losg...
121 days ago

Pyronauts: Happy Tanks-Kicking!!!
114 days ago

glennmagi: CLAM SHACK guitar
100 days ago

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79 days ago

dp: get reverberated!
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Permalink Info for Friday Aug 3, afternoon Pre SG101 convention BBQ

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That view looks wonderful. Maybe I'll get to go when I can enjoy the whole week or so of activities. Smile

Someday Bill, someday...!


CrazyAces wrote:

Someday Bill, someday...!


For sure Jeff!

Bill S._______

Let's get one last push for a head count on this for Bill


Hey everyone sorry for so few updates but I've had some unexpected stuff come up that I had to deal with.
It looks like we're going to go with your basic "Q" of burgers/hot dogs, potato salad, beer,sodas, chips etc. Hope that will be o.k. - we'll have some veggie patties on hand for the non-carnivores too Big Grin . If anyone has any other dietary restrictions feel free to bring something and we'll cook it up. Not sure what beer yet, if you have a particular preference bring it along. Save travels everyone and see you Friday!

Bill S._______

Thank you again for having it Bill.


Any BBQ pics?


Alas, I only snapped off one pic -


There were a few last minute no-shows, but a pretty good group nonetheless. It was great to put some faces to the names of the new folk who had traveled so far!

Side note: Yesterday morning I discovered my kitchen had been violated by a fridge magnet tagger (thanks Gellert!).


Bill S._______

Thanks for hosting this, Bill. It was so great to meet everybody and it was a nice warm-up for everything that followed

Storm Surge of Reverb: Surf & Instro Radio

Bill, Thanks for the BBQ Friday. Great mix of discussions about surf music, amps, pedals and guitars. See you next year.

Bill, sorry for violating your fridge. (It had an empty spot that needed filled).
Thanks again for letting me enjoy your beautiful home. It was a pleasure and honor meeting you.


Hi, I'm Gellert, guitarist for The Fintastics.

Last edited: Aug 07, 2018 20:27:43

I wish I could have taken the day off and been there.


Hey Bill:
Was wonderful and Beth and I really enjoyed your hospitality and loved meeting you again. We truly enjoyed the company of all who were there and the interaction which cannot be easily achieved at the SURF GUITAR 101 Con or after show at SURFDOGS (but SURF DOGS is easier for some talking inbetween sets and such. Thanks for having us over again to your swell abode. AND "rooked marvellousss" in that embroidered sg101 shirt (Guy Moore , you're a good man) one of so very few in existence. So glad to see you in it ant the big show. Keep in touch Bill. We go to meet up with our great friends new and old at yer place!

Don't Fear the Reverb ! Grateful Surf ! SURFIN' Tiki Bandits !
I can be reached through the following or at :

Thank you Don, Gellert, and all who came - it was a privilege to host such fine folks. Like Hunter said, it is a bit of a "warm up" for the weekend and a great way to connect with the other reverb junkies on this forum to talk gear, bands, and strategy for the shows. Here's to an awesome Convention 2018 and I hope we can all do it again next year! Cheers

Bill S._______

Thanks so much, Bill. The food and drink were great, the conversations even more so. Ken and I had a fine time.

Thanks again, Bill! So awesome to meet and hang out with you and everybody at your BBQ and the convention. Cool

The doofus formerly known as Snorre
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World Famous Philistines: 2014 - 2015
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