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Permalink New Demo "Marianas"

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I just submitted a song to the demo's section of the site downloads called "Marianas," probably awaiting clearance by Brian right now. I'd reeally appreciate some feedback, as it's one of my first ever songs and I'd like to hear some thoughts and advice.

Be forewarned though, the demo is ONLY me on guitar unfortunately. I recorded it with my friend, and neither of us have Garage Band or any equivalent. With only me on guitar and weak sound quality, I realize it might feel a bit dull, but I just figured this demo could be used to give a sense of what kind of style and melodies I've been working on.

The story behind the recording is that my friend and I were testing out his new microphone, so we set it and my amp up in his bathroom for ambient reverb (that was the thought process at least). The amp itself couldn't be turned up too high, because if it was cranked anywhere past 2, the onboard reverb would crash constantly (you can hear a couple of crashes at inopportune moments in the recording). I don't know if recording in the bathroom helped at all, but I just think it was cool to do it that way anyways. Laughing

So here it is: "Marianas," complete with flubs and inadvertent tempo changes--warts and all. Tell me what you guys think, be honest. Thanks.

Pretty good, Ben. Some pretty intricate melodies for being a novice! You have some much stuff going on, you could probably make 2 songs out of all the melodies. Without a rhythm section, it's really hard to hear a smooth transition to the B-part (arpeggio chord-y part); that's my only criticism. I'm sure you got the arrangement in your head.

Dude, come to TomorrowMen practice and we can throw together this epic tune.

Science friction burns my fingers.

Yeah, we need a replacement guitarist while moron's finger heals. I'll listen to the song tomorrow.

Danny Snyder

"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo

Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta

Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party

Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF

Wow Shocked that was excellent! This shows great ability to create a cohesive musical piece; all the themes worked well together, lots of drama and expression. Your playing is quite good overall, don't sweat the little rough spots, that goes away rather quickly with consistent practice . Keep it up!
Thumbs Up

Danny Snyder

"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo

Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta

Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party

Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF

Well gawsh guys, thanks. Kiss
Yeah, I have tried to push myself to crank out something complex, beyond what abilities I previously thought I had (before I started playing surf). It's been coming to me as I go along, and it's all a learning process... which is why I'd appreciate some more comments guys. Smile I'm not fishing for a pat on the back. What do you think? Good or bad, I'd like to hear it.

Wow, that's like a surf version of an Iron Maiden epic! Laughing I must say that I'm impressed! Excellent playing and - for someone new to songwriting - really good composing abilities! I think this song has great potential, and I love the little bits of dissonance here and there. My recommendation would be to get a multitrack recorder of some sort and start working with a chord progression underneath. Having that will open up a world of harmony and counterpoint. Though it's possible you already hear that in your head - but obviously we're not privy to it. One more word of advice - don't just pursue complexity for the sake of complexity. It's fine as an exercise, but ultimately you have to make sure all the parts of the song make sense and carry the song along. If not, you gotta cut 'em - can't be too attached to parts. They can often be used in other songs, anyway! (BTW, I'm not saying there are parts here that need to be cut, despite the song being a bit on the long side. I'm just saying that once you have the chord progression and hopefully bass and drum parts and whatever else, it's only THEN that you can fully judge whether all the parts add or detract from the song.)

Anyway, congratulations - you show clear talent. I hope you get to fully develop it and blow us all away!


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Thanks Ivan, glad you liked it. Is sounding like Iron Maiden good, because I've never heard them before.

My recommendation would be to get a multitrack recorder of some sort and start working with a chord progression underneath. Having that will open up a world of harmony and counterpoint.

I'll be sure to look into getting one, as I've gotten that recommendation a few times now. Hopefully I'll be able to really get things flowing with one in my possession.

One more word of advice - don't just pursue complexity for the sake of complexity. It's fine as an exercise, but ultimately you have to make sure all the parts of the song make sense and carry the song along. If not, you gotta cut 'em - can't be too attached to parts.

Yeah, I realize that. I've had that problem with one song in particular--just sort of a random assemblage of different pieces...not quite so pleasing. As much as it hurts to cut stuff out and start again, it's gotta be done I see.

Hey that's a pretty good effort for a first timer! I like it.
So how did you get from the recorder to the computer to get it uploaded here?
I have a cassette recorder, but I can't figure how to get the music into my computer.


Joel, my friend has some audio recording software (I can't remember the name for the life of me) that he used. He plugged the mic right into his computer with some sort of adapter or whatever. I don't really know, actually. I wasn't paying attention. At the end he just used that program he was using to convert the file to an mp3. No tape recorder or any middle step between the mic and computer.
I don't know how to go from a tape to the computer. Maybe someone else on here does?
Sorry to be of no help whatsoever. Confused Laughing

Joelman if your cassette recorder has a line out you can run that directly into your computer's sound card and record it that way.

Audacity is excellent sound editing software. It is free, Open Source software. I used it for the podcast.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Oh, Wooza, I listened to your track and I think you show a lot of promise! Nice job.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Hey Wooz - great sounding track, I can't wait to hear it arranged with a full band. Very cool twists and turns, along with some tight sounding pick work.

Excellent job,

Thanks for the tips. I'll check out both.

wooza.Sorry to be of no help whatsoever....?

Not true ! You are insperation to guys like me.
Keep on keepen on!


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