THat's what I came up with when researching it too Surfadelphia.
The MOD can be a bit dark, the Accu a bit bright and the Revisit was to hit the sweet spot in between, that's why I thought it'd be a good starting point.
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Joined: Apr 20, 2018 Posts: 47 |
THat's what I came up with when researching it too Surfadelphia. The MOD can be a bit dark, the Accu a bit bright and the Revisit was to hit the sweet spot in between, that's why I thought it'd be a good starting point. |
Joined: Mar 07, 2010 Posts: 2260 North Carolina |
ausf wrote:
While none of us here can ever be 100% certain, I'm pretty sure this ^^^ isn't the case. Also worth a read: —Fady El Mirage @ ReverbNation |
Joined: Feb 26, 2006 Posts: 1337 Escondido, CA |
Fady and all, I suspect that a plausible explanation would be that "Revisit" changed their supplier over time, I will post pics of my MOD and TAD pans for comparison. Ran — |
Joined: May 04, 2014 Posts: 734 |
You may have a point Fady, but only the seller can clear this thing up. TAD and MOD sell great tanks, but if you're looking for something like the old Accutronics you may expect something different than a rebranded MOD. If you're buying an apple they can't give you a banana and just call it an apple, right? Unless they can explain how they reinvented the banana to taste just like an apple. |
Joined: Aug 29, 2009 Posts: 1556 Israel |
Hi Fady, while we're trying to figure this out - what does your Revisit pan look like? Hammerite or plain finish? Any stamps? Last edited: May 23, 2018 11:28:03 |
Joined: Apr 20, 2018 Posts: 47 |
I've have emailed the dealer and am waiting to hear back on Friday. I truly hope it is an actual Revisit pan and all will be well. The only thing I must reiterate, two MOD stickers that have obviously pealed off of something (bent ears) were stuck to a plastic bag that contained a Fender Jewel lamp cover as part of the order. Not something that was just in the packaging of the pan The pan was neatly packaged in the orange bubblewrap and elsewhere in the box were other items I ordered, including the lamp cover with the sticker. If the sticker was found in the bottom of a sealed Revisit box or something, I'd be more inclined to believe it was a factory goof, etc if it is true they are all made in one building in Korea anyway. And this particular seller does not list MOD pans to boot, only Revisit and Accu. I want to believe, but being born and raised in NYC , I lean towards the skeptical side: Eyes first, words second. |
Joined: Apr 20, 2018 Posts: 47 |
And I agree wholeheartedly with Ariel, it was Fady's original post that got me interested in the Revisit and it's also his breakdown, including my being okay with a CIC if that was all that was available (orientation isn't an issue yet). I immediately placed my order based on your post, so you can understand the disappointment on opening the box. And again I hope it's just a case of different spring material/thickness or something, because otherwise everything, even down to the color of guttywuts is precisely the same. |
Joined: Mar 07, 2010 Posts: 2260 North Carolina |
Here are pic's of the 3 Revisit pans I have, one installed, two spares. The housing finish is definitely the same as the MOD pans I've had and look like the original post (not the hammered/textured finish). Even the other models I ended up returning look exactly like the ones here save the model #'s printed on the stickers. Springs and transducers look a lot the same too. Can't explain why, but the sound and experience between them and the MOD... pretty stark differences. That said, those first pics in the thread with MOD + Revisit labels is disconcerting. Ran had a reasonable/plausible explanation. Another... I shared my RMA/Return experience w/ Revisit on that other thread. They were beyond generous and easy to deal with. It could be someone did a return sent back a MOD pan. Possible that return got mixed up and the MOD found its way into stock/this order. I don't know, just thinking out loud. Really hate to think a business that seems to be pretty robust and not flyby night would do something so egregious. Anyhow, here are my pans: —Fady El Mirage @ ReverbNation |
Joined: Mar 07, 2010 Posts: 2260 North Carolina |
Fady wrote:
I have seen Revisit pans on their site for a few years. Wayback machine confirms that page has existed since at least 2009.*/ ...and obviously that's part of a much larger electronics biz claiming to have existed since 1983 and online since 1996. Wayback machine corroborates in this web domain anyhow at least to 2009 too.*/ Anyhow - hope there's an innocent, honest explanation to the sitch' and all ends well. I'm feeling a bit shitty in the moment for having recommended them here and then seeing this happen. I'm hopeful they'll make it right and hassle free for you ausf. —Fady El Mirage @ ReverbNation |
Joined: Apr 20, 2018 Posts: 47 |
I cannot tell you how good those photos make me feel Fady. I now think it's more of a universe is laughing at me type deal with that MOD sticker. I'm certainly glad my email to them was along the lines of requesting information, not accusing. I included my photos but only asked if the current pans are hammerite or not. Your photos show the same that I received, even down to the notes on the bubble wrap. So unless you are amprepairparts (I'm kidding), I accept this as much as I do your original thread. I value well written and knowledgable opinions, I'm not in a position to really experience this stuff first hand, so I rely on info like you've presented. Surf guitar is new to me (long time bass player) and I'm hooked. I'm shooting for the best possible sound I can get, but this is just a hobby, never going past my tiny home studio. I could've added a Bigsby to my old studio rat Squier tele, plugged through my Holy Grail into a bass amp and called it a day, but instead bought a 60s Lac Jag, a small valve amp and am rounding it out with a Surfy Bear and Trem because I'm chasing the drip. You've been immense help and I thank you for your time taking the photos. |
Joined: Apr 23, 2006 Posts: 60 Oakland, CA |
Here is pic of my Mod and Revisit reverb pans. RobertThe GnarlyMen |
Joined: Apr 23, 2006 Posts: 60 Oakland, CA |
Just noticed difference in pic. Look in the middle. The aluminum silver looking piece is cut/stamped differenly. Different cut away and hole placement. —RobertThe GnarlyMen |
Joined: Mar 07, 2010 Posts: 2260 North Carolina |
My pleasure, good to hear I’ve been of some help, asuf. Wish there was an obvious easy answer on the MOD stickers though. Interesting ‘spot the difference’ observation, Robert. You know, it’s a little (?) known tip that even just pulling the narrow end sides of the cover out ever so slightly has worked in some cases to tame unpleasant reasonant frequencies. It ~could~ stand to reason that the changes of spacing of those openings and sizing of the rest of the mounting frame (not just the cover ends) could have a similar impact on what we hear. And what I don’t know, the other spec differences between MOD pans and these. May well be more than meets the eye still. —Fady El Mirage @ ReverbNation |
Joined: Aug 29, 2009 Posts: 1556 Israel |
GOOD EYE, idiotdunce!
I think you're good after all, ausf. |
Joined: Apr 20, 2018 Posts: 47 |
I really appreciate the lengths you guys are going to help solve this. Looks like that's definitive proof. I guess reverb pans fall into that area of dark arts that defy logic. A seemingly innocuous change in an aluminum frame may be change the result completely. The only mystery now is the sticker. I'll leave it out on my dining room table so I can yell at it whenever I pass it. |
Joined: Aug 29, 2009 Posts: 1556 Israel |
To add to what Gilette mentioned on page 1, The Revisit site and TAD site share the exact same 8 point copy about holes and numbering, as well as the pics (with the "skinny divider" inside the inner pan) - But the actual Revisits shipped are smooth finish apparently, with WIDE divider. That fore-mentioned divider's width relates to the magnetic chaos right around the spring-joints, it may be worth experimenting... Last edited: May 24, 2018 09:28:04 |
Joined: Mar 07, 2010 Posts: 2260 North Carolina |
Apologies appreciated but not needed Ariel (and all) - not toward me or anyone as I see it. Good things can come to life when people care, engage and assume positive intent. That's what this whole conversation has ever been in my book. As we've all seen and experienced time and time again... distinctly SG101. Peace, Love and Reverb my friends! —Fady El Mirage @ ReverbNation |
Joined: Apr 20, 2018 Posts: 47 |
Well, I got a response and I have to admit the service of this company is top notch and I appreciate their honestly, although the info is a bit disappointing. Basically they are all the same. Two factories are making them, one in Korea (Accutronics, Belton) and China (Revisit, MOD and the rest) The tank I have is a MOD from another store to fill stock until they are replenished. Revisit tanks are often sold to other store to become MOD. The only difference is in the warranty. Last edited: May 25, 2018 08:54:56 |
Joined: Mar 07, 2010 Posts: 2260 North Carolina |
Hmmmm.Interesting. The confirmation of common manufacturing location is useful affirmation of much of what we've suspected. Or should I say locationS. No different than current production tubes I guess. Add one more piece of kit to the list of debating the implications of place of origin. Nice (well, sort of nice, sort of not so nice) that they acknowledge the inventory swap. Unfortunate that they also were compelled to swap stickers. At risk of perpetuating the rabbit hole... I can definitively say the multiple Revisit pans I have and had sound very different than the 3 MOD branded pans - both 'brands' sounding consistent among themselves, just distinctly different to one another. I chalked it up to a response I got from Frank at Studio Sound where he said they provided their specific take on spec's to the manufacturer (impedances etc.). Well, and now thanks to Robert in this thread, they aren't physically identical either. Guess this all brings us full circle to we like what we like. And hear what we hear. At least we're consumed with reverb and and not ... —Fady El Mirage @ ReverbNation |
Joined: Sep 04, 2017 Posts: 431 |
While it appears that the consensus is that Accutronics pans tend to sound brighter, have less decay and are capable of a "wetter / drippier" tone depending on the amp or outboard unit circuit while MOD tanks tend to be deeper, darker, and have a longer decay. Last edited: May 25, 2018 11:21:51 |