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Aloha fellow surf musos

I live in Brisbane Australia
I'll be visiting Hawaii in September with one week on the "Pride of America"
cruising the Islands and one week in Honolulu. Are any of you guys gigging around that time?, as I'd like to see some surf bands, as far as I know my surf band in Brisbane is the only one and we've only just formed. But we're getting good feed back when we play out at local blues jams.

While I'm in Hawaii I want to get myself a Fender Jaguar I don't care what color or model as they are hard to get in Australia and expensive.

I emailed "Easy Music Centre" in Honolulu but they were to busy to reply

I also emailed "Island Guitars" they were good and gave me some good prices on the guitars I enquired about but they don't sell Fender guitars.
So If anyone knows of a Fender dealer or one that sells used Jaguars.
It would be much appreciated.


Marty, I don't know about surf music but you need to check out Jake Shimabukuro while you are there. Check out

Best 'ukulele player in the world. Absolute virtuoso.

I saw a ukulele player in the Cook Islands he was cool they greet you when you arrive at the airport and play a farewell when you leave.


check out

They talk more about acoustic slack key playing and ukulele playing, but several memebers live in Hawaii and like this place most are willing to help you find what you're looking for while your there.


Happy Sunsets!


If at all possible, catch the "TakeOffs" at the Sheraton on Poipu Beach on the island of Kauai. The TakeOffs perform Sunday Nights at the Sheraton starting at 8:30 pm.

Check your Cruise Ship schedule to see if it stops at Kauai on a Sunday. The cruise ship will dock in Lihue, and its about a 15-20 minute drive to Poipu. You could also take an inter-island flight, but it ain't cheap. My friend just got back and said the TakeOffs' show was great fun.

Honolulu is a tourist trap, but lot's to do if you've never been to Hawaii, and I would bet has the most selection of shows. You can check Jake S. website but I last I looked, he was stateside in September.

I suggest you PM Ron Rhoades, member of SG101 and member of the TakeOffs. He will be able to tell you their schedule in September, and is probably a good source for info on buying a Fender Jaguar somewhere on the islands.

Another possibility would be to buy a Jaguar from Music123 or Zzsounds and have them parcel post it to a person or maybe even the Cruise Ship company. You'll get a better selection, and probably a better price. It will take a few weeks to get there so plan ahead. It does work since once I parcel-posted my surfboard to Kauai rather than spring for the $95 one way baggage cost per the airline.

If you like Hawaiian music, be sure to pick up some CD's by IZ and by Leilani . Leilani also sings at the Hyatt at Poipu -- we never miss her show when we vacation on Kauai. Got a trip scheduled next month and can't wait.

Hang loose



My cruise ship misses Kauai on Sundays , thank you for your advice I will certainly follow up your information. getting the goods shipped to a hotel is a great idea.


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