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Posted on Jan 13 2018 11:47 AM
Joined: Jul 13, 2012
Posts: 490
San Diego CA

Posted on Jan 13 2018 03:58 PM
yeah its terrible ...I am home with another case of pneumonia myself when I read this ...crushing .
Joined: Oct 01, 2014
Posts: 519
Streatham, London

Posted on Jan 14 2018 07:19 AM
My school friend's Fast Eddie story; I missed this day. It would have been extremely cool for an 18 year old Clarry...
Well I heard today another of my teenage rock star heros died . Fast Eddie Clarke from Motorhead , I met him once , back when i was about 18 i went into a pub near where i lived walked up to the bar and this chap was next to me , i looked at him and I suddenly recognised him '"you're fast eddie " i said , he laughed and said yes I am ! We chatted a bit about music and played a couple of games of pool , he told me he was recording an album with his band Fastway at a local studio , i said there is a rock covers band playing saturday night in a local pub why dont you pop down ? he said i might do that . Saturday night came and i went to the pub with some friends - i told them about fast eddie , and they didnt believe id bumped into him , about 1/2 and hour later in he walks with a guitar case on his back - alright mate he said , reckon the band will let me jam with them ? The band in the pub couldnt believe it ! , he played with them all night . We all had a few beers and left a bit worse for wear , see you mate he said that was a good night ! He was such a friendly and down to earth guy , they often say dont meet your heros you'll be disappointed but he was a top guy . Rock in peace eddie \m/ \m/
Joined: Feb 27, 2006
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southern Michigan

Posted on Jan 14 2018 09:10 AM
GREAT story, Clarry! Thanks for that!
Here's what I posted on FB about Fast Eddie:
There was nobody like Fast Eddie Clarke - his playing was utterly unique and absolutely perfect for Motorhead. He had the dirtiest and fattest Strat-through-Marshall sound I've ever heard, and it was a thing of beauty in all its ugliness! He was clearly Hendrix- and blues-influenced, but his riffs were 100% original and highly innovative - and contributed to the then-emerging heavy metal template as much as anybody. Though I'm a big fan of the later lineups and think that Motorhead produced some of their best work with Phil Campbell and Mikkey Dee, there's no denying that the trio that played on their first five studio (and one live) albums, was utterly iconic and very special. And given their lifestyles, it's amazing that all three lived as long as they did - let's face it, they were NOT in it for the long haul! And it was that trio that played a big role in my life. I remember hearing "No Sleep Till Hammersmith" AND seeing the below video for "Iron Fist" both around the same time, in '82/early-'83, and thinking that this was some of the most exciting music I'd ever heard! And it all seemed so new - and a bit dangerous. (I discovered Iron Maiden and AC/DC at the same time - it was a GOOD time to be 13 years old!). In fact, I remember listening to "No Sleep..." around that time, I was probably 13, as my parents were getting ready to go somewhere, and my dad came up to me looking concerned, and said something like, I know you're hormones are raging and your blood is pumping fast at your age, but this music is not good for you! And this is the guy that got the same lecture from his dad and other elders for listening to Elvis back when he was a teenager! That, of course, made the whole thing even cooler. But could it really get any cooler than the covers of those early Motorhead albums? I think the "Ace of Spades" reached maximum cool. So, thank you, Lemmy, Eddie and Phil, I will always remember you very fondly. You had a huge impact on me and millions like me. And how many people can say that?
— Ivan
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Last edited: Jan 14, 2018 09:15:14
Joined: Feb 27, 2006
Posts: 10331
southern Michigan

Posted on Jan 14 2018 09:19 AM
Joined: Mar 14, 2006
Posts: 2272
Kiev, Ukraine

Posted on Jan 14 2018 10:58 AM
Great, guys, thanks for sharing these stories! I am a big fan of Motorhead, although really opened it for myselef in my late thirties, that’s really unusual I guess, but that’s it)
I love the Campbell/Dee lineup but this Eddie/Phil stuff had something really unique in it. I also enjoy Eddie’s band Fastway really much, such a great musician and real guitar hero. Hearing that he was also a great person in life is really nice. RIP, Eddie, and thak you.
— Waikiki Makaki surf-rock band from Ukraine
Lost Diver
Last edited: Jan 14, 2018 10:59:10
Joined: Jun 14, 2012
Posts: 462

Posted on Jan 15 2018 09:10 AM
Definitely a very sad day. His style left such am impression on me that I never bothered with much post-Eddie Motörhead, it all seemed too metal after he left. Simple, aggressive, bombastic. I never saw him with the Lemmy and Philthy but did with Fastway. He was incredible.