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BillyBlastOff: See you kiddies at the Convention!
248 days ago

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Needs a big yearly show


bigtikidude wrote:

Needs a big yearly show

What he said! With THAT title!

bent playing for benter results
Do not attempt to adjust your TV set.


The guy who runs it needs to finish the forums. Sad

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

josheboy wrote:

Meh. SG101 is alright.

Needs more pedal threads, IMO

Duh Stir the Pot

Real surf guitarists don’t need pedals.

Daniel Deathtide

DeathTide wrote:

josheboy wrote:

Meh. SG101 is alright.

Needs more pedal threads, IMO

Duh Stir the Pot

Real surf guitarists don’t need pedals.


That's two troll fails, nice work. Anyway, this is an awesome site and I use two pedals.

Dan Izen

josheboy wrote:

DeathTide wrote:

josheboy wrote:

Meh. SG101 is alright.

Needs more pedal threads, IMO

Duh Stir the Pot

Real surf guitarists don’t need pedals.


Daniel Deathtide

Noel wrote:

But this just happened. I can share it here, knowing it will be appreciated for what it is, and that I won't get flamed for being too far off-topic. It has to do with instrumental music, after all. Big Grin
Cheers Cheers Cheers

Very cool. Growing up with that much music and just the exposure level to quality times I imagine are awesome.

Sound of the Surf, the movie
Facebook SOTS

Welcome home Noel (from Westmoreland county)! I remember music at the elegant Syria Mosque! SG101 is a great resource and community.

Thank you all again for the continuing kind words. Means a lot to me.

As for the Syria Mosque, Dad's orchestral home for so many years, I hope you all get a kick out of this photograph from the Syria Mosque stage used for the Young People's concerts promotion. Only the banner is shown in the blog post. I'm in the middle between my brother Rick, and Dad. I do miss that place.


This is Noel. Reverb's at maximum an' I'm givin' 'er all she's got.

Last edited: May 12, 2018 18:12:14

I don’t want to be a poo-head but I got dissed because of my connection with this site, such as it is.
Every once in a while I run a cl ad looking for other players into surf. Because I can write decent copy, I get responses. Last time I got into a correspondence with a guy who asked me if I was on this forum and as whom. He noticed the SG101 sticker on my toolbox in a photo I included with the ad, showing my surf guitar rig. I blithely said I was J Obeast here and he came back at me with a diss that he insisted wasn’t personal, but he wrote that I am a ‘major content contributor’ here and that no way he’d play with me even once on account of that. He went on to complain about what he thought was the terrible pretension and snobbishness of members, the unfairness of heaped accolades for famous members and lack of response for unknowns. He said he had no need of cheering as he was a pro who tours, etc. But he wouldn’t touch me with a ten foot pole since he thought I’d brag here if I played with him.
He was reasonably polite and made it clear that it wasn’t me or my lack of qualifications that he was reacting to, just the SG connection. He never did tell me even what instrument he plays.

Squink Out!

Don't let the door hit his ass on the way out.


I disagree with you Jeff - you should totally let the door hit his ass! Sounds like you dodged a bullet Mr. Beast.

Dan Izen

Daniel Deathtide

This sight is all about friendly. No snobby crap or backstabbing that I've seen. Who is this guy?

He wouldn’t say who he is or what instrument he played.
He also dissed Zombierella.

Squink Out!

Every community has its critics. Even if some of the criticisms have some validity (no community is perfect), it comes off as petty and cowardly when someone drops an anonymous “complaint bomb” and then disappears.

Whoever that person is missed out on playing with a talented & passionate guitarist, and an all-around cool person. Their loss.

They also miss out on a great community. Sure, we have our imperfections, but we also have our moments of greatness. Again, their loss.

Last edited: May 13, 2018 09:40:43

Noel, thanks for being here.

JObeast, don't worry about a looser that probably should move along to a different place.

Happy Sunsets!

I have to chime in wit da praise...

I'm new to Surf and absolutely love it. Don't know where it's been all my life.

No stranger to instruments, I explored this site and ended up with a Lac Jag (Surfy Bear and Trem on the way but of course USPS delivered it to someone else).

After about a month of hassles with the Jag, I was ready to return it as a lemon, because short of a Mastery or Stay Trem, I've done everything. I know a lot of you never had issues with them or a JM and I'm genuinely happy for you, but for me it was a nightmare. I avoided ever touching the bar and probably had the strings and bridge more than I can count. I finally came across a thread here that mentioned rounding off the pivot.

With nothing to lose at this point, I dove in and lo and behold, it's solved. After countless lubing, filing, shimming, swapping for a Mustang bridge, loctiteing, yada yada yada I can finally use the bar in peace. No tech support helped, nothing I could find with deep googling, but an old thread from a member here.

With that and flats (who'da thought, I only use them on fretless and uprights, didn't even know they existed for guitar before SG101) on it now, I'm in Heaven.

If I ever run across one of you in a club, expect a pint (or six) from me.

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