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I just discovered there is an organ trio (organ, drums, guitar) called...

Organ Freeman.

Not sure if it's possible to do better, but what are your favorite band names?

Matt Heaton & the Electric Heaters
Boston's Premier Surf/Noir Combo

There is local Sydney band called ‘Sons of Lee Marvin’

'Surf Music Lasts Forever'

Punk band Jon Cougar Concentration Camp has always been a favorite of mine.

Four String Fender for The Delstroyers & The Woodhavens

I think they had to change their name for legal reasons.



Wombat wrote:

There is local Sydney band called ‘Sons of Lee Marvin’

side note: "the sons of lee marvin" was actually started as a tongue in cheek society with notable members as tom waits and nick cave (and neil young and iggy pop)

For a short time, Lee Marvin's son "Chris Mavin" was a drummer in my band and was a groomsman for me at my wedding.

Vic Vacuum and the Attachments is one of my favorites. I love coming up with new insane, sick or ridiculous names for bands. Sort of an oddball occasional hobby.

A Jewish Screwdriver cover band, aptly named: JEWDRIVER

Last edited: Nov 17, 2017 06:08:28

I never heard one note from these guys, pre-digital age but I swear I had a zine dedicated to Christian rock bands back when they were trying to up their game and become somehow relevant to the rest of the world.

Band name: The Martin Luther Experience.

Even nihilists gotta love that one.

Da Vinci Flinglestein,
The quest for the Tone, the tone of the Quest

The Syndicate of Surf on YouTube

Crazy instro band Double Naught Spy Car
Used to be called Pink Floyd the Barber.


My brother used to play Bass in a 3 pice garage band called 'Garage A Trois', although I'm sure there are probably other bands that came up with the same name.

Back in the 90s, there was a band here in town called 'Camarosmith'.

-Cheers, Clark-

-Less Paul, more Reverb-

Syndicateofsurf wrote:

I never heard one note from these guys, pre-digital age but I swear I had a zine dedicated to Christian rock bands back when they were trying to up their game and become somehow relevant to the rest of the world.

Band name: The Martin Luther Experience.

Even nihilists gotta love that one.

How about the "William Lane Craig" band. The first single will be called "Objective Moral Values and Duties." The nihilists will really love that one! Sorry if I am getting off topic, I just couldn't help myself. Big Grin - A tribute to Dick Dale. New EP Louder Than Life available on bandcamp and website.

Oh it's time to get off topic but you are now veering into the ol 'Bands I'd like to Exist in a Parallel Universe' topic which I know exists here and in many of the parallel universes of SG101 where each of our bands is the #1 rated band in that (superior) universe.

Actual good band with a cool name The Brian Jonestown Massacre.
Surf version: The Brian Jonestown Massacre Under the Sea.

Da Vinci Flinglestein,
The quest for the Tone, the tone of the Quest

The Syndicate of Surf on YouTube

Syndicateofsurf wrote:

Oh it's time to get off topic but you are now veering into the ol 'Bands I'd like to Exist in a Parallel Universe' topic which I know exists here and in many of the parallel universes of SG101 where each of our bands is the #1 rated band in that (superior) universe.

Actual good band with a cool name The Brian Jonestown Massacre.
Surf version: The Brian Jonestown Massacre Under the Sea.

Nice... Big Grin I can tell you're very knowledgeable, probably much more so than myself. I do study a lot of William Lane Craig and Hugh Ross. Anyway, let's get back on track. How about "Down to the Felt" for a band name? They could play a lot of casino gigs. Laughing - A tribute to Dick Dale. New EP Louder Than Life available on bandcamp and website.

Last edited: Nov 17, 2017 13:31:15

A college friend and I wanted to start a band playing Velvet Underground covers with an Elvis Presley impersonator singing. We were disappointed to find out there really was a band named Velvet Elvis. We were doubly disappointed to find out they weren't a Velvets cover band with an Elvis impersonator.

The Reverbivores - we're local favorites!

Oh and then all the tribute bands, particularly the all female versions of classic rock bands:

Lez Zeppelin
The Iron Maidens
Hell's Belles

there must be more...

Matt Heaton & the Electric Heaters
Boston's Premier Surf/Noir Combo

A friend of mine and I had a improv instro project named The Dead Kenny G's

Back in the MySpace era I was friends with a band named Pitchfork colonoscopy...



Last edited: Nov 18, 2017 09:55:11

Some of my already taken favorites:
The Aqua Velvets
The Dentures
The Howlin' Thurstons
The Neptunas
The One Night Standards
The Ramblin' Ambassadors
The Reverburritos
The Vanduras

Minivan Halen - local band


Canadian Surf


Rick Ghastly : Never Gonna Dig You Up

Squink Out!

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