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Permalink Rising prices of the FRV-1

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I'm kind of shocked out expensive the FRV-1 is becoming.


Last edited: Oct 27, 2017 19:48:10

It's pretty insane. About 3-6 months ago they were between $80-$100 now I've seen them between $150-$250. I was recently going to buy one, when I offered $100 the cat said "they are ebay for $150 and up" so he passed on my offer.

Don’t overpay for it. There are lots of alternatives at least as good. The web has these blips that mean nothing more than some user is in vogue. Try the EHX Grail or Catalinbread Topanga or any other similar digital emulation of spring reverb. None of them are magic.

Squink Out!

Why? They stop making it or something??

Hmm...kind of surprising. I snagged one on ebay about a year ago for around $70.00 and it looked almost like it was never used incl all the original packaging, etc. It's not a bad pedal but now that I have a real tube driven outboard tank, it collects dust.

made a good bargain i sale mine only 400 !
mine is on sale but at this time no offer maybe in fews month it will be a bargain (same as cij or mij jag or jazz,the value increase don' t really know why but i don't think it will not stay ,lots are easy to scource ,not as bananna yamaha guitar )

Last edited: Oct 28, 2017 03:26:47

The CL seller selling a Jensen C12N a while back would take 420, or $35 cash. Either way I missed out on that deal.

But GC, Sweetwater and Musician's Friend are no longer selling FRVs. Glad I got one last winter. Love them or hate them, the supply and demand principle still applies.

Canada's big music store, Long & McQuade, aren't carrying them anymore either. If $420 is becoming the average price it is now in the Surfy Bear price range. The Surfy Bear is a much superior option.

My other thought is that if one already has a tank that they use, and are using a pedal as a back up for live shows, there are a lot of other options out there. Most spring reverb pedals will probably make no difference to the audience listening (unless the audience is full of surf music players and aficionados).

I should pick up something for a worst case live show scenario...


Canadian Surf

$420 is three times the average asking price used. Putting $420 as the price in the video title was click bait. Sensationalizing a stupid misguided listing.

Well, there are two ways to look at Boss discontinuing the FRV-1:

1) The sales have dropped off to the point that there is no longer a market for the pedal.

2) It could be updated/replaced by the Boss FRV-2.

The Christmas/Hanukkah/Festivus shopping season will soon be upon us. If it going be updated/replaced, we'll likely know in a few weeks.

-Cheers, Clark-

-Less Paul, more Reverb-

I don't know why anybody would $420 for this pedal. You could get a used Fender '63 Reverb Tank Reissue for that, or as previously mentioned, a Surfy Bear.


There are a few problems with the FRV-1 that if addressed, it could be the best tank emulation pedal out there.

Seen this game many times before, they stop making the pedal at which point the sellers price rises, it's based on speculation and nothing more.

bamboozer wrote:

Seen this game many times before, they stop making the pedal at which point the sellers price rises, it's based on speculation and nothing more.

Exactly. Have a look at some of the BIN prices for the recently discontinued Boss FB-2 Feedbacker/Booster on eBay... $500-600 Duh And the FB-2 wasn't even a big seller while it was in production, hence the early retirement.

Old punks never die... They just become surf rockers.

Surfadelphia wrote:

There are a few problems with the FRV-1 that if addressed, it could be the best tank emulation pedal out there.

That's actually, almost true, it does have some good qualities to begin with. The drippiest of them all, I think.

Though, I still never heard or played with a digital emulation of a type4 pan that is convincing, in any realm - pedals (tried most of the popular ones), VST's, IR based...
And by convincing I do NOT mean in a full mix/band context, where the digitals have proven to do a good enough job. Solo, the faults are felt as well as heard.
There's always some latency issue, there's always a lack of randomness, there's never the violent reaction of a real spring and there's always the too-long-tail-not-enough-drip issue. In ALL emulations.
No one yet addressed all the above (and more) in software form, really seriously. Lack of processing power, still? Product designers who are not familiar with surf guitar? Programmers not getting deep enough?
One thing I know is that in order to reproduce a sound, one has to listen to it first. In context, not in a lab.

So let's wait until someone does, and then wait for Roland to decide to invest in the algorithm and implement it a Boss pedal form, including a horrible buffer and tweaked to accommodate Blues players.

Time for that icon yet? Dead Reverb
And I liked the pedal.

Last edited: Oct 30, 2017 15:33:30

Hey, next thing you will see is an FRV-1 Waza. A toggle between digital zing and a new custom setting. Ha!

The Surf Shakers:
Vancouver BC Canada

I use the FRV in conjunction with the on board reverb in a Deluxe. With the right tweek, it gets a pretty decent sound. I'm just too lazy to pack around an outboard tank. Most of our listening audience wouldn't know the difference anyhow. I am shocked the pedal has gone up in price like that. I sure wouldn't pat that for one.

JakeDobner wrote:

$420 is three times the average asking price used. Putting $420 as the price in the video title was click bait. Sensationalizing a stupid misguided listing.

That was the price I found on that grabbed my attention, its not like i pulled that number out of thin air.

A lot of stuff on is way overpriced. A used $149 Alesis SR-16 drum machine for $30,000 just because it was used by Billy Corgan (whoever that is), beat up Mellotron M400's for the price of a brand new one, completely trashed Univox Super Fuzzes for $800 when you can get a clone with the exact same circuitry for $200. Is anyone ever crazy enough to pay these ridiculous prices?

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