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SurfGuitar101 Forums » Surf Musician »

Permalink Anyone ever play the big theme parks?

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I'm near Orlando. Obviously Disney and universal and lots of water parks in the area. I've seen cover bands at some. And I've heard surf music on the PA at some. So I'm wondering if something like that might be a possible venue for a surf band. I have no idea how those things work, though. Are all of the bands comprised of permanent park employees? I'm pretty sure I've seen some that were bands unto themselves outside of the parks. Who books these places? Or who would you generally approach with the idea? I mean, I guess I could just track down who to speak to through corporate headquarters. But I figure if anyone has played at one of these types of places, it'd be someone on here.

Guitarist for Black Valley Moon & Down By Law

I've been to quite a few theme parks, and from what I've seen, it varies. I've seen bands that just get booked, but it's usually for a whole season (they become a sort of temporary act). Now, I don't think Disney would do that, because I haven't seen any gigs like that so far. Maybe Universal would; I don't know. Water parks might be the best bet to land a gig.


Our beaches here get 3 foot tall waves, but it doesn't matter. You don't need to surf to play surf.

I've seen a pic of the Ventures playing at Walt Disney World I believe.
And I think the Torquays plsyed at the water park across the street from Knott's Berry Farm.


In the early 90s there was a kid working the bookings at Knott's Berry Farm that was actually into surf. We Insect Surfers played there once, they set us up down a long alley in between rides where you'd have to actually walk down the alley about 60 feet to see the band.People would walk by intermittently.
As we were breaking down at the end of our hour/ set, I asked one of the guys wrapping cables "So, do most bands play to this much staggering indifference?" His reply was "No,people liked you guys, they would actually clap!"

They tried this and the feedback wasn't very good.


The Kahuna Kings

Last edited: Sep 05, 2017 04:50:42

I seem to recall some videos of that band the Deadlies playing at some amusement park?

Atomic Mosquitos
Bug music for bug people is here!
Killers from Space

Jerry Cole and his Spacemen played the Space Bar in Disneyland, Tomorrowland. Early 60s.

Happy Sunsets!

Last edited: Sep 05, 2017 10:24:59

bigtikidude wrote:

...I think the Torquays played at the water park across the street from Knott's Berry Farm.

We (The Torquays) played within the park at Knott's Berry Farm a few times. One such event was for the grand opening of the Xcelerator ride. There also used to be a stage near the far side of the park that we performed as well. We couldn't sell any merch, but the pay wasn't too bad.

Jeff BTD might be thinking about when we used to play the Annual Ford Car Show at Knott's, across the street near Independence Hall. We had agreed to play for free but Knott's had to pay us, they paid us ONE DOLLAR! It was a very funny moment when we received the money from the guy in charge...a big fancy ceremony wherein they handed over a crisp, one dollar bill.

  • Surfbeatnik

surfbeatnik wrote:

bigtikidude wrote:

We (The Torquays) played at the Annual Ford Car Show at Knott's, across the street near Independence Hall. We had agreed to play for free but Knott's had to pay us, they paid us ONE DOLLAR!

That pay equates to grand theft for services rendered by a professional, seasoned band.

I vaguely recall the union rate (American Federation Of Musicians) in 1962, when we were required to join the union or not get a gig, was about $15.00 per hour.

You want to check Keep us posted as to how this turns out for you. Good luck!

Happy Sunsets!

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