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Permalink Gibbs reverb pan for sale

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This is a Gibbs reverb pan from a Hammond organ. I picked it up off of ebay about a month ago. From the date stamp, it looks to be from 1966? Serial number is 1122-6623 AO-23580-11

I've never really had it out of the box except to check the numbers and take these pictures. I bought it after reading on the forum about using
these as replacements in reissue Fender reverb units.

I decided not to buy the reverb unit I was looking at, and for which I was going to use this vintage pan.

I'm asking $25 shipped. If you've been thinking about giving one of these a try and are interested, email me at:


Last edited: Jun 13, 2007 12:42:10

is there a stamped letter inside the pan?

or alternatively, could you measure resistance between hot and ground on the in- and output?

Rules to live by #314:
"When in Italy, if the menu says something's grilled, don't assume it is."

I'm glad I have that multi meter now! I bought one to check a weak pickup once, and even then had to have a tech friend walk me through it. Embarassed

Thanks for the instructions . . .

O.k., the input reads 178 ohm and the output is 188 ohm

After reading some threads here on the Gibbs pans, I was curious about the letter stamp inside the pan that has been mentioned.

The only mark is the one shown in the picture. It looks like a partially marked number "7". I can't really tell.

WR, you have been a great help for information on these pans here on the forum. I would appreciate it if you would let me know what you think based on these readings. I was just assuming that these work in Fender units, but if not, I don't want to pass this on to someone if it can't be used.


WR, you have been a great help for information on these pans here on the forum.

thanks, but really - Im only posting what I know but Im not a technician or a mechanic, just hobbiest so Im posting with disclaimer Confused

here's what I do know: dont leave your multimeter on when you put in the box, or the battery will be dead when you need it Duh image
from the top of my head I seem to remeber that your output impedance checks out but the imput is way too high - it's rated 8 ohms and I think my 4AB3C1B pans measure about 1.8 ohms.

it's almost impossible to believe, but finding info about this on the internet is impossible. I always thought "the net" was the new oracle and knew everything, but alas...

Ive came across two stories: the letter code (C would be fender-compatible) and the tape on the transducers is color coded (I have one with yellow tape - just like modern day accutronics and it is NOT fender-compatible. that's all I know)

what I suspect happened is this. there's a shitload of pans from old hammond organs flying around. once people saw what old hammond and gibbs pans fetched on the 'bay, people started putting these up for auction, without having a clue about the specs. The typical ebay add will say "this is a reverb pan from an old hammond organ. Fender-guys love these in their vintage tube amps" or something to that effect. I got one to check my 'yeah right' theory and it was indeed the wrong pan. (if you hadn't guessed that by the fact that I own such a pan Very Happy Im looking for a bargain just like everyone else). Ive been asking sellers to provide info on the specs, but no one ever seems to be able to provide anything.

anyway, if you keep checkking ebay, you will see that most of the times, these "comes from organ" pans fetch between $15 and $25, while pans that actually come from vintage fender amps can fetch up to 100 bucks.

btw, because Im a moron and like to live on the edge (insert self mocking emoticon) I tried the "wrong "pan anyway in my reverb tank (too large imput impedance) for a minute or so. it gave very nice reverb, about 20% effective of the right pan though. Im not 100% but Id assume you'd blow up the reverbtransformer or your tubes if you keep that game up ... it's basically the same thing as an amp, a transformer driving a mechanical device, just not a speaker but a spring.

anyway, hope that helps. it's largely assumption on my part, I'd LOVE to see anyone more knowledgable about electronics (you know who you are!) to chime in and correct / ammend what I said.

Rules to live by #314:
"When in Italy, if the menu says something's grilled, don't assume it is."

You described the ebay write up for this almost perfectly!

Thank you so much for the info, and for asking the questions I should have known to ask when I bought this pan in the first place.

Oh well, live and learn. A little knowledge is a dangerous thing they say. At least learning my lesson didn't cost me too much.

Even though I feel a little embarrased, I'm just relieved that nobody bought this and blew up their reverb unit or anything.

Again WR, much appreciated!

In light of all this, I think I'm just going to go ahead and cancel this sale.

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