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Hello. I am the bass player of an up and coming surf band "The Tremolos" (name is subject to change) based in Boston. I was wondering how many of you are out there are from the East Coast? Its pretty hard to find fellow surf guitar enthusiasts here. Anyways, we are planning to gig sometime in mid July. I will post more information on here when we have updates.

Thanks Alot Everyone!
from Jack Ko

Welcome, Picure

first check the calendar
here on sg101.

join this group, and look for posts about shows

and check the calendar on their web page

happy hunting. but stay here also.



Thanks Alot bigtikidude!

my pleasure, but as I said please hang around here also and post any shows you may do in your area. and drag some more of those Nesma folks over here.



Jack Ko Welcome to SG101!

Hey do you katz have a myspace or a main site going yet?? keep us posted

Cheers Cheers


Beyond The Surf YouTube channel
Beyond The Surf Instagram
The Verbtones @ Instagram
The Verbtones @ Facebook
The Verbtones @ bandcamp

Well.. not yet, we just recorded a few demos in the rehersal room. We do covers of The Ventures and The Surf Coaster for now. Eventually we should do some originals tool. I am going to get a Myspace up and running soon so ill keep you guys posted. Just keep in mind that when you guys hear our mp3s online, the guitarist and drummer have no prior experience of Surf Music. The guitar player is a shredder and the drummer is an R&B drummer. We go to Berklee and i am starting to suspect that im the only surf player in Berklee. I dare to say we are the only surf band in Berklee. hahaha

Welcome, Picure!


There is a 60's British Invasion Band called the Tremoloes
led by Brian Poole. "Here Comes My Baby", and Silence Is
Golden" were two of their hits. It's a great name, but I would
reconsider using it, even if you spell it differently.

Good luck with the band!



i checked it out already. I found out that they are actually spelt at "The Tremeloes". We are spelt as "The Tremolos" so i think its safe for now. Eventually, maybe we will change our name.


Welcome Picure!

You're in good company up there in Boston, that's the home base for the Nebulas (although I don't know what they're up to lately?)

and the Fathoms (don't have a website, but they are still somewhat active)

Good luck with it and keep us in the loop!

Atomic Mosquitos
Bug music for bug people is here!
Killers from Space

Thats Great! I heard about the Fathoms from a local guitar repair guy. He said they are really great. Our guitar player however says that we should get really good before playing out with those guys. haha, but i am thinking, who else can we play with?

Ill definetly check those guys out!

Thanks Alot!

i checked it out already. I found out that they are actually spelt at "The Tremeloes". We are spelt as "The Tremolos" so i think its safe for now. Eventually, maybe we will change our name.


you might want to because there is already a band from the 60s called the tremoloes

We finally have a myspace. Please check us out. We just started playing so our songs uploaded are all covers. Eventually we will be composing original surf tunes.

here's the link:

Thanks Alot!

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