The Jazzmaster lovers may enjoy this feature from the February 2017 issue of Guitar Player. It's funny, Dave Hunter, the author, in another review in the same issue (of the Novo Serus J guitar) writes: "While I appreciate the Jazzmaster ethos, I have never been a huge fan of this Fender model, and often find the bridge/trem setup results in a light-toned and fragile-feeling instrument." Seems like an odd choice to write the below piece, then! But he does a good job, though there are two errors: the Surfaris' lead guitar (played by Jim Fuller, of course) was always a Strat, not a Jazzmaster (which was used for rhythm guitar); and Bruce Welch did not 'prefer' a JM - he played one during '60-'61 only because it was the only Fender he could get. As soon as he was able to get his own fiesta red Strat in '61, he never again played a JM. Anyway, nitpicking! The rest of the article is good! Enjoy!
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