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Permalink 1,683 Guitarists Play Smoke On The Water

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I'm one of those oddballs that learned something other than "Smoke On The Water" as my first song. I don't know if it has anything to do with why I prefer instrumental guitar rock, but the first song I learned was "Raunchy."


Fast Cars & Loud Guitars!

"I thought it was gonna be kind of cheesey",
said Hannah Koch clad in an elf costume.


Puke sorry,but i never did like deep purple. all of it sounded the same to me----you know----like all of lynyrd sknyrd sounded the same--bad. where was surf back then??? it went away for awhile but its back!!!!!!!!!!

Deep Purple is great.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Deep Purple is great.

I was just listening to Made In Japan...Blackmore rules.

I'm a Deep Purple fan,
Love....... Machine Head


p.s. Surf Daddy. Ritchie Blackmore was in a westernish shadowsy type of band, called the Outlaws, before Deep Purple.


Deep Purple is awesome!

Rules to live by #314:
"When in Italy, if the menu says something's grilled, don't assume it is."

Deep Purple is great.


Most of their stuff is great. Blackmore and Lord KILL!



1683 guitars, 1683 guiatrists, 10098 strings, 1682 picks ....

Rules to live by #314:
"When in Italy, if the menu says something's grilled, don't assume it is."

The funny thing is Smoke on the water is actually one of my least favorite songs by them. Its ok if you have a good stereo and you can hear the organ and Bass pumping underneath the guitar.



My favorite Deep Purple song is "Highway Star."


Fast Cars & Loud Guitars!

Thumbs Down sorry i don't like em and never did and i thought ritchie blackmore was vastly overrated. Rolling Eyes

1683 guitars ... 1682 picks ....

So only one person finger-picked it like Blackmore did?


That was excessively violent and completely unnecessary. I loved it.

Thumbs Down sorry i don't like em and never did and i thought ritchie blackmore was vastly overrated. Rolling Eyes

Surfdaddy is off his meds again... Blackmore: almost single-handedly introduced classical influences into hard-rock/metal music, forever changing it; moved rock guitar beyond blues/pentatonic scales, inventing 'shred' in the process (for better or worse - I personally think Ritchie did it right, and pretty much all the guys that followed did it wrong); and my favorite: introduced all sorts of middle-eastern tonalities into rock music. And did it all with a mostly stock Strat (and often times using an echo unit and a Vox AC30) - I love him just for that!

For my money, Ritchie's solo in Rainbow's "Stargazer" is the best solo ever in rock music. Such incredible combination of sophisticated chops AND pure emotion. It's astonishing. His choice of notes and phrasing is a thing of sheer beauty and joy.

And Deep Purple.... man. Ian Paice - one of the most explosive drummers EVER! But always SWUNG like a mofo! Ian Gillan - what a voice!! Who else could have sang Child in Time? Jon Lord - THAT'S what rock keyboards are all about! Look at the songs they left behind: Speed King, Hard Lovin' Man, Child in Time, Fireball, Highway Star, Space Truckin', Pictures of Home, Woman From Tokyo. Worship

Ritchie Rock !!
(Oh, and in most interviews Ritchie usually brings up Hank Marvin as one of his favorite guitarists - how cool is that??)


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Monkey sorry ivan, but i was on my meds. i was not on meds when deep purple came out with the song "hush" which was basically "hey joe" with organ poots. DP always sounded like that to me---organ poots. jeff beck did the middle eastern scales before blackmore did and did the echo unit ac30 thing too. i think he's a much more influential player than blackmore. i find the sound of a hammond organ repulsive---i don't like them in blues numbers. they are a waste in my point of view. heavy metal is boring and monotonus----after sabbath and zeppelin there wasn't much of a point to it. so, to me, it looks like you're saying blackmore spawned a pointless style of music. so maybe we do agree after all ?! looking forward to your reply!! peace dude!

Monkey sorry ivan, but i was on my meds. i was not on meds when deep purple came out with the song "hush" which was basically "hey joe" with organ poots.

That was in '68. Ritchie has done a LOT since then. (Anyway, "Hush" sounds like "Hey Joe"? Huh?)

jeff beck did the middle eastern scales before blackmore did and did the echo unit ac30 thing too. i think he's a much more influential player than blackmore.

Beck is possibly more influential, who knows. Probably is. But for my money Blackmore is much more expressive and emotional. They're both very original, for sure. But Beck's experiments with middle-eastern tonalities were very brief and shallow, not comparable to Blackmore's full-blown adoption. Not even close. (The reference to an AC30 and an echo unit was simply that he used the same set up as Hank Marvin did originally - but then, many British 'Guitar Gods' did...)

i find the sound of a hammond organ repulsive---i don't like them in blues numbers. they are a waste in my point of view. heavy metal is boring and monotonus----after sabbath and zeppelin there wasn't much of a point to it. so, to me, it looks like you're saying blackmore spawned a pointless style of music. so maybe we do agree after all ?! looking forward to your reply!! peace dude!

Well, it sounds like you're saying just because YOU think Hammond and metal are stupid, that's the way it is. I can understand that those things don't speak to you, but let's give both their due. I love metal, and I do believe that Blackmore was one of the main progenitors of the kind of metal I like - especially Iron Maiden which owes a heavy debt to Deep Purple and Rainbow. DEFINITELY not pointless, I think.

Anyway, I'm not saying you need to like Blackmore, or Hammonds, or metal. But Blackmore was and is an extremely original, influential, and capable guitarist. Just give the guy his due. No way is he 'overrated', as you said - if anything, he is quite a bit underrated.


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The Madeira Official Website
The Madeira on Facebook
The Blair-Pongracic Band on Facebook
The Space Cossacks on Facebook
The Madeira Channel on YouTube

Smoke on the water was my first song too. Guitar

Danny Snyder

"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo

Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta

Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party

Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF

Deep Purple did play Hey Joe as well as Hush and those two songs sound nothing alike. In 1969 I saw Deep Purple open for Cream before there was a Led Zeppelin. After all these years it is Blackmore that I remember from that show. Blackmore was a consumate showmen and played to the crowd while Cream was so serious about the whole thing. Was there a point to Black Sabbath and Led Zeppelin?

...Iron Maiden which owes a heavy debt to Deep Purple and Rainbow.

And Jethro Tull and Thin Lizzy. Rock

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