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SurfGuitar101 Forums » Recording Corner »

Permalink Coping with recording tension

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I found taking several deep breaths before the tape rolls helped when nerves kicked in. Also don't forget to breath normally while recording. If I get bogged down, I'll move on to something else, or take a break.

The amount of experience recording is the best solution for me. Rarely do I get nervous on stage or in the studio.

And remember, it is only music...the world will still go on whether you play it right or wrong. Have fun, make it fun! Many guitarists would kill to be able to record.


Canadian Surf


I think Jim Morisson had the best possible approach to dealing with "tension" when he was recording the vocals to "You're Lost Little Girl" Twisted Evil

he utilized the "fellatio method"... Wink

ah gotcha


my playing goes down hill fast when there is another person involved or any recording device is on, especially if i'm playing lead. i guess part of this comes from always playing at home alone and part of it from not wanting to screw up, especially if someone else is involved.

I think the answer to Carol's Redlight Fever problem is for someone to organize a huge Outer Banks Surf Guitar Jamboree. We'll just have to play so much surf music in all different ensembles that any nervousness will be washed away with camaraderie. We can even have midnight surf stomps around beach fires. They still allow fires on the beach in NC. Good thing for the fire because the beach is coverd with crabs in the dark.

  • Bill

What day is Surf Rock's birthday? Looks like Surf Rock and I was born the same year. Maybe we are both Libras?

Stay calm, concentrate and remember you can always erase and/or do another take!

Drink a beer or two as well.

(defunct) Thee Jaguar Sharks

Plus! Other stuff not surf:
Enjoy every minute

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