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Permalink 10 Song Surf Foundation

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So finally sick of sucking so bad, I started lessons today. What the guitar teacher asked me to do is come up with 10 songs that would form the core foundation of my surf repertoire. We will then hammer away at those 10 songs, breaking them down piece by piece and making them whole again, until I can learn all 10 of them all the way through.

I suppose in choosing these 10 songs it is important that they are not too super difficult as well as sort of creative springboards into be able to create my own material in the genre - eventually. Also, accurate tabs and music need to be available, hopefully in printed form.

So far, I have come up with the following that I feel fairly confident I could nail with a lot of practice and guidance from my teacher:

  1. Mr. Moto
  2. Pipeline
  3. Misirlou
  4. Nitro
  5. Surf Beat
  6. Walk Don’t Run
  7. Squad Car
  8. Surf Rider

I have all the above listed tabs from either my Dick Dale book, Play along with the Ventures book or some other general surf music books. The only tab I have for Squad Car is off the internet, and I don’t how accurate it is. If anyone has any leads on that one, I would appreciate it. I think the one I have was linked from this site.

That’s the eight that I kind of just picked off the top my head so far. I could add Wipe Out to that list too, but it would kind of be cheating since I already have it down, so I left it off. I already know varying amounts of each of the songs I listed; some just the main riffs and others some pretty highly bastardized versions. Sad

So, what do you guys think of my list and do you have 2 more song suggestions, or even some substitutions?

Any help at all is as always, greatly appreciated!! Of course, there is a lot more to my lessons; scales, blues riffs, etc. but this is the surf core part and what I am really focusing on. Thanks again!

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I like your list - I'd add

and substitute Nitro with Diamond Head. Nitro is the only non-first wave song on the list. the rest are pretty much surf standards that are a good starting point in the genre.

Good luck with the lessons - you got lucky with a teacher that is interested in surf!


"You can't tell where you're going if you don't know where you've been"

I dunno if there is sheet music or tab for any of these, but...

Surf Party
Theme from Endless Summer
My Favorite Martian



Definitely add Baja like was suggested before. That song will teach you to play with some "touch" as it is a song that sounds better when slowed down.

I think I would second Penetration. Maybe something like Exotic would be cool too.
I really like this foundation idea. I'm gonna steal it and compile my own list of songs I want to sound like.

  • I agree to kick of nitro. 3th wave and doesn't add anything in trems of technique.

  • pipeline AND penetration is too much of the same, really.

  • kick off walk don't run, as it's not by a surf band Twisted Evil

  • one or two easy going E/F based songs, latinia, exotic are good ideas.

  • I agree with Jake about Baja. mmaybe next step if you have room on the list "the breeze and I " cause it needs delicate double picking (if there is such a thing.)

  • how about adding Margaya?

If we get this collection together maybe it's nioce to put it on the archives here, including a suggested order for learning and available tabs.

then maybe do the same for the "second and third wave, "the 10 essential surfguitar courses" Cool

good luck practicing!


Rules to live by #314:
"When in Italy, if the menu says something's grilled, don't assume it is."

Great!! Thanks so far guys! Even though I really dig Nitro, I will pull it out of the list and add Baja. Right after I finished this the first time, I realized that I probably should have added Penetration because I know sort of how to play it. BUT since it is also pretty much a derivitive of Pipeline, I am kind of wavering on adding it or not. Maybe we should make one of the choices an option between Pipeline/Penetration?

I am also not sure about removing Walk Don't Run. I will probably keep that one in there unless someone can come up with a good reason to pull it. I know it's the Ventures but it is so closely asociated with the genre I find it hard to leave out. Plus I really like it a lot Smile

So that leaves me at 8 with one ? slash combo (Pipeline/Penetration) and way open to more suggestions!!

  1. Mr. Moto
  2. Pipeline
  3. Misirlou
  4. Baja
  5. Surf Beat
  6. Walk Don’t Run
  7. Squad Car
  8. Surf Rider
    ?. Penetration

Now if anyone has a suggestion(s) of the order in which to learn these songs (thanks for the great idea WR!), that would also be cool! Yesterday we started with Misirlou, just cuz I picked it and the teacher is working on breaking it down right now so I am probably stuck with that as number 1. I guess the general idea would be that they would kind of build on each other, if thats possible.

Thanks again and I am really digging on all the helpful input!!

Check out Rat Surf Radio - Surf Trash Garage Punk PODCAST!

personally i think 'baja' is a good starting point because you can learn a simpler version of it and then go back to it and add a much more involved version (ie. the duotones)

I am 62 and started guitar lessons about six months ago. I too have a great teacher who has "discovered" surf music. We have added "Movin" by the great Astronauts to our list. I have to admit that I have also added"Surfer Joe" to my list because I played this record flip side about a billion times in 1964.

Good luck - this music will save the world!!

I did a similar thing. I made myself 2 CD-R's of 1st Wave Classics and just started learning them. I played along to the first CD-R every night. I started out slow, just did what I could, but gradually increased the number I could play along to. I started at like 3 or 4, then worked my way through most of them. I didn't have all the parts down, but each night I would attempt them for a bit, then move onto the next song. My playing and ability to pick parts out by ear improved dramatically after doing this for a few weeks. It was the best learning "step up" I had ever done.

So keep at this, but I would not be afraid to add songs you don't feel confident about either. You need to challenge yourself. Good luck!

I would also suggest some more Astronauts. Their surf songs are deceptively simple and very fun to play.

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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea


(The one by The Original Surfaris, not The Atlantics.)

This was the first surf tune I taught myself from start to finish.
Of course I've tried Pipeline and other standards, but Bombora!
was the first one I could play in its entirety. It's fairly simple
(all things considered)--so simple, in fact, a caveman could play
it. Wink Rolling Eyes


Is this something you can share with the rest of us, Amazing Larry?!?

I say Endless Summer too.
easy to pick up, and its good to have a few mellow tunes in your repitoire.



I say do one of the versions of "Malaguena".

Personally I am torn between which version I like better. Bambi Molesters or Satans Pilgrims. There are other versions out there. Just that these two always seem to in rotation on my CD/MP players.

The foundations of all the versions are pretty much the same. Like Baja, it creates a cool vibe and atmosphere along have both mellow and upbeat sections.

I can listen to that song over and over and never get bored with it.


i have one more thing to add--learn these songs from start to finish. if you can, learn both the lead and the rhythm parts. also, keep a copy of each chord progression on hand.

Learn 'The Venture's' version of Penetration from 'Live in Japan' its really easy and you get to do some neat third bridge strumming that will impress the kids.

Guitar learn the bass parts too, that will help your understanding of the songs---and scales etc, theory etc. and i would like to add something to the songs i see listed but its looks like most everything essential has been covered. enjoy!!!

I´d personally add "surfari" by the Original Surfaris - great double picking workout, plus you can do some interesting work with dynamics when playing the sax part.
And I´m very partial to "the cruel sea" by the dakotas. I know, not surf per se. But the B section will do wonders for your picking. Wink

I also agree on Penetration & Endless Summer. Surf sounds cool when it's played fast, but it can also sound really cool when it's played slow.

K-39 is another good tune. It's one of the first that I learned.


Watching the movie Endless Summer will give you more inspiration to draw from than any list of 10 songs ever could.

  1. Misirlou - Dick Dale
  2. Pipeline - The Chantays
  3. Squad Car - Eddie and the Showmen
  4. Surf Rider - The Lively Ones
  5. Mr. Moto - The Bel Airs
  6. Baja - The Astronauts
  7. Surf Beat - Dick Dale
  8. Walk Don’t Run - The Ventures
  9. Penetration - The Pyramids
  10. Theme from Endless Summer - The Sandals
  11. Bombora - Surfaris
  12. Malaguena - Bambi Molesters version (or something similar)

Well, it was supposed to be 10, so I narrowed it down to 12 Very Happy Ah, that's close enough and I am going to go with these 12 and pretty much try to learn them in the order they are listed. I am still very open to suggestions, if someone has a better order of progression, by all means have at it!

I think with all my books I have tabbed sheet music for just about every song listed except for the Theme from Endless Summer, Malaguena and Squad Car. I do have a tab for Squad Car so I will probably go off of that to start and have my guitar teacher transcribe it. Any ideas where to get something to get me started with Malaguena? There is probably a good reason I left that one for last Laughing

Thank everyone for the help! It looks like I've got my work cut out for me!

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