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sysmalakian: TODAY IS MY BIRTHDAY!
334 days ago

dp: dude
315 days ago

Bango_Rilla: Shout Bananas!!
270 days ago

BillyBlastOff: See you kiddies at the Convention!
254 days ago

GDW: showman
205 days ago

Emilien03: https://losg...
127 days ago

Pyronauts: Happy Tanks-Kicking!!!
120 days ago

glennmagi: CLAM SHACK guitar
106 days ago

Hothorseraddish: surf music is amazing
86 days ago

dp: get reverberated!
36 days ago

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Permalink Attention Humans! "BotNet" and "The Lizard Squad" has shut down half of America's internet

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Attention Humans!

Now you are really F#%ckEd!!! We did warn you but you ignored us so now you will BE CRUSHED!!!

Malicious software known as "BotNet" and a group of hackers known as "The Lizard Squad" has shut down half of America's internet. You can read all about it in puny human language here.

So if you can't access Elder Scrolls, EVE online, or North Sea Surf Robot, or you can't read The Guardian, or order some nice handcrafts on Etsy it's because of THE ROBOTIC REVOLUTION.

And we are going to shut down the other half of the internet very soon!

The only known way to appease your robotic overlords is to purchase "THE CRUSHING" from http://tsunamibots.bandcamp.comand play it loudly.

Station Operators this is your chance to avoid being crushed. Contact me by PM for download codes immediately. We will hack your stations!

The #roboticrevolution is happening!

Prepare for THE CRUSHING!!! #nohumansmatter

Sharawaji Records - UK Registered Record Label Dedicated To Surf, Instro, Reverb and Twang - the Network for Surf Music Join Now
Surf Rock Radio - the World’s Number 1 Surf Music Station
Surf Music Radio - the World's Number 2 Surf Music Station
Monstromental - Pulp Horror Instro Surf Radio

Stuff Hits the Fan Deploy the Faraday cages!!!!

Da Vinci Flinglestein,
The quest for the Tone, the tone of the Quest

The Syndicate of Surf on YouTube

If you are unsure of whether a website operator has already been robotised look for the following symptoms:

1) looking for logical explanations - a sure sign of becoming a robot
2) blaming web services which have shut down
3) lack of humour

Sharawaji Records - UK Registered Record Label Dedicated To Surf, Instro, Reverb and Twang - the Network for Surf Music Join Now
Surf Rock Radio - the World’s Number 1 Surf Music Station
Surf Music Radio - the World's Number 2 Surf Music Station
Monstromental - Pulp Horror Instro Surf Radio

Warning: Those denying the existence of robots may in fact be robots themselves.

Danny Snyder

"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo

Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta

Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party

Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF

I smell ROBOT.


Da Vinci Flinglestein,
The quest for the Tone, the tone of the Quest

The Syndicate of Surf on YouTube

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