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The original Plymouth, UK.

Posted on Sep 01 2016 03:33 AM
How many of you have a band website, and is it worth it these days?
My broadband supplier has withdrawn free hosting, which means that www.thewaterboarders.net is no more. We have a Facebook page (for what it's worth) and a Bandcamp page (which is great), but I'm wondering if finding a host to set up a website is worth it. Most people use Facebook as a point of contact. Which is a shame as Facebook is terrible.
What are your thoughts?
— http://thewaterboarders.bandcamp.com/
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Posts: 138

Posted on Sep 01 2016 04:06 AM
Do you know how many people were visiting/using your site? I guess that would help you decide? Personally I will have nothing to do with Facebook - but I'm probably in a minority these days....
— Wherever you go, there you are
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Posted on Sep 01 2016 04:36 AM
I am in the non-facebook user category and personally find it frustrating as more and more things that interest me are there and don't have a website. I agree Donkiyote that we are probably in a small percentage. As he stated did you ever track your visitors to the site? THat would be the determineing factor I would think.
My 2 cents worth..
— I am not obsolete, I am RETRO....
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Posted on Sep 01 2016 04:41 AM
It can make things a little slicker. I tend to look at a band's website, rather than Facebook.
We use weebly for their free site, premium isn't hugely expensive if you want to host music and videos rather than link to Bandcamp etc.
I like having our site, but I have no idea whether anyone has looked at it. Our demos are a bit meh, though. I prefer the old gig photos under memories.
The DB5s
Last edited: Sep 01, 2016 04:46:28
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Posted on Sep 01 2016 05:40 AM
The same happened to us Darren. however, if you still own the domain, it's pretty easy to get free hosting from elsewhere. We use Hostinger. Actually setting up the website is a bit fiddly (or maybe that's just me, but a good thing to have, nevertheless. Ours is designed to not need too much maintenance and provides links to Facebook and our Bandcamp page. I doubt many visit it, but still think it's worth having. Obviously, Facebook is a much quicker and easier way of actually reaching out to people.
— Los Fantasticos
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Posted on Sep 14 2016 06:23 AM
Clarry wrote:
It can make things a little slicker. I tend to look at a band's website, rather than Facebook.
Ditto. Aside from some other dislikes I have with their whole precept, quite often FB pages don't usually get the attention to setup needed to allow visitors seamless access to what it is you're trying to get across. There are some good ones but they're in the minority. Crazy Aces has a pretty good one (while still hampered by the obnoxious FB popups).
And, putting aside fan base for the moment, think generationally about how many potential booking people would be in the "I don't do that Facebook thing" category. Depends on what you want & who you're talking to.
— Wes
SoCal ex-pat with a snow shovel
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Posted on Sep 14 2016 07:34 AM
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Posted on Sep 14 2016 07:51 AM
Wordpress is pretty good to use. It has a bunch of free templates, has statistics on visitors and locations, able to add widgets, etc
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Posted on Sep 14 2016 08:06 AM
I am not a facebook user but sometimes I read some bands' facebook pages as they have no website.We are not so many surf-rock fans so if someone wants to read something for your band ether in facebook or a website he will!
So the most important is what do YOU like to have..
— https://www.youtube.com/user/jamess1400
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Posted on Sep 14 2016 08:21 AM
Depending on your band goals of course, I think it is good to have your own website. Even if it is just one page that has links to your bandcamp and facebook pages. Put your contact information on it, a few photos, and maybe embed some of your music via bandcamp widgets or YouTube videos.
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Posted on Sep 14 2016 09:02 AM
Brian wrote:
Depending on your band goals of course, I think it is good to have your own website. Even if it is just one page that has links to your bandcamp and facebook pages. Put your contact information on it, a few photos, and maybe embed some of your music via bandcamp widgets or YouTube videos.
Can you do all this with a Worpress site? I'm familiar with having a site hosted and updating it, but wordpress blogging sites are a bit of a mystery. I've had them in the past for blogs, but not for hosting a website.
— http://thewaterboarders.bandcamp.com/
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Berkeley, CA

Posted on Sep 14 2016 09:12 AM
I just googled "the Waterboarders surf" which I think anyone looking for you would think to do. Your Bandcamp page came up as the first item followed by your Facebook page. To me that's proof that a website is unnecessary. Unless you're particularly motivated to provide a lot of content.
— Danny Snyder
"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo
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Posted on Sep 14 2016 09:24 AM
da-ron wrote:
Brian wrote:
Depending on your band goals of course, I think it is good to have your own website. Even if it is just one page that has links to your bandcamp and facebook pages. Put your contact information on it, a few photos, and maybe embed some of your music via bandcamp widgets or YouTube videos.
Can you do all this with a Worpress site? I'm familiar with having a site hosted and updating it, but wordpress blogging sites are a bit of a mystery. I've had them in the past for blogs, but not for hosting a website.
A friend of mine uses Wordpress as his homepage as a historian, so it should be possible. Our band homepage uses blogspot in a similar way, and it was pretty easy to set that up. The other bandmates regularly point out, that it is a bit useless, since most people use facebook today, BUT whenever I design a webflyer, I am glad to have a place to host it with a steady link to post it elsewhere.
— Los Apollos - cinematic surf music trio (Berlin)
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Posted on Sep 14 2016 09:28 AM
da-ron wrote:
Can you do all this with a Worpress site? I'm familiar with having a site hosted and updating it, but wordpress blogging sites are a bit of a mystery. I've had them in the past for blogs, but not for hosting a website.
You can but I wouldn't use Wordpress for a simple 1 page site. People tend to go overboard with Wordpress, use lots of insecure plugins, then don't keep on top of the security updates, then get hacked.
— Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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Posted on Sep 14 2016 09:59 AM
I'll add more support for the website idea. It's a great, central place to get all of your pertinent info out there. It's also a great place to provide links to social media for those that are connected, and of course merchandise be it direct sales or links to retailers. I just find it to be the best "catch all" for all band info.
It's also SO easy these days... and cheap.
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The original Plymouth, UK.

Posted on Sep 14 2016 10:27 AM
DannySnyder wrote:
I just googled "the Waterboarders surf" which I think anyone looking for you would think to do. Your Bandcamp page came up as the first item followed by your Facebook page. To me that's proof that a website is unnecessary. Unless you're particularly motivated to provide a lot of content.
Thanks Danny. I like the Bandcamp page, and the site as a whole. The Facebook is a waste of time IMO, but in the world of Facebook it's important. The website was good, it had photos of us, short diary of our gigs which was generally funny and I thought it was useful to convey the attitude of the band. Whether it's worth paying for is another matter. Maybe I could be tempted by a free hosting site. Maybe.
— http://thewaterboarders.bandcamp.com/
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Virginia, USA

Posted on Sep 14 2016 10:46 AM
I totally disagree about Facebook being a waste of time.
Its a great way to build a fan base and get the word out about shows. You can create event pages and invite people. Sure, only about half those people who say they are attending usually show up, but a lot of them actually do.
Can't argue that the personal FB pages aren't a waste of time though. 
— Paul
Atomic Mosquitos
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Posted on Sep 14 2016 10:48 AM
skeeter wrote:
I totally disagree about Facebook being a waste of time.
Its a great way to build a fan base and get the word out about shows. You can create event pages and invite people. Sure, only about half those people who say they are attending usually show up, but a lot of them actually do.
Completely agree.
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Posted on Sep 14 2016 11:51 AM
Yes. Almost every time I post on our Facebook, Twitter and Instagram pages (we are getting just as much action on instagram now, so get one for your band) the site sells some stuff in the following days.
For example, the other day I posted an album cover that is out of print, but it drove over $80 in sales of other items.
Integrate your social media with your website or bandcamp profile is my advice.
— http://www.satanspilgrims.com
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Des Moines, Iowa, USA

Posted on Sep 14 2016 12:23 PM
Not everyone uses Facebook.
I don't have a band but I wouldn't want my only presence on the internet dependent on a 3rd party like FB or bandcamp.
— Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea