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Permalink can some please help tab out this Secret Samurai tune

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hello there i am trying to lear how to play the song Shoegazer but its super hard rarely goes back to the head just keeps changing lol

Last edited: Aug 04, 2016 09:25:14

Hey There! Unfortunately, I don't have any tabs for this or any other of my songs. But, if you're having trouble with a particular part, feel free to message me and I can help you out. The song does actually go back to the head at 2:11 Wink

The Secret Samurai Website
The Secret Samurai on Facebook

This song is one of my favorites off of Gun Sho Gun. I'm curious about the title though. It isnt a very shoegazey song. Perhaps it is about a shoegazer?? Hmmm Laughing

josheboy wrote:

This song is one of my favorites off of Gun Sho Gun. I'm curious about the title though. It isnt a very shoegazey song. Perhaps it is about a shoegazer?? Hmmm Laughing

I think the title just came from the fact that I have a long history of staring at my shoe laces on stage. A habit I've tried to kick over the years. Nothing to do with the genre.

The Secret Samurai Website
The Secret Samurai on Facebook

Ruhar wrote:

Hey There! Unfortunately, I don't have any tabs for this or any other of my songs. But, if you're having trouble with a particular part, feel free to message me and I can help you out. The song does actually go back to the head at 2:11 Wink

HOLY COW yes id love any help, i saw you guys at the surf museum when your 1st album just came out and i have to say its probably the most well written album ive ever heard. im from oklahoma and i push that album on everyone i know.

SHADOWNIGHT5150 wrote:

Ruhar wrote:

Hey There! Unfortunately, I don't have any tabs for this or any other of my songs. But, if you're having trouble with a particular part, feel free to message me and I can help you out. The song does actually go back to the head at 2:11

HOLY COW yes id love any help, i saw you guys at the surf museum when your 1st album just came out and i have to say its probably the most well written album ive ever heard. im from oklahoma and i push that album on everyone i know.

Thanks for the kind words and the support! I really appreciate that! Just IM me and let me know what time in that video you're having trouble with and I'll see if I can remember what I was doing Confused

The Secret Samurai Website
The Secret Samurai on Facebook

Last edited: Aug 05, 2016 11:24:04

Hey Ryan, how are things with the band these days? Are you guys still active? I still got my secret samurai cd's in my rotation!

They are playing the SG101 convention.


WaimeaBay wrote:

Hey Ryan, how are things with the band these days? Are you guys still active? I still got my secret samurai cd's in my rotation!

Hey there! Yep we're still at it. Though we've slowed down a bit to accommodate a couple of new Samurettes to the family tree.

The Secret Samurai Website
The Secret Samurai on Facebook

so the problem area is from 0:42 - 0:47

when your coming out of that F#m to the Dbm then it goes to a D dim 7 chord then im not really sure what it goes to after that the voicing is kinda funny and is throwing me off

oops neverind i think it goes to a A maj7 but i could be wrong

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