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Hi mates,

I'm looking for some dick dale's guitar tab, the wedge , has anybody found it ? or get it?

thanks a lot

i tabbed it out myself.
i can get it to you in a day or so, but right now im just about to leave to go out of town.

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great josh,

my email addres is available sent it me whenever you want.


here ya go.

this is all from memory so it might not be exact.








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Don't worry it will be enough for me, this afternoon i'll begin to practice.
Do you have any stuff about chord progressions in surf guitar, scales and so on?

thanks and good luck friend

i have a crappy surf DVD thing, and it sucks. other than that, i just firgure everything out by ear, and apply what i know to the songs i write. if you also want the rhythm to the wedge, i can probably get that for you as well.

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I think the Wedge is also covered in this book:

The Best of Dick Dale

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

yes, but who wants to spend money on a book when you can have the amzing josh heartless tab it out for you for cheaper?

i should charge $1 for everyone that looks at my tab, i think thats fair. Brian, can that be arranged? have people pay to see this page? we'll split the profits.

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Josh, tab me some Gary Hoey and I'll send you a buck Very Happy

Rules to live by #314:
"When in Italy, if the menu says something's grilled, don't assume it is."

Hey Josh - Can you tab out the 2nd solo of the Chantay's Crystal-T Wink

I worked out the first solo, from the Chantay's version, and the first solo of one of PJ's versions, but the 2nd one is exhausting me. Sooooo many notes Wink

My Web Site - Tunes - Pictures - Guitar Projects - Hard Rock Cafe Guitar Pins

If you purchase The Best of Dick Dale 15 classics from The King of the Surf Guitar written by Hal Leonard ISBN 0-634-06468-1 complete with authentic transcriptions, notes and tablatures authorized by Dick himself you'll find The Wedge on page 82.

I'm a lover not a fighter, a hugger not a handshaker and I take friendships very seriously...Love the life you live, live the life you love. Cool

I couldn'y have said it any better dragonfly. Buy the books when you can get them.

But aside from DD there just isn't much surf music to be had on paper or in books. What there is, is sometimes pretty questionable for accuracy. Look at all the music being played at the Sunday surf shows dragonfly puts together. I bet there are hundreds of guys and girls that would be willing to put together surf bands and get up on stage if only the music was available. Sure most of the songs have been done to death, but look at all the new 3rd wave originals that the 1st wave has inspired.
I know I have heard all the arguments for learning by ear. But look at the tab provided by JoshHeartless above. According to the book dragonfly mention, it is incorrect. But the people reading this mostly wouldn't know. I compared it to the DD book, and it is actualy pretty close. But not completely.
We need more books or at least more tab from the people that produce the music! Come on guys put your stuff up on the Tabs page of this forum. Let the rest of us beggers try it out.

Off Topic Sorry

yes, compared to the DD book, it isnt perfect, but that it exactly what i play when i play long to it, and it seems to be dead on, so maybe i didnt fill in all of the little stuff, but note for note that is pretty much it.

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The book may be wrong too, that has been known to happen.
even DD probably doesnt play it the sme way twice, shit he says that on stage everynight.



JoshHeartless I never meant to defame your tab. I was using it as an example to show the true need for printed or computer internet Guitar music tab. You are the only one out of all the web members here ( myself included) at SG101 that even posted anything helpful in the way of some tab to the member uiso who is in spain. As a matter of fact I camend you on your efforts!

My point as off topic as it was, is that when we as guitarist need some kind of starting point for a song, we often have no recourse but to buy an album and guess-to-mate the way a piticular song might go.
Say for instance. I want to futher my education of 3rd wave surf music style. Where do I go? Well there isn't much info out there in hard form, such as sheet music or music books. What do I do? buy an album or I turn to internet tab. Usually there is a part that no one can seem to get. It has an unusual sound or bend style.
If the music was in hard form and produced by or an official authorization by the original author It would be much clearer what and how the music peice is to be played. Changing things around after that would be at the musicans descretion. As apposed to being a poor interpitation of what the music piece was thought to be.

Sorry again for the rant. Embarassed I guess it is a sore spot with me.

The only 3rd wave resource that I know is that book with all the Torquays songs with a CD of backing tracks. And the inside of the Nebulas and Surfites CD jackets. ;)

I know we've been down this road before, but try to figure stuff out yourself. It will reward you eventually!! Really!! Get yourself some software that slows down songs while keeping the pitch the same and go to town. There is also a CD player aimed at musicians that does the same thing. But the software is most likely free. Good luck!

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

And I forgot the Atlantics have a book and backing track CD too.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

3 Pages of Tab Here. Most of it is 60's stuff, and lots of Beach Boys, but it is something.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

3 Pages of Tab Here. Most of it is 60's stuff, and lots of Beach Boys, but it is something.

well jeez, arent the beach boys easy enough to figure out on your own? haha. i love 'em, but its all palm muted blues riffs, and the basslines are pretty much all the same. its kind of funny, because i dont really think 2 beach boys songs are too similar...even "surfin'" and "surfin safari", same basic makeup, different verses, but for the most part very similar in structure, but they still manage to sound very different.

i dont think its bad that this thread goes off topic now, the question was already answered and fulfilled.

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has anybody heard "The rising surf" by the tandems ? it totally sounds like the wedge hahahai like it way better than the wedge though




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