The Spoils play our surf-psych-punk in San Antonio next week at Park Social for Tiki Thursday: Voodoo Takeover. We're getting a monster THREE HOUR set ready, which means just about every surf song I've ever written or learned, plus stretching a few of them out. Unfortunately our drummer Elena can't make it, but luckily Michael Bahan agreed to jump in and fill in for her with Dave and me. Get ready for lots of surprises San Antonio surf fam, hope to see you all there!
Our next installment for Tiki Thursday's brings some serious badasses together again for a two month series featuring themed tiki classics and originally crafted concoctions based around folk magic, sorcery, and taboo religious belief...
Join us for the first of two events featuring our guest bartender Hillary Woodhouse, as we unravel a mystic medley of libations featuring Appleton Estate, Brugal USA rum, and Rhum Barbancourt. Come out and welcome our guest sorceresses, as we will be following a theme of Jamaican, Dominican and Haitian practices of unknown magic, charms, luck, and the occult through these lovely spirits provided by our sponsors.
Tiki nosh will be provided by Katrina Cailao at KalyeSatx!
Also, The Spoils are visiting from our neighboring city of Austin, Texas and will set the mood with jams to match the mysticism.
Themed attire is also welcomed, but not required...
—The Spoils - FB - RN
Second Saturday Surf in Austin, TX - FB