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So many fantastic, cool guitars!

This is Noel. Reverb's at maximum an' I'm givin' 'er all she's got.

Wild guitar!
It's interesting that it's a '59 reissue as they didn't make the SG until '61

Another Quicksilver fan! Awesome guitar!

Either you surf, or you fight.

bjoish wrote:

Here is a shot on my homebuilt surf guitar: Smile


He who dies with the most tubes... wins

Surf Daddies

I really want to build something like that one day, but with a non-reverse headstock. Something like Grant Nicholas's "Jazzbird", but with Jazzmaster pickups.


While I'm not the biggest fan of this guy's music, I have to admit he has great taste in guitars.

Old punks never die... They just become surf rockers.

tubeswell wrote:

bjoish wrote:

Here is a shot on my homebuilt surf guitar: Smile


I'm really digging this guitar man! really cool!


I've been missing for a while, but here's my main surf/spy guitar. I know, it's not the usual surf-fare. But this thing just "gets" it!

Hacking away at Surf Rock since '87!


These work pretty well too.

Hacking away at Surf Rock since '87!

Well-done, Mike! Nice set of guitars you have there.

This is Noel. Reverb's at maximum an' I'm givin' 'er all she's got.

Since my return to surf (after approximately a fifty year absence) I've been playing a Classic Series 50s Strat through a76 Silverface Twin Reverb. Pretty good -- especially with a touch of slap back echo via a vanishing Point pedal -- but not quite perfect. Enter the Squire Vintage Modified Jaguar. Bingo!


Gotta tell you this is one amazing guitar. And not just for the price. Take off the Squier name and just see it for what it is -- a lightly modified Jag.

Out of the box "mods" include slightly overwound Seymour Duncan designed PUPS and a 9.5 inch radius neck. Gone is the mute and trem lock.

Sound is pure Jaguar if the volume knobs are down to about eight. At ten it takes on a bit of a HB character. Thicker and crunchy. Getting both of these sounds out of one set of PUPS is the sort of thing that made Duncan famous.

With .11s in pure nickel I am having no bridge issues. Set up was pretty good out of the box, made perfect with a half hour's labor.

Many of us used to say that a Squier was "a good guitar for the money." No more. These VM Squiers are good guitars period.

Find that hard to swallow? Play one.

Still rockin' after all these years!

Last edited: Jun 04, 2014 10:12:38

Nice to find that my Firemaster showed up here! Smile
It is my main guitar and sounds great for surf.

Below you can see my ongoing project a Yamaha SG/SGV build:


bjoish wrote:

Below you can see my ongoing project a Yamaha SG/SGV build:

That looks very nice bjoish! I'll hazard a guess that you made the body yourself and the neck is from another model which has been cleverly crafted?

Thanks Crumble!

Both the body and neck was built from scratch. For the Firemaster I bought a Warmouth neck. This time I wanted to try to build the neck also.
But I found an ebony fretboard on eBay that I couldnt resist, so I cheated there Smile I think the block inlays and bindings fits in quite nicely. I have hand wound two special, p-90 sized 'Jazzmaster pickups' for this little baby.
Unfortunately this is a slow build, I have too many things going on right now...

Nice work on that Yamaha build.
looks great.

Thanks CrazyAces!!

Amazing to hear that from you, I have listened to your album all week Smile

Bjorn, Thanks, You just made my day, Really, Thank You so much!


CrazyAces wrote:

Bjorn, Thanks, You just made my day, Really, Thank You so much!



how about an old gibson les paul custom yeah ......... nice to too

joe bonni

I love the Tele w/Bigsby for surf/garage/rock & roll. Any other love for the Tele?

SanomaSurf wrote:

I love the Tele w/Bigsby for surf/garage/rock & roll. Any other love for the Tele?

Yes. Lots.

This is Noel. Reverb's at maximum an' I'm givin' 'er all she's got.

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