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Permalink Lonnie Mack R.I.P.

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Wow, another one gone. It's starting to get surreal....

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Tell me about it. It's hard to keep track.

An icon to be sure. RIP.

SoCal ex-pat with a snow shovel

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Bootsy Collins meets Lonnie Mack:

This was bad week with Lonnie Mack, Prince, and Richard Lyons (negativeland) all passing. Three great musicians.


Canadian Surf

Last edited: Apr 22, 2016 17:29:00

Not another one. Lonnie was a good one! RIP buddy!!

Enjoying the surf,sun and sand!!

I saw Lonnie Mack play two times, once at Slim's in SF and the other at the old Sweetwater in Mill Valley with Carlos Santana. He was a fantastic guitar player and singer.

I was fortunate to be working at a record pressing plant/studio in the eighties. One of the regular session guys was a great keyboard player (had a Whirlitzer) and genuine cool gut named Dumpy Rice (he was actually skinny) Dumpy was keyboard in Lonnie's band - he invited me to come see them play at a roadhouse half way from Cincinnati to Oxford ( yes the same Oxford as the now famous Oxford battle of the Surfing bands) it was named the RUSTY NAIL (one of my favorites...single malt scotch and Drambuei) neat place and they played there frequently. A lot of great talent is often found in some of the most regular hunting grounds. I'm still being blown away by how great they sounded there but I had seen him at some other places (like Ray Combs' Comedy club) had a great bass player. All first rate. Like seeing a hundred dollar concert for two bucks. Ran into Lonnies manager/cousin ( he had been an acquaintance through that record pressing plant that I used to do some disk mastering at and was assistant manager ) or was he an uncle. This is when Lonnie had moved to Tennessee. So it hit me HARD to hear of his passing. I mean hey, he was a "local boy" that made good. His signed photo still hangs on the wall at Camp Washinton Chille (one of those few joints you could get something to eat after a bar gig. Just sayin, it strikes home cause it was home for him for a long while and his spirt is gonna haunt these bar rooms and roadhouses for many more years to come. Heck I even painted the studio that was Fraternity Records one summer ( I could trade for studio time or take the money...I took the money...still wonder if paying the rent was all that important.) Another "local boy" Bruce Iglauer left a suburb of Cincinnati to found Alligator Records out of Chicago. Bruce and I are acquaintances ... Always with his heart in the right place.. His company wrote this:

Don't Fear the Reverb ! Grateful Surf ! SURFIN' Tiki Bandits !
I can be reached through the following or at :

Last edited: Apr 23, 2016 02:00:39

I never met Lonnie Mack but he was one of my first guitar heroes. "Memphis" was probably one of the first songs I tried to figure out.

This work?

"as he stepped into the stealthy night air... little did he know the fire escape was not there"

Last edited: Apr 23, 2016 08:04:08

BillAqua wrote:

I never met Lonnie Mack but he was one of my first guitar heroes. "Memphis" was probably one of the first songs I tried to figure out.

His main guitar was the seventh Flying V made by Gibson, and he named it Number 7. For as much twang as there is in his instrumental cover of "Memphis," it's proof that you don't really need "X brand/Y model" to achieve certain tones connected to certain models. Aside from how a player sets their guitar and amp controls, it's a good bit the player making the magic. That's why I have an affinity for single pickup guitars (generally bridge pickup); they'll make a player play.

Fast Cars & Loud Guitars!

This one really hurts. Lonnie is one of the greatest guitarists and singers that I've ever had the pleasure of seeing and hearing. No flash. No pretense....Lonnie was the real deal! RIP.


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