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SurfGuitar101 Forums » Musicians & Gigs Wanted »

Permalink Seeking Surf / Instro Musicians for S.E. Coastal North Carolina (Wilmington / Beach Towns)

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I know this is a long shot but I'm having trouble finding interested and available players through normal channels so here goes:

Looking for musicians interested in forming a Surf / Instro band for the Wilmington, North Carolina area.

My last project (Meteor Men / Meteor IV) disbanded a little less than two years ago and I have been inactive since with the exception of some seasonal solo gigs. The last couple of months I have gotten quite a few good gig offers and unfortunately have had to turn them down. This is pretty astounding considering I have not promoted or solicited any venues / events since our demise. I'm confident with the right players I can secure regular paying gigs through the spring / summer season. Lots of new venues and opportunities in and around Wilmington including the nearby beach towns.

So if you live near the NC Coast or if you are perhaps considering moving here, please let me know. The Wilmington / S.E. Coastal area is a great place to live and Wilmington has a thriving music and arts scene.
* Also, at present there's no other active Surf bands here. No

Please contact me for additional information.

About me:

  • Experienced and accomplished guitar player here. Can also play other stringed instruments if needed (Bass VI, Baritone Guitar, Acoustic).
  • Pro gear.
  • Studio experience.
  • Good stage presence.
  • Good song-writing and arranging skills.
  • Dependable.
  • age = 40s.
  • Day job (M-F / 8-5, weekends off).
  • Local & regional contacts.
  • Promo and marketing skills and experience.
  • Rehearsal / practice once a week.
  • 2-3 good gigs a month (I'm flexible but regional touring just isn't in the cards for me at present).

Seeking others for the development of a super dynamic retro lively original sound! Laid back approach working towards developing 1 great set for opener, showcase, multi-bill, festivals, etc., and move on from there.

METEOR IV on reverbnation

Last edited: Feb 13, 2016 09:07:23

Hey Barracuda,

Send me a PM, I may can help you out a bit.


Traditional........speak softly and play through a big blonde amp. Did I mention that I still like big blonde amps?

PM sent.

METEOR IV on reverbnation

Hey guy,

Chase down Frank Dibel, Frank is our 2nd guitarist in The Surge! Recently he bought a retirement home in the Wrightsville Beach area and ultimately will most likely relocate to there. In the meantime he is making a lot of dashes up that way. Frank is also active in a British blues group "The Backyard Birds." He digs retro music. You guys would have a good time jamming and possibly putting a group together. He is a good guy.

Frank has a white AVRI Jazzmaster and a blonde (Katcher Konverted) Showman amp.

Reverbs and best of luck!


Traditional........speak softly and play through a big blonde amp. Did I mention that I still like big blonde amps?

eddiekatcher wrote:

Hey guy,

Chase down Frank Dibel, Frank is our 2nd guitarist in The Surge! Recently he bought a retirement home in the Wrightsville Beach area and ultimately will most likely relocate to there. In the meantime he is making a lot of dashes up that way. Frank is also active in a British blues group "The Backyard Birds." He digs retro music. You guys would have a good time jamming and possibly putting a group together. He is a good guy.

Frank has a white AVRI Jazzmaster and a blonde (Katcher Konverted) Showman amp.

Reverbs and best of luck!


Thank you Ed.

I'll touch base with him asap. Stoked to hear another Surf player is relocating to the area!

METEOR IV on reverbnation

I can't help you with a band member, but I hope to see you live soon!

To Boldly go where no Tiki has gone before...

May be relocating to that area late summer (if job situation works out), if so, and you still need people will be sure to follow up with you.

Best of luck with your search.

Surf.The most dangerous of genres...


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THE JOURNEY HOME - Free download (2025) - Agent Octopus (Single)

BANDCAMP - Agent Octopus
YOUTUBE - Agent Octopus Surf

ArtS wrote:

May be relocating to that area late summer (if job situation works out), if so, and you still need people will be sure to follow up with you.

Best of luck with your search.

Right on; let me know and stay in touch. There's a fair amount of good opportunities here for the right band / group of players.

METEOR IV on reverbnation

Find Bryan Shaver, he works at the outdoor shop downtown Dates a brown hair surfer girl with little feet, plays a gibson/twin verb. Ex Buzz Junkies pshycobillish . I'll be down for decoration day weekend with bass in hand.

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