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New Fender Long Scale Jaguar.

METEOR IV on reverbnation

Last edited: Jan 23, 2016 07:46:39


Atomic Mosquitos
Bug music for bug people is here!
Killers from Space

Needs a middle pickup!

Ha!;"it has what a Strat or Tele have", thanks.

The Scimitars

What's with the gimmick guitars? I was upset with what I saw out of Fender at NAMM this year.
Jazzmasters with bigsbys?
And strange Telecaster offsets?

I've been looking at offsets a lot lately and hoping there would be more this year from NAMM. They need to bring back more color options for the AV RI line. There are so many options for Strats 56,59,65RI. Give us another early model like the '62 RI. Nothing wrong with the '65 RI Jazzmaster, but you can only get it in white or sunburst now.

I've been told by a dealer they have discontinued the CAR red '65 Jag so that only comes in a burst now?

Sure there are a lot more options offset wise on the MIM line, I still remember 10 years ago when it was a CIJ or AV RI Jag and that was it. So that's good and I also believe what they are making now are better than any previous time. My '64 RI Telecasters and '65 RI Jazzmasters are the best Fender guitars I've owned including Custom Shop models. Just give me a vintage styled Jaguar in a color other than sunburst! Is this too much to ask?

I have bad Jaguar GAS and after seeing Fender's lineup at NAMM I'm going for a used '62 RI.

"as he stepped into the stealthy night air... little did he know the fire escape was not there"

Last edited: Jan 23, 2016 09:35:44

BillAqua wrote:

I've been told by a dealer they have discontinued the CAR red '65 Jag so that only comes in a burst now?

Sonic Blue also.

SoCal ex-pat with a snow shovel

DISCLAIMER: The above is opinion/suggestion only & should not be used for mission planning/navigation, tweaking of instruments, beverage selection, or wardrobe choices.

Wow, FMIC, that's way lame. Because your typical shoppers only want vintagey props on which to play the same old mainstream music that requires Strat and Tele sounds, it's now necessary to market a Jaguar-shaped instrument that jettisons every design aspect of the Jaguar that gave it its unique voice and feel. You've whored out the cosmetics of the Jaguar to a whole new market that has no interest in a guitar other than as a prop conveying a visual message of hipness, people who have nouse for inconvenient 'short-scale' strung length and low break angle.

But let's move on to the Bigsby Jazzmasters. Or rather, let's not.

Squink Out!

I have a long scale Jag I built and I like it.
The combination of the Jag pickups with the long scale is a good and yet still unique sound.
I also like regular scale Jags.
I do think that the tension bar Bigsby on the offsets is a bit of silly market pandering, especially since it can be the most problematic of the Bigsby designs in regards to tuning stability, but FMIC is in the business of selling guitars and if they believe there is a market or have been urged by potential buyers to make one well then, have at it.
It doesn't affect me at all.


The Bigsby is ridiculous on that body, yuck. You can't just plaster everything on anything... I mean you can, but why?
What's with the bridge? interesting, though, a bit G&L looking.
At least now there will be an available stock 3 way switch and plate...

Last edited: Jan 23, 2016 12:27:26

I'm curious about that new bridge.

Noooooooo! I want my Jag to be a Jag. No long scale tomfoolery, that's the whole point of the jaguar as opposed to a strat or a tele. I'm biased as I can't play anything that's full scale. Took me a while to work that out.

What's next? Short scale Jazzmasters? Has the world gone mad?

maybe not made for surf, but other genres

My latest LP Unknown Creatures by Otitis Media Records is available now on all digital platforms and colored vinyl. Listen and buy here:
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Offset teles are the balls.
Edit: general. But fender screwed these up by not offering a rosewood board nor any type of wiggle stick.

Last edited: Jan 23, 2016 20:16:45

From a blurb just sent me:
"Fender answered the prayers of alternative and indie guitarists across the world a couple days ago when they announced their new Offset Tele—and they've introduced a new Elite Series of American instruments, crafted at the highest level of quality. Check out our review..."

The byline, "alternative and indie guitarists" says it all.

Squink Out!

It doesn't.
Because non of those poor bastages is going to get their hands on one of the only 1500 offset teles being made worldwide. They'll all go to collectors and old guys with Hawaiian or bowling shirts.

kick_the_reverb wrote:

Ha!;"it has what a Strat or Tele have", thanks.

no need to incorporate all Fender guitars in one model

When you have to shoot ... shoot! Don't talk.
"Los Grainders"
"Planeta Reverb"

I hate NAMM...

Mostly I don't care. I'll choose not to buy one if I don't like it.

Too much focus on playing guitars and not enough on playing music.

JakeDobner wrote:

I hate NAMM...

Mostly I don't care. I'll choose not to buy one if I don't like it.

_ _Too much focus on playing guitars and not enough on playing music.__

Not that anyone has to like it, but to be fair, it is a bi-annual event put on by the National Association of Musical Merchants, not an event for/by the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA), The American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers (ASCAP), or Broadcast Music Inc (BMI).

JObeast wrote:

From a blurb just sent me:
"Fender answered the prayers of alternative and indie guitarists across the world a couple days ago when they announced their new Offset Tele—and they've introduced a new Elite Series of American instruments, crafted at the highest level of quality. Check out our review..."

The byline, "alternative and indie guitarists" says it all.

Chippertheripper wrote:

It doesn't.
Because non of those poor bastages is going to get their hands on one of the only 1500 offset teles being made worldwide. They'll all go to collectors and old guys with Hawaiian or bowling shirts.

It is an interesting product management strategy. Could just be my limited view of the world, but I don't get the sense that the Pawn Shop Series ever took off for Fender. So what do they do? Make it more expensive and go 'up market'. That consumer psychology strategy has been happening from the beginning of time. It'll be interesting to see if it actually works for these lines of hybrid concoctions.

To me, these mash-ups are interesting when it's an individual making their own instrument (Ry Cooder comes to mind, as does your SG, Chipper!) For some reason, it loses that magic and mojo for me when its a builder/manufacturer making them for everyone and no one. Even more so when it's the biggest instrument manufacturers on the planet.


El Mirage @ ReverbNation

The sg is a fun little project.
As was my telemaster.

I think there's definitely a spot in the lineup for a mashup(s) that are done well. I had one of those pawn shop mustangs with the buckers and endless switching, and I would've kept it if I could get along with the 24" scale. It was a fine instrument, and super versatile.
Here though, there's a obviously a lot of staunch traditionalists. That's fine, that's why they make different stuff. To me, a lot of this stuff is a great idea, but like so many great ideas, they missed the mark. No rosewood or wiggle stick on a tele/offset is ridiculous. A long scale jag is a great idea...but make it a 25.5" jag, don't change it up like they did. The regular teles with the belly cut...being a tele guy at heart, skip the belly cut, and give me a forearm slash. That's where I feel the tele shape the most.

At the end of the day, they're the ones with the budget and the resources to try little experiments like this and see what works and what doesn't.

Or, if you're a weirdo like me, just go build your own junk.

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