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Posted on Dec 31 2015 10:45 AM
IvanP wrote:
Ivan ,it pleases me to see that you (as do I ) really dig the later trio phase of the band ,they really wrote well was a good time for the band which stands up the Eddie /Philthy/Lemmy line up IMO . It has always bothered me when fans say they only like the Fast Eddie days...
Wurzel was barely on the Sacrifice album (amazing LP) so I'll lump that in with everything that came after.
Lemmy turned 70 five days ago. I wonder if he died from shock!!
I have to admit that I do feel extremely sad, but not for Lemmy - I feel sad for myself. The world without Lemmy will suck even more that it already does.
I really cannot find the words to convey what a huge part of my life Lemmy and Motorhead have been since I first got hooked on them around '82-'83, as a 13-year-old. So, here's hoping this picture speaks its thousand words - this is my Motorhead/Lemmy collection:

With expert guidance by Warren Binder AKA CaptainSpringfield on SG101, over the past 10 years or so I rediscovered my passion for Motorhead. (THANK YOU, WARREN!!!!) "Bad Magic," their final release, out in September, was as fine of a Motorhead album as any, including "Ace of Spades." (Yep, I said it!) They really went out on a high. But then, as Lemmy often said, Motorhead never recorded a bad album. And though I'm sure most of the people will focus on Lemmy's lifestyle in the days/weeks to come, I strongly believe that his greatest legacy is a musical one. I very much hope that as a result of this some more people give their post-'82 releases a shot. In particular I highly recommend: "1916" ('91), "Bastards" ('93), "We Are Motorhead" ('00) and "Inferno" ('04).
Long Live Lemmy, Long Live Motorhead!!!
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Posted on Dec 31 2015 11:01 AM
I am also amazed at the quality of the deep cuts on the later albums...lets face it ,Motorhead was not really gonna played on the radio ..and if they were it would be maybe one chosen song off the new album ;same for the live set ...mostly claassic songs from the old days , a smattering from across their catalogue and and one or two from the new album ...but writing and performance on those deep cuts were right up there even though few would ever hear them except those who threw down the cash for the new album.They never (ok ,rarely ) 'phoned it in'.
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Posted on Dec 31 2015 12:03 PM
shivers13 wrote:
I would rank the ACE OF SPADES album one of the great Rock & Roll albums of all time! You heard right!
Of course, Norm! Is it possible for anyone that really loves rock'n'roll music to not love Lemmy??? I think not!!!
Bach in 1993 while working on THE RAMONES video for "Substitute " I shot this pic of Lemmy's guest bit in the video Yep, Lemmy fronting the Ramones! Hoping he's jamming with Joey, Johnny, and Dee Dee right now! RIP Lemmy

Holy cow, Norm!!! That's SO FREAKIN' COOL!!!!! Wow! Thanks for sharing that pic.
ArabSpringReverb wrote:
Ivan ,it pleases me to see that you (as do I ) really dig the later trio phase of the band, they really wrote well was a good time for the band which stands up the Eddie /Philthy/Lemmy line up IMO . It has always bothered me when fans say they only like the Fast Eddie days...
AMEN to that! I know that Lemmy was always greatly irritated by people that were just "Ace of Spades, Ace of Spades, Overkill, blah blah blah" and never even gave a listen to the post '82 material. It's a DAMN SHAME since Lemmy along with the new guys in his gang kept churning out amazing songs until the very end. As iconic and amazing as those early songs are - and they clearly are, no question - it just sucks that they completely overshadowed so much great music that he produced over the past 30 years. That's one curse of early success, fans become so stuck in their ways and unwilling to give the new material much of a chance or evaluate it on its own merits. For many bands it's completely justified since they're never able to reproduce that spark of inspiration they had when they were younger, but it's a real injustice in the case of Lemmy and Motorhead. Yeah, Lemmy, Eddie and Philthy were an unbelievable team - but Lemmy, Phil and Mikkey were fucking amazing, too! Maybe with Lemmy's passing people will be more willing to reassess Motorhead's latter-day legacy....
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Posted on Dec 31 2015 01:13 PM
Here's the final song from the final Motorhead concert, in Berlin on December 11th. It was pretty obvious he was in a bad way, but he still seemed to play well, even if his singing (and talking) were affected. In the comment section, somebody by the name of Mark Burley says it very well: "And then the man we know as 'Lemmy' plays the last live note on his bass, leans it against his stack, waves goodbye to his beloved and departs, leaving behind a legacy that will never be repeated, truly one of kind."
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Posted on Dec 31 2015 01:28 PM
It's really brutal seeing the people you grew up with getting really old and passing. But he lived his life the way he wanted and made in to 70. A herculean feat to say the least. Viking blood, maybe?
This documentary, MOTORHEAD: THE GUTS AND THE GLORY is simply fantastic. They're obviously drinking up a storm and telling stories about the making of their records. Philthy Phil kills me. What a character. Very cool cats, all.
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Posted on Dec 31 2015 03:24 PM
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Posted on Dec 31 2015 04:22 PM
shivers13 wrote:
This documentary, MOTORHEAD: THE GUTS AND THE GLORY is simply fantastic. They're obviously drinking up a storm and telling stories about the making of their records. Philthy Phil kills me. What a character. Very cool cats, all.
English sub-titles for a few dudes speaking... English 
(Pretty great footage never the less!)
\m/ \m/
— Fady
El Mirage @ ReverbNation
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Posted on Jan 01 2016 11:56 AM
shivers13 wrote:
This documentary, MOTORHEAD: THE GUTS AND THE GLORY is simply fantastic. They're obviously drinking up a storm and telling stories about the making of their records. Philthy Phil kills me. What a character. Very cool cats, all.
Thanks for the recommendation, Norm! I watched the Lemmy doc two days ago, then yesterday the doc attached below ("Live Fast Die Old" from '03), then the one above, which I've seen before but not for a long time. It's been a GOOD two days. The Guts and the Glory one is really hilarious, Philthy at his improv comic best! Good to see that Lemmy and him stayed good friends after Philthy was kicked out of the band. (I love the part when Lemmy's asked about Mikkey D, and Philthy starts leaving, "you'll be talking about those other men now", Lemmy: "the other men in my life..." ) Along with revisiting "Iron Fist", "Another Perfect Day", "Orgasmatron" and "Sacrifice" albums, it's been two REALLY good days. Motorhead forever!!
psychonaut wrote:
My Motorhead vinyl collection:

Victor, that's UNBELIEVABLE! A truly enviable collection! But, c'mon, I have to admonish you - NOTHING after '86??? Man, you're missing out on some incredible Motormusic! I hope you'll rectify that soon. (I'll recommend once again the following four albums: "1916" ('91), "Bastards" ('93), "We Are Motorhead" ('00), and "Inferno" ('04) - I can basically guarantee you'll love these!)
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Posted on Jan 01 2016 01:19 PM
I bought Aftershock the day after Lemmy died, and even if it's not their greatest album , it's still Lemmy!
— Nils
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Posted on Jan 01 2016 01:23 PM
Nils, I find that as pretty much all Motorhead albums it really grows on you - it gets better and better as you get to know it. I think it's a great album! Just give it a chance, keep on spinning it!
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Posted on Jan 01 2016 01:25 PM
I will
— Nils
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Posted on Jan 01 2016 01:34 PM
And by the way , be sure to check out the book "Motorhead In The Studio ".
Good book about the recording of all of their albums up to Motorizer (I got that tip from Ivan in another post some years ago , thanks Ivan)
— Nils
"If it hadn’t been for Link Wray and 'Rumble,' I would have never picked up a guitar." - Pete Townshend, The Who
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Posted on Jan 01 2016 01:37 PM
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Posted on Jan 01 2016 07:38 PM
IvanP wrote:
Victor, that's UNBELIEVABLE! A truly enviable collection! But, c'mon, I have to admonish you - NOTHING after '86??? Man, you're missing out on some incredible Motormusic! I hope you'll rectify that soon. (I'll recommend once again the following four albums: "1916" ('91), "Bastards" ('93), "We Are Motorhead" ('00), and "Inferno" ('04) - I can basically guarantee you'll love these!)
Ivan, I know! Shameful really that I don't have those later albums. I guess I started to loose interest a little when "Another Perfect Day" came out. It was too watered down and I just couldn't warm up to Brian Robertson. A great guitar player, and great in Thin Lizzy, I got to meet him as well and he was a nice guy, but really wrong for Motorhead -- Although they were still great in concert, and 'Back on the Funny Farm' is a great tune. When Phil left it really seemed over to me. I do have "No remorse" on CD though...
I will definitely check out those albums though, and probably kick myself for missing out all those later years!
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Posted on Jan 01 2016 10:32 PM
psychonaut wrote:
Ivan, I know! Shameful really that I don't have those later albums. I guess I started to loose interest a little when "Another Perfect Day" came out. It was too watered down and I just couldn't warm up to Brian Robertson. A great guitar player, and great in Thin Lizzy, I got to meet him as well and he was a nice guy, but really wrong for Motorhead
Victor, I actually completely agree. Just listened to Another Perfect Day yesterday, and Robertson was 100% a square peg in a round hole.
Although they were still great in concert, and 'Back on the Funny Farm' is a great tune.
Agreed, though there were several other excellent ones on there, too, most notably Shine, One Track Mind, Die You Bastard, and a few others. Rock It is pretty cool, too.
When Phil left it really seemed over to me.
I don't know if you know this, but Philthy returned to the band after the Orgasmatron album and recorded two more albums with them, Rock'n'Roll (which is IMHO one of their weakest) and 1916 (which is great!). Starting with Bastards in '93, they've had Mikkey D on drums, and Lemmy usually introduced him on stage as the best drummer in the world - and I think he was pretty much right on! Mikkey is a freakin' monster.
I will definitely check out those albums though, and probably kick myself for missing out all those later years!
Hope so!! Dig it!
— Ivan
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Last edited: Jan 01, 2016 22:33:53
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Posted on Jan 03 2016 10:56 PM
When Lemmy was in Hawkwind they were great. When he left the band just wasn't the same. Motörhead was amazing probably the only band I ever had to wear earplugs to their shows as Lemmy liked to play real loud. He did a lot of side projects and 1 of the weirdest was when he did a duet with Wendy O Williams (RIP) of the Plasmatics. He loved to write songs and he was great at it.
R.I.P. Lemmy you will be missed but never forgotten.
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Posted on Jan 16 2016 09:06 AM
The Oslo city hall bells will play Motorhead's Electricity and Bowie's Changes every day until end of May
Oslo city hall bells honour Lemmy & Bowie
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Posted on Jan 16 2016 10:31 AM
A great loss to the metal\ rock n roll music community. My iPod that I use when travelling or jogging has Motorhead and Dio on it consistently. Both were my metal icons and it saddens me that Lemmy has gone. Iron Fist , Snaggletooth and Killed by Death where my original favorite 3 songs by them but lately am listening to Inferno a lot. I was checking out Motorhead books last year and a couple have been mentioned I didn't know about so thanks all for listing them. R.I.P. Lemmy.
— I am not obsolete, I am RETRO....
Last edited: Jan 16, 2016 10:32:11
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Posted on Jan 16 2016 12:13 PM
Teiscofan, glad to hear you're getting into Inferno. The five-song stretch from Down On Me, through In the Black, Fight, In the Year of the Wolf, and Keys to the Kingdom is some of the most amazing music ever made. The guitar breakdown in the Keys to the Kingdom is just overwhelming. Check out also the album We Are Motorhead from four years before Inferno, which is one of their hardest-rocking albums ever - the three-song stretch at the end of the album, Stagefright (Crash and Burn), (Wearing Your) Heart On Your Sleeve, and the title track, is just incredibly intense!
Funny this thread was bumped this morning since I just finished watching Lemmy's memorial from a week ago (finally - it was a very busy week). I'm linking it below. Oftentimes deeply moving, I loved it. His passion for music and his absolute integrity, determination and self-belief are inspiring. At the same time, a truly kind and humble and intelligent - and FUNNY - man. A rare and aspirational mix of traits.
I reread the book "Motorhead In the Studio" over the past week. So great, but there is one quote that stood out to me, by Tony Platt, the producer of Motorhead's '83 album "Another Perfect Day": "Lemmy is a very intelligent bloke who just likes playing loud music really fast." Well, HERE, HERE! This is something I can aspire to! It's OK also to be getting older and still just want to play really fucking loud and really fucking fast! As far as I'm concerned, that's what metal and surf have in common - when done right, they're both true rock'n'roll - and I really really love rock'n'roll! Lemmy played it til the day he died, and I hope to as well. Thank you for the inspiration, Lemmy.
(In the interview below, I HIGHLY recommend the following parts: Lemmy's son Paul, 4:54-21:20 - very, very touching, love the part when he says: "He never tolerated anyone talking over music, especially his own. It really irked him." I so get that!; Bob Kulick, 33:00-35:40; Slim Jim Phantom, 36:10-38:10; Matt Sorum, 1:03:45-1:08:30; and the wrestler Triple H, 1:34:30-1:42:40. It looks like Dave Grohl gave a very moving memorial at the very end, too, but unfortunately the sound cuts out during his remarks and all that's left are the room mics, so it's pretty difficult to make out what he's saying.)
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Posted on Jan 16 2016 03:03 PM
IvanP, I agree that Inferno is an amazing album! That has been in heavy rotation lately with Kiss of Death and Aftershock. I am just exploring the newest album now. The guitar work of wizzo is inspiring. I am going to order in "Motorhead in the studio' and whatever else I can find. I find it refreshing that surf fan\players like yourself can and do appreaciate both. I think you summed it up when you said "there both true rocks n roll"
Rock on!
— I am not obsolete, I am RETRO....