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I have great neighbours and I'm always mindful of my music volume level. I was compromising with cheap computer speakers until a friend demonstrated a Bose Bluetooth speaker to me, i was totally blown away and had to get one. I found the market awash with these devices and after a few weeks researching i settled on a Anker model. It’s pretty much a Bose clone with larger speakers, amp and a nifty DSP bass chip that cuts-in at low volume (the Passive Radiator speakers only produce bass when the conventional speakers produce enough back pressure).

Yay! I can hear the kick drum and bass guitar! I’m in love with music once again! Bonus at lower volumes it doesn't upset the neighbours one bit. Cool

I made an animated gif so you can see the speakers working. It rocks, no really! with the right track and some extra boost from your phone it will physically rock back and forth.


Last edited: Dec 18, 2015 09:33:57


I discovered these a while back also. I have one on my Christmas list. Smile Cool!

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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Crumble, what model is that? Is it the A3143? I'm always curious exactly what people are using to listen these days. We got a Jawbone Jambox for travel awhile ago and the quality and amount of sound it produces are quite remarkable!

Insect Surfers
The Tikiyaki Orchestra
The Scimitars
Lords Of Atlantis
Fiberglass Jungle - Surf Radio

JONPAUL wrote:

...We got a Jawbone Jambox for travel awhile ago and the quality and amount of sound it produces are quite remarkable!

I feel the same way about my UE Boom. That thing is AMAZING!

JONPAUL wrote:

Crumble, what model is that? Is it the A3143? I'm always curious exactly what people are using to listen these days. We got a Jawbone Jambox for travel awhile ago and the quality and amount of sound it produces are quite remarkable!

Yes it's the Anker A3143 Premium. I had a used JBL Charge for a few days which had excellent build quality for outdoors/traveling and as loud as hell but the bass didn't happen at low volume (the newer JBL Charge 2 and Flip 3 are better). After watching so many video reviews I started believing in a German reviewer called Clavinetjunkie:

The Jawbone Jambox has some good reviews, looks capable of withstanding a rough ride too.

This seems to be the hot set up. At least today.

"You can't tell where you're going if you don't know where you've been"

Logitech 715i. I have 5 of them. I have a special 1/8"> L/R female to use two of them for my recording setup. These things kick! Good consumer reference point for you recordists.

For bonus points... put three small Sorbathane half spheres underneath to tighten up the bass.

They are cheap now because they have the old Apple 30pin connection. They also have 1/8" input. Check EvilBay.

Last edited: Dec 18, 2015 19:08:58

SlacktoneDave wrote:

Logitech 715i. I have 5 of them. I have a special 1/8"> L/R female to use two of them for my recording setup. These things kick! Good consumer reference point for you recordists.

For bonus points... put three small Sorbathane half spheres underneath to tighten up the bass.

They are cheap now because they have the old Apple 30pin connection. They also have 1/8" input. Check EvilBay.

EvilBay! Big Grin Thumbs Up

One mans iPhone dock is another man active reference speaker! I'm checking this out for next year. Thanks for the tip!

Like most budget USB devices these days they don't always come with a charger or replaceable battery. To minimise the chances of over charging I bought this 5 port "Smart Charger" very cheaply although the price may rise depending on branding. Look for 5 port USB charger, 40 watts, 8 amps and "Agilent's chip technology" in the description. The 6 port variant that looks similar isn't smart.. Smart means it detects the battery - delivers a consistent charge (faster charging) - detects mains spikes and protects - cuts off when fully charged. So far it is doing what says on the box.

The short cable is a Noodle ! they come in colours and some have magnet clips so they can be worn as a bracelet.

I also ordered a USB charge tester for fun, ridiculously cheap from China.


Happy New Year Everyone!

This Anker A3143 is sooooo good! I've been playing music practically non stop since I got it, presently listening to Yello Stella!

I had a shock when my friend came over and paired it with his iPod Touch, the sound was in a completely different dimension with deeper tighter bass, ultra sharp clarity and wider projection. Boy I really need upgrade my phone pronto!

My Keweisi USB charge tester arrived from China. I can see how much my charger fluctuates in the amps field and know how long the charge took in the time field, cool gadget for £2.


Last edited: Jan 01, 2016 09:13:54

My wife has a Jawbone Jambox a bluetooth speaker. I like it for throwing on some tunes from my phone in the kitchen for our toddler to dance to, while we cook dinner. Plenty loud, has decent enough low end. Dunno about the price, my wife deal hunts or finds everything used/open box.

I'm a fan of the JBL Charge
Loud clear bass, but slightly less muddy than the Bose to my ears.


Atomic Mosquitos
Bug music for bug people is here!
Killers from Space

Do you remember this face in the movie 1984, the face of Big Brother:)

It is actually Bob Evans from the mod band The Riot Squad, the last Joe Meek session band and early 1960s David Bowie backing band..


I mention this because I finally upgraded my phone to a Wileyfox with Cyanogen anti bloatware, anti Big Bother android OS as standard. The sound is a bit better through the new phone but still not as good as my friends iPod touch, his sound just blows me away every time he visits!

skeeter wrote:

I'm a fan of the JBL Charge
Loud clear bass, but slightly less muddy than the Bose to my ears.

I like the JBL Charge for it's quality no nonsense buttons and amazing volume. The Charge 2 that you are showing is said to be very good indeed. Although I have heard the black model has an odd fault when left in strong sunlight. The air inside expands and makes the passive radiators speakers protrude!

Bose have recently "upgraded" their Soundlink mini by dropping the bass 2db! My friend can't place his near a wall because the rear speaker is so overwhelming with bass it starts resonating the whole house.

I picked up a JBL Charge-2 over christmas and it sounds great whether I stream a computer or phone through it

For those looking for a Bluetooth speaker with a bit more oomph.

Simply amazing stuff nowadays. I wish it'd been around back when a couple of us were crammed in our barracks room, each with their own multi-component built-like-Gibraltar stereo systems. (Desk? What desk?) Right now I run stuff out of the laptop to the Marantz and 2 speaker systems (1 ported, 1 traditional acoustic suspension). So... let me get this straight...

I can have my tablet downstairs in the LR, with music on it, and a couple of these things sitting nearby (no wires) and fill that room with clear surf? Am I trackin'?

SoCal ex-pat with a snow shovel

DISCLAIMER: The above is opinion/suggestion only & should not be used for mission planning/navigation, tweaking of instruments, beverage selection, or wardrobe choices.

Got this Sony and love the sound
Will check this Anker to compare)

Waikiki Makaki surf-rock band from Ukraine

Lost Diver

Some very cool stuff coming out.
A new patented wireless streaming something by Boss. Can double as a player/amp.
Guitar through Bluetooth is/was terrible for multitude of reasons (personally I can barely stand even listening via BT). Maybe this one is good. Not cheap.

Last edited: Jan 24, 2018 09:29:04

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