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Permalink How do you prefer to position your guitar?

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Iv often been curious as to what everyone thinks when they strap on their guitar,do they prefer it to be higher up on their stomach or lower towards the waist. What do you guys prefer for the intense picking sessions surf guitar sometimes demands? I usually play surf with my guitar sitting higher up,but I notice my arm tires out considerably fast,do you guys think me holding my arm up to my guitar aids in the fatigue I experience?

If you want the ultimate,you gotta be willing to pay the ultimate price.


Wasn't sure if the fatigue came from me holding my arm like that,or if it simply came from being a beginner surf player.

If you want the ultimate,you gotta be willing to pay the ultimate price.



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To provide an alternate view of strap height and vibrato, Mr BB King. Smile

I wear mine inbetween PG and BB. I find that it is an ideal position for me to prevent fatigue, muscle cramping in the left elbow, a sore left wrist, and gives me an even angle of attack across all the strings. I have experimented with many strap lengths.




Canadian Surf

I wear mine about where the Good Reverend wears his. Personally, I'd wear it a little higher for ideal comfort but not all of my straps go that high. Also, I tend to wear them a little lower than that but don't really want to. Laziness to get it dialed in. Can't bother me that much, I guess.

Paul Gilbert hasn't given many things in life thought other than how he plays guitar.

I play it very deep. Looks cooler live. I prefer the Johnny Ramones style.

Here is video from Bela B. The vocals are in german and a part of the refrain means "Hang your guitar deeper, we don`t want to see your balls!"
Watch it til the end, there you can see how deep you can hang your guitar. Smile

Twang cheers!

Ralf Kilauea

Thanks for the replies guys,iv never experimented with different heights on my strap for surf,may have to play around a bit.

If you want the ultimate,you gotta be willing to pay the ultimate price.


Due to a rotator cuff injury several years ago I can get a burning sensation right at the top of my shoulder during extensive tremolo picking. I found that wearing the guitar lower lessons the fatigue. However, the angle of pic attack changes when slung low. It just doesn't work well for me so I'm with Hank on where it sits and my arm is about 90 degrees at the elbow.

The Kahuna Kings

Last edited: Dec 16, 2015 18:18:36

I like mine higher up, but my arm starts to hurt quicker. When my guitar hangs low, fast staccato picking doesn't bother me as much. - A tribute to Dick Dale. New Singles "Finish Line" and "Paradiso" on Bandcamp and website.

I tend to keep mine about where the Rev does, as well, though I keep changing strap length like Cal Ripken, Jr. changed batting stances. I did try the Johnny Ramone length once, but I don't have arms that long.

The Reverbivores - we're local favorites!

Last edited: Dec 16, 2015 18:16:06


Last edited: Dec 18, 2015 03:06:13

IvanP wrote:


"Ha Hah! You funny Peter-san! You funny. Ha."
Big Grin

Standing mine's a bit lower than the pic in Rev's post. Didn't used to, but I have enough other things (physical) to surmount that I simply cannot staccato pic with my right arm all crooked & close in like some studio player. Typically play standing anyway unless I'm noodling around & stopping to write something down. But I'm in the whatever works category; it might be more important to play well rather than look cool...

For some.
Big Grin

SoCal ex-pat with a snow shovel

DISCLAIMER: The above is opinion/suggestion only & should not be used for mission planning/navigation, tweaking of instruments, beverage selection, or wardrobe choices.

IvanP wrote:


Haha! So I'm gonna try this "covering my private parts" business.....I'll play for an hour or so and make an update of how it went!

If you want the ultimate,you gotta be willing to pay the ultimate price.


Can any of you guys recommend a good strap with a decent amount of adjustability,possibly a locking strap as well,however I read very mixed reviews on most locking straps. Maybe I'll just get a regular strap and those rubber strap lock washers.

If you want the ultimate,you gotta be willing to pay the ultimate price.



Last edited: Dec 18, 2015 03:06:44

Get the rubber washers/gasquets and use those as the strap locks. Anything else should not be used.

Last edited: Dec 16, 2015 20:25:00

I'm on the blue strat. comfy for me all styles.

Last edited: Dec 17, 2015 00:00:14

Strap Locks: $$ - make you put a proprietary matching button into your guitar that is not of the dimension of standard strap buttons; if you sit down to work something out & don't have tension on the strap they fit their own button so poorly that they make little rattles that make you think something is going wrong with a string or bridge or a fret burr or... Some possibility also exists you'll forget those proprietary buttons are on there if you sell/trade the guitar. Your new guitar now needs a set of those buttons unless you chase new owner down to retrieve your buttons.
Washers: .1$; self-damping. Availability from inside 'boutique' Euro-style beer bottles or the local hardware store grommet drawer/bin. Black available if being under the radar is important (despite wildly colored guitar & wardrobe).

SoCal ex-pat with a snow shovel

DISCLAIMER: The above is opinion/suggestion only & should not be used for mission planning/navigation, tweaking of instruments, beverage selection, or wardrobe choices.

I've been using Kepur straps for a few years, I'm kinda bummed to find out they're gone - another great product discontinued: kepur guitar straps

Bill S._______

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