Thanks to everyone, especially Unsteady Freddie, who
made our NYC tour so successful! New York crowds are
the BEST!
Mister Action & the Boss Guitars had that classic
sound DOWN! Great authentic guitar tones and excellent
song choice. I've known Mister Action for about 10
years, and this is the first time I've ever seen him
play drums. Really solid drummer.
Mister Neutron really stole the show. We've played
with them before, but I can't remember it being this
intense. Can you play it a little faster next time,
guys? If you get a chance to be on a bill with them,
take it! Just make sure you play before them...
The Reverb Syndicate showed us all that Canadian surf
is still alive and well. They were easily the most fun
band of the night. Lots of power and energy with tunes
that made my pants want to get up and dance! Oh, and
those Soviet Sisters... RRRRRRROOOWWWWW!
Thanks to Mister Neutron for lending us their gear,
and thanks to everyone who came out to see all of the
bands. And now that James Brown is gone, extra special
thanks to the new hardest working man in show bidness
today, Unsteady Freddie!
Ted (still recovering)
The Nematoads