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SurfGuitar101 Forums » For Sale / Trade »

Permalink My '65 Jazzmaster in Daphne blue on EBay

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I listed my restored '65 Jazzmaster on eBay - it is daphne blue and has a USA Custom Guitars neck. Anybody looking for a nice Jazz might want to check it out ... auction ends May 8 or thereabouts.



I don't see it on ebay.

You should relist with the word fender in the title, might make some more bucks that way. I didn't find it because I always search for "Fender Jazzmaster"

that's one nice looking Jazzmaster, Gavin...dig the maple neck!

Thanks for the selling tips ... I didn't relist, and probably should have. Still, there have been 535 views and 11 bids. I will be curious what a FrankenJazz will bring. It really is a great guitar, but I have THE ONE that I use, and the others mostly collect dust. This '65 is not THE ONE. Thanks for the compliment, DP, always nice to see your Shaolin avatar.

Thanks for the selling tips ... I didn't relist, and probably should have.

No need to relist. For obscure things like a specific less popular guitar like a hamer, or chandler, Or a Dano Hodad, or an effect it's important to have the brand and model, but I guarantee there are 80 guys thinking "Oh boy maybe nobody will see it!". 40 of them are dreaming they're going to get it for $700, 35 are hoping for a used AVRI pricepoint, and 5 are ready to go to the wall Rock

Thanks for the selling tips ... I didn't relist, and probably should have. Still, there have been 535 views and 11 bids. I will be curious what a FrankenJazz will bring. It really is a great guitar, but I have THE ONE that I use, and the others mostly collect dust. This '65 is not THE ONE. Thanks for the compliment, DP, always nice to see your Shaolin avatar.

Yeah, I just wasn't sure how many people search for only Jazzmaster. I search for "Fender Jazzmaster" because I always search for "Fender Jaguar" so I don't get hundreds of other things.

Yeah, I just wasn't sure how many people search for only Jazzmaster. I search for "Fender Jazzmaster" because I always search for "Fender Jaguar" so I don't get hundreds of other things.

Yeah Jake, it is a pain to wade through pages of unrelated stuff, but sometimes, that's where the CRAZY deals live. Jazzmaster alone gets you pages of watches, but it may also get you an unreal deal. If you are seriously looking for something on Ebay, anything, it pays to search in every permutation you can come up with for the item. Even "Guitar Old" or "Strange Guitar". It's work. but like I said, if you treat it as work, it has paid off for me in the past. Strange Guitar got me a rockin' Weissenborn hawaiin for $149... Don't ask how many pages deep it was...

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