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Permalink Surf Album Top 101 - Polls closed.

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What about Burt Rocket`s "Fiberglass Frenzy"? It is 2014 or 2015?

Twang cheers!

Ralf Kilauea

Can I vote for "Fiberglass Frenzy" by Burt Rocket?
One of my new favorites!!!

Twang cheers!

Ralf Kilauea

Too early, it's a 2015 record.
You can vote for it next year Smile

Niels Jansen
Program Director
North Sea Surf Radio

To submit your surf music to North Sea Surf Radio send the tracks as .mp3 in 320kbps bitrate with correct tags to via Dropbox.

North Sea Surf Radio: Website- Facebook - Twitter
North Sea Surf Festival: Website - Facebook - Twitter
The Phantom Four: Website - Facebook - Twitter

Ok, thanks, so I vote it for the next year!

Twang cheers!

Ralf Kilauea

Name: El Twang/Lars
Country: Denmark

  1. Man Or Astro-Man? – "Is it..."
  2. Slacktone - "Into the Blue Sparkle"
  3. Y Niwl - “Y Niwl”
  4. Satan’s Pilgrims - “At Home With”
  5. The Bambi Molesters - "Sonic Bullets 13 from the Hip"
  6. The Tremolo Beer Gut - “Under The Influence Of”
  7. Langhorns - "Mission Exotica"
  8. The Phantom Four - “Morgana”
  9. Messer Chups - “Heretic Channel”
  10. Los Venturas - "Kaleidoskop"

El Bluesky
El Ray
El Ray on Bandcamp
El Twang on YouTube

Name: UKay
Country: Germany

  1. Robert Johnson & Punchdrunks - Cinemascope-a-Dope
  2. The Tremolo Beer Gut - The Inebriated Sounds Of ...
  3. The Bambi Molesters - Sonic Bullets : 13 From The Hip
  4. Satan's Pilgrims - Psychsploitation
  5. The Space Cossacks - Tsar Wars
  6. The Penetrators - Locked & Loaded
  7. The Treble Spankers - Araban
  8. Langhorns - Club Gabardino
  9. Demon Vendetta - Guardians Of The Bitter Sea
    10.Los Venturas - Kaleydoskop



This coming Sunday is the last day for voting! Get those votes in!

Insect Surfers
The Tikiyaki Orchestra
The Scimitars
Lords Of Atlantis
Fiberglass Jungle - Surf Radio

Name: Arny
Country: The Netherlands

  1. Tremelo Beer Gut - Under the influence of
  2. Slacktone - Warning reverb instrumentals
  3. Man or Astroman - Destroy all Astro-men!!!
  4. Bambi Molesters - Intensity!
  5. Messerchups - Church of Reverb
  6. Treble Spankers - Hasheeda
  7. Robert Johnson & Punchdrunks - Aloha from Havana
  8. Daikaiju - Phase 2
  9. The Madeira - Tribal Fires
  10. Link Wray - Bullshot
Aloha Sluts on BandCamp (my photography)
Aloha Fest on facebook

Name: Jeff BTD
Country: USA

10.Pollo Del Mar - The Golden State
9. The Kilaueas - Wiki Waki Woooo
8. The Ghastly Ones - A Haunting We Will Go Go
7. The Space Rangers - Ready To Take Off
6. Satan's Pilgrims - self titled
5. Bambi Molesters - As The Dark Wave Swells
4. Slacktone - self titled/warning reverb instrumentals
3. Insect Surfers - Mojave Reef
2. Tiki Tones - Idol Pleasures
1. The Huntington Cads - Go Exotic


Name: Wolfi
Country: Austria

without real order - hjust stuff i have heard in the last time that stuck to my ear ...

1: Man or Astro-Man: Is it ...
2: Space Cossacks: Tsar Wars
3: Jon & the NIghtriders: Live at the Whiskey a Go-Go
4: Les Agamemnonz: Les Agamemnonz
5: The Kilaueas: Professor Volcanova
6: Satans Pilgirms: Psy<chploitation
7: Messer Chups: Church of reverb
8: Watang - Miss Wong
9: Bambi Molesters - 13 Sonic Bullets from the Hip
10: Bang Mustang! - Surfin' NSA

Name: Simon
Country: Germany

  1. Jon & the Nightriders - Live at the Whiskey
  2. The Bambi Molesters - Sonic Bullets
  3. Los Twang! Marvels - Jungle of Twang
  4. Slacktone - Warning! Reverb Instrumentals
  5. The Kilaueas - Profesor Volcanova
  6. The Treble Spankers - Hasheeda
  7. Satan's Pilgrims - Creature Feature
  8. The Surfites - Big Pounder
  9. Man or Astro-man? - Is it...
  10. The Looney Tunes - The Modern Sounds of...

Los Apollos - cinematic surf music trio (Berlin)
"Postcards from the Scrapyard" Vol. 1, 2 & 3 NOW available on various platforms!
"Chaos at the Lobster Lounge" available as LP and download on Surf Cookie Records!

For anybody that needs help with their pics.
This Weekend all the DJs on NSSR will be playing songs from
their Top 10 surf revival albums.


Last edited: Aug 28, 2015 11:16:25

Name: Budda Vzx (Fábio Verza)
Country: Curitiba/PR - Brazil
1. The Treble Spankers - "Hasheeda"
2. The Bambi Molesters - "Dumb Loud Hollow Twang"
3. Satan´s Pilgrims – "At Home"
4. The Phantom Four - "Morgana"
5. The Eliminators – "Unleashed"
6. The Apemen - "Surfvival of de Onbeschofste"
7. Los Straitjackets - "Jet Set"
8. Los Twang! Marvels - "Jungle Of Twang"
10.The Anacondas - "Snakin´ All Over"

This weekend is your FINAL chance to send in your votes for the Surf Album Top 101. To help you with your pics this entire weekend it's Surf Album weekend. All DJ's will be playing tracks from their favourite 10 albums. So make sure to tune in starting 17:00 CET today.

The deadline for your submissions is Sunday night at midnight PST meaning you have little under 48 hours left to make up your mind. So check out all the shows this weekend and post your personal Top 10 of surf revival albums in this thread or send it to

Niels Jansen
Program Director
North Sea Surf Radio

To submit your surf music to North Sea Surf Radio send the tracks as .mp3 in 320kbps bitrate with correct tags to via Dropbox.

North Sea Surf Radio: Website- Facebook - Twitter
North Sea Surf Festival: Website - Facebook - Twitter
The Phantom Four: Website - Facebook - Twitter

Name: Carlos Yela
Country: Spain

  1. Laika & the Cosmonauts – “Absurdistan”
  2. Slacktone – "Slacktone"
  3. The Ghastly Ones - "A Haunting We Will GoGo"
  4. The Bambi Molesters - "As the Dark Wave Swells"
  5. The Longboards - "Big Surf"
  6. Hawaii Samurai - "The Shape Of Surf To Come"
  7. Man or astro-man? - "Experiment Zero"
  8. Tormentos - "Bigs Sounds From Death Drop & Go!"
  9. Insect Surfes - "Infra Green"
  10. The Madeira - "Tribal Fire"

Carlos Yela
Surf Music Madrid FB
La Ola Perfecta
Surf Music Madrid site

bigtikidude wrote:

For anybody that needs help with their pics.
This Weekend all the DJs on NSSR will be playing songs from
their Top 10 surf revival albums.

Bump, on now


Hello everyone at SG101 - I love lists. The Surf Album Top 101 list at North Sea Surf Radio has helped me find a lot of great music and bands I might never have heard of, so I want to encourage everyone at SG101 to vote, so that when someone new discovers this site or NSSR and reads the Top 101 they are presented with the best that surf music has to offer.

At the time I am writing this, only 17 votes have been cast. So by the time albums that have received multiple votes are considered, the Top 101 have already been named, by just 17 people! I'm sure ever album that has received a vote is great, but I would like to see hundreds of votes to ensure the Top 101 truly represents the best. And I want everyone to vote publicly, right here on this thread, instead of in Private Messages to Niels, because I want to be able to read through this thread to find those gems that don't make the Top 101.

So Vote! Thanks.

My Classic Instrumental Surf Music Timeline
SSS Agent #777

Name: Rev Hank
Country: Canada

  1. Eddie Angel - Guitar Party
  2. Los Straitjackets - Viva Los Straitjackets
  3. Laika and the Cosmonauts - Local Warming
  4. Treble Spankers - Hasheeda
  5. The Kilaueas - Wiki Waki Woo
  6. The Surfites - Escapades in Space
  7. Burt Rocket - Savage Iceland
  8. Surfer Joe - Senor Surf
  9. The Atomic 7 - Gowns by Edith Head
  10. Teisco del Rey - The Many Moods of

Canadian Surf

Name: Ralf Kilauea
Country: Germany

1 The Kilaueas - Wiki Waki Woooo
2 The Kilaueas - Profesor Volcanova
3 The Surfites - Big Pounder
4 Langhorns - Club Gabardino
5 The Tremolo Beer Gut: The inebriated sounds of…
6 Los Freneticos - El Playa
7 The Surfites - Escapades In Space
8 El Ray - Tick Tick Tick
9 The Deoras - Surf Spy Tiki Instro
10 The Blue Stingrays - Surf-N-Burn

Twang cheers!

Ralf Kilauea

Last edited: Aug 29, 2015 18:17:18

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