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Permalink Aquasonics trip to California - a LONG review

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here's my review of this weekend -

SATURDAY, April 28th
first thing saturday morning, after days of making sure I didn't crush any fingers at work, I smashed my right thumb in my suitcase tow-handle. Luckily, just a small blister formed.

We (Maui, Mad Dog and I) arrived in California on Saturday Afternoon, and Tim (HBKahuna) and John Benton of the Lively Ones (and Bob Berryhills Surfaris) picked us up. We had lunch, and hung out for a while at Tim's while I re-grouped after the flight - I have a small motion sickness problem, and don't exactly love to fly.

later, Sniper Matt (our Bass player) and Hootie Mcfly ( his squeeze) and all of us went to BTD's house for a BBQ - Good stuff! I got to meet several people and met Dusty Watson who was there. Turns out that Dusty has bad elbows, and when he was in Denver a few weeks ago, he met with Hot Chick Drummer Rikki Styxx (from 'Get 3 coffins Ready') who is also a physical therapist when she's not banging things with a stick. Dusty says she did wonders for his elbows. Tim almost got me to Heimlich him during a run-in with a piece of steak.

then it was off to the world Famous Doll Hut - a total rock-a-billy club. Small, but cosy.

The Glasgow Tiki Shakers went first - Wow, they were good. I've met Bill, and Joyce once before, and they are very quite, nice people. they really shocked everyone with their set - it was tight, and powerful. their drummer Bruce is a lefty, and was excellent. first left handed drummer I've ever seen.

next, The Aquasonics - I got to play out of the fabled brownface Showman owned by outerwaves' J.R.  We were short a Reverb tank,  and Tom of the Neptunes lent me his Holy Grail.  The amp is incredible sounding - far more powerful than my Showman at home.  BTD asked me to turn up a little,  and I guess i got carried away - I swear,  i only turned it up a click.   We Were stupid loud - far too loud, really.  John Benton got up and played "Surf rider", "Mr. Moto",  and "Mexico" with us. That was cool for me - it was a pretty good set I think.  I got to meet Doug,  who came in from Reno just for the shows over the weekend - he's a true surf fan for sure!

Then, Outerwave - GREAT GREAT GREAT! I loved these guys. when I think Traditional Surf Band, this is the band I will think of in the future. Perfect sound, perfect set list -

After our set, we were pretty much shot from the long day of travel and such, and decided to pack it in, so we only heard two Neptunes songs. We knew they were playing again the next day, so see the section about Sunday below.

SUNDAY April 29th

The Huntington Beach International Surf Museum Pier Plaza show started at 11. We got there at 11:01, and were greeted with the Plank Shakers playing. They were cool - Marty Tippins told some horribly bad jokes in between a bunch of great surf songs - their version of "Sleepwalk" really stuck out as really great.

Glasgow Tiki Shakers were next, and played another great set -

the Neptunes were next, with a mostly  new lineup i hear.  They were great - everyone said they may have been the highlight of the day.  I know they were the highlight for me on Sunday.  Lots of complex melodies,  and cool sounds.  they are a 5 piece now,  and the sax really added a ton to the songs.  I could hear each instrument play it's own distinct part.  i could tell that Tom was having a great time playing.  He was bouncing around and digging the crowd response.  His new amp sounds great - and i was a little miffed when i found out that the Holy Grail pedal i used the night before was the only reverb he used on Sunday.  i couldn't tell he didn't have a tank.  it sounded really full  and big  and wet.  They were truly excellent.

The Flowmasters were next -  I liked them a lot.  Gerry used the Gomez Surfer Amp,  and it sounded great.   I also liked the keyboard sounds that Doug Forbes added.  I liked how Gerry and Doug's guitar matched.  The Flowmasters get the award for best  dressed and matching  band of the day.  Their version of "Guns don't argue" was cool -

The Surfaris - It was cool seeing Jim Fuller take a little bigger part of the show - he played,  and sang too.  Paul Johnson played well as usual.

the Aquasonics - I got to play through yet another great amp - this time it was one of John Bentons Brownface Dual Showmans.  I used HBKahuna's '64 vintage tank too.  it sounded great to me!  the crowd was great,  and I know we all had a great time.

Afterwards,  I got the opportunity to go to dinner with Linda from the HBISM ( and the lady responsible for giving us the chance to play this gig)  her husband John,  John Benton, Frank from the Eliminators, and Paul Johnson and his girlfriend, Sheri?(sorry I forgot her name)  THAT was cool.  Linda is about the nicest person you could ever hope to meet.  She told me about her work for the museum, and the concert series she's put on for the last 3 years.  I pretty much made an ass of myself with Paul Johnson by not asking any good questions,  but we talked about the Duo-Tones for quite a while,  and he talked about a few projects he has on the horizon.  Paul enjoyed his meal,  I made sure to ask him that.

Monday, after breakfast with BTD, Tim took us on a little sightseeing trip to famous surf and surf music spots. we saw where the Rendezvous Ballroom was, where DD lived near the Wedge, and we saw the world famous "Wedge" - it was flat..... we also went by the HBISM and saw the new exhibit on the Beach Boys and talked to Linda some more - she sure is nice. Then it was off to Chronic Taco and the airport.

So - there you go - a great weekend!  We had a great time - a dream come true for me!  i got to see 6 great bands,  and I met a ton of great people.  I also got to meet Joelman, talked (briefly) to TikiTena, and saw JeffLeites from a distance.  I met the famous Baja Marty,  and Dario Gomez of Gomez amps.

Thanks to Tim and his family, BTD, Outerwave, Neptunes, GTS, Linda, the HBISM, John Benton, and everyone that helped us to make this happen!

Chris and the Aquasonics

"You can't tell where you're going if you don't know where you've been"

sounds like you did have an awesome weekend.
Glad So Cal treated you right, Now you know why I love it here so much.
Just wish the weather would have been a bit better for you guys.

Hope to see you guys back here again.
and glad to be part of your great time here.



I'm still recovering too. All I can say is at the Doll Hut, that may be the loudest Wipe Out was ever played in the history of surf music,,,, then The Aquasonics turned it up even more. I'm not complaining. Sometimes you just have to say WTF & make history. I think Jim Fuller would have been proud. Rock

What's with the non-Cali surf bands playing too loud for all you California people? Are you real men or what???

Wink Wink Wink

(BTD, don't get your knickers all in a twist... Very Happy )

Very glad to see that the Aquasonics tore it up and left a lasting impression. Sounds like it was one hell of a weekend! Way to go.


Lords of Atlantis on Facebook
The Madeira Official Website
The Madeira on Facebook
The Blair-Pongracic Band on Facebook
The Space Cossacks on Facebook
The Madeira Channel on YouTube

I thought I said I love it loud.??? but The Aquasonics were blaring loud,and some didnt like it, but most dug the hell out of it.
I felt really bad that some of your shows had to be limited volume wise.
guess it depends on where you play. The Doll Hut is in an industrial area, and next to a freeway, the closest house is about a 1/4 mile away.

As Baja Marty says, crank it up and let the ears bleed.
me if it gets loud, I grab a corner of a napkin, to take the edge off.



Don't worry, Jeff, just having a bit of fun at your expense. You know I don't mean it, and there are no explanations or apologies necessary!

Glad to see that people still loved it loud - it's the only way!


Lords of Atlantis on Facebook
The Madeira Official Website
The Madeira on Facebook
The Blair-Pongracic Band on Facebook
The Space Cossacks on Facebook
The Madeira Channel on YouTube

hey it was hard to tell how loud it was from the stage! it seemed loud when the Aquasonics played, then someone said we were even louder! Sorry folks!

It ALL SOUNDED good! Great energy from the guys from CO! Trading off lead duties, and Mad Dog is indeed MAD! And although vocals are usaully not my deal, the Aquasonics could double as a frat band any day of the week! Well done, and come back soon!



I thought we played loud, Mac kept saying during our set to bring it down but I newer saw him, Allen or JR go to their amps or guitar to lower the volume. I really though we were loud. Again, come back soon and on your way back to SoCal make a stop at Fresno and drag the Neptunes with you.

Another funny story from the Doll Hut. I has at the Doll Hut the night before the show to watch Kid Ramos. I handed a flyer on our show to this guy I struck a conversation with regarding surf music. He was already pretty much all beer'd out. He looks at the flyer and then says' "Man, the Neptunas will be here tomorrow, these chicks can play". I told him to back the next day so he can watch the Neptunas. He did not show up.

What's with the non-Cali surf bands playing too loud for all you California people? Are you real men or what???

Wink Wink Wink

(BTD, don't get your knickers all in a twist... Very Happy )

Very glad to see that the Aquasonics tore it up and left a lasting impression. Sounds like it was one hell of a weekend! Way to go.


Jeez, Ivan... I had to ask you to turn it up at the Hotel Utah
last year! Must be those SoCal weenies. Wink Wink Wink



Agree Fight

Danny Snyder

"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo

Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta

Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party

Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF

We all know how the Lava Rats throw down. I think they'll be telling us to turn down in Hermosa before we even get a note out...


Chris, I swear it was the effects loop that made the Holy Grail reverb sound different... it was way more reverb than I use most of the time. So the Grail fills my needs... sorry I did no try to mess with your sound.


... but The Aquasonics were blaring loud,and some didnt like it, but most dug the hell out of it.

Now that's odd. They're always being asked to turn it down out (back? up?) here in Colorado, too. Smile (OK, mostly in very weird venues, where everybody gets that reaction.)

Congratulations, Chris, Maui, Matt and Mike!

Chris, I swear it was the effects loop that made the Holy Grail reverb sound different... it was way more reverb than I use most of the time. So the Grail fills my needs... sorry I did no try to mess with your sound.

Tom, your rig sounded great! You did nothing but help me out all lweekend - Thanks - my only point was that you made the Holy Grail sound awesome!


"You can't tell where you're going if you don't know where you've been"

Nice guitar porn in that avatar.

I just wanted to throw my 2 cents worth in about our great experience in SoCal this last weekend.
Chris sums it up pretty good! All in all it was the friendly folks that made the whole trip for me! you all have something going there, the Surf Music Community, that is really neat. It was nice to be part of it for a few days.
I have loved Surf music since I was in the third grade. To finally be able to play where it all started ment more to me and the rest of the band than you can imagine!
Alot of thanks go out to all but mostly to Tim and michelle , John and Linda. Without these folks we would not have been able to pull it off.
We would like to welcome anyone coming out to Colorado. It may be a tuff task but maybe we can make you feel as at home here as we felt there.
They call me the AX Murderer because I always look like I'm going to kill someone but looks are deceiving. I was a happy boy in So Cal !
Your Pal in Colorado , Maui

Tom, your rig sounded great! You did nothing but help me out all lweekend - Thanks - my only point was that you made the Holy Grail sound awesome! Chris

Thanks, I didn't want you to think I did some kind of Sabotage or something. I felt bad you didn't have a tank to play through. I know for some folks that might be a deal breaker!



What's with the non-Cali surf bands playing too loud for all you California people? Are you real men or what???


hehe, you know how it is here, Ivan!

"Turn the knob to 10 and break it off!" -Baja Marty

Chris - excellent review. It was a pleasure to see you again and have the chance to see you play! I hope you'll come back and play here again.


"Turn the knob to 10 and break it off!" -Baja Marty

It would be killer to have Madeira, Aquasonics, Slacktone, Neptunes & Outerwave all play the HB Pier on the same day.

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