To all,
My God! The Surfer Joe Summer Festival 2015 was far far far beyond my expectations!! A quick shout-out to Lorenzo Surfer Joe and Brother Luca, and the Surfer Joe Diner staff, Tommaso Bandecchi and his lights/sound crew, having Big Tiki Dude at my side on stage, knowing that we all assisted in making Jeff's dream to be there come true ... was a very overwhelming moment for me. Like Lorenzo and Luca (and so many others in the instro surf community worldwide), B.T. Dude gives up so much of himself for the love (and "business") of THE REVERB -- that he deserved the experience. Our way to thank U, Jeff. Great to be on stage w/ Rauf Kilauea, and also with, of course, Lorenzo.
In a way, I like to think of my many surf videos that I've shot since 2008 and posted on my YouTube Channel as my way of giving something back, too. Add the Surf-Rock Shindigs at Otto's every first Saturday of the Month since May 2004 without missing a Month, is another contribution I am proud of. At one time I had 3 internet radio shows running at once, and all featured instrumental surf (Twang Shebang, Elemental Instrumental, and YourSpace Radio). I am hoping to have a new 'radio show' in the very near future that of course will center on instro surf; it's a free-form station that streams and archives shows ... that's as far as I want to go for now. I think I should wait until the 'ink is dry', as they say. Plus, I may even have a second 'show' of all instrumental surf at another location. That, too, is as far as I wish to go. Like all of you, I simply cannot get enough instro surf. There simply is IMHO no better genre of music when performed live. is the URL to my YouTube Channel. What is a mind-blower for me is that I'm crossing over to 4,500+ live videos -- I've shot each and every one. Sounds like I need to get a life! Also the Channel is on the verge of crossing over to 8 million video views. Holy shit!! For real? I know some of you won't believe this, but what I just wrote in this paragraph was said without ego. I'm proud of these numbers and am thrilled so many people have found the Channel and get joy from the diverse selection of live music found there.
This year I'm going to do "this" carefully, systematically, etc. What's "this"? It's the process of sending every video to every band for a look-see and approval; it's about the musicians, and the music, and NOT Me. I also am asking the bands to supply song titles,l and advise me if it's an original or a cover. And if a cover, who did the original? I don't want a repeat of the disaster (for me) of the 2013 SG-101 Convention weekend, when all of my notes disappeared. It's a project I intend to return to. I have plenty of footage of never-seen performances, starting with the "Surf Jams" in the morning, followed by the Convention itself, music that Saturday night, and lastly, music I filmed by the Huntington Beach Pier. It's a labor of love, and I vow to eventually post all the videos.
I don't have a total count of how many videos I came home with from this past week-end; please be patient as I get the info and approvals as stated above.
Day 1 of the weekend in Livorno was June 18th (that's the day I flew into Pisa). Lorenzo seemed to refer to this day as not an official day of the Festival itself, but a pre-festival concert and party to kick off the incredible music experience we all witnessed, heard, absorbed, performed, etc., for the 3 days -- Friday/Saturday/Sunday -- to ensue. Two bands performed that evening. First up, The Dead Rocks from South America {Brazil]. followed by Surfer Joe!!
All 7 videos are loaded in (3 for The Dead Rocks, 4 for Surfer Joe). I am now going over to my YouTube Channel, insert the "notes", and make them 'public'. The next post here will be the song titles and the URL hyperlinks directly to the videos.
I so appreciate the many surf fans who approached me in Italy to thank me for my videos (and unsteady FB posts!). Meant a lot to me. I was asked about 'The Magic Camera' as it has become known. Again it's a Canon SD 870 IS. Last Summer I purchased 5 (maybe 6?) more on eBay! I think I have 10 total now, and had 5 with me at the S.J. Festival!!!
So check back in maybe an hour or so.
I am also posting them on each artist's FB Page, my 2 FB Pages, the Surfer Joe Summer Festival 2015 Official FB page, and an assortment of 5 "surf" FB pages!! Yeah I know, crazy. I will also eventually create a Flickr set of my pix -- maybe do that by Sunday?
My gratitude also needs to be expressed to The Great Spirit that got me to Italy and back without any health issues ... that for me is a big deal!!
All right, let the games begin .....
See you all in a little while, 60-90 minutes
Last edited: Jul 29, 2015 01:36:47