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SurfGuitar101 Forums » Musicians & Gigs Wanted »

Permalink Tampa Bay Area Florida Bassist wants to form a Surf, Hot Rod 60s Garage Rock style band.

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Bass player here in Largo/Seminole area of Florida working on getting a band together. Surf, Hot Rod, 60s Garage Rock. Looking for Guitar(s), Drums, & what ever else that may fit.

Last edited: Jun 04, 2015 12:00:58


If you repost your cl ad and add pictures, tweak your language, or run alternating ads you may get responses. I am assuming you are running an cl ad. I do the same and find that people respond to a well-written ad.

Here is a link to my ad:

Squink Out!

Ok, thanks for the advice. Much appreciated.

Move to Orange County and we can start immediately.

Hey WaimeaBay, are you the one from Orlando who posted an ad looking for a bass player on Craig's List a month or two ago?

yeah, that was likely me. I had given up looking for surf band mates in Orlando for a while. I had a decent project going in Gainsville with some great guys, but careers and other crap got in the way.

Then I was approached by somebody through a mutual friend. We are a 3 piece called "The Shoguns of Surf" (tentative name). I really don't want to stay a 3 piece, so the search continues for another player. I have been practicing a lot lately and we rehearse weekly. I am hoping to be playing out soon. Maybe by this summer.

Hey Waimea Bay, how goes the search?

still a 3 piece. Rehearsing regularly. I am going to be choosey with the next guitar player. We got pretty decent chemistry going right now. so if we take on a 2nd guitarist, it's got to be the right fit.

What's up with you? Any luck?

It's not going at all. I'm in touch with more players that quit playing Surf than current players.
One significant music event lately is that I just finished building a Warmoth Jazz bass. I'm still getting to know it and trying out strings to see what sounds best. I'm very sure it'll be my main bass. I really like the ash body with the Fender 60s Custom Shop pick ups.
So, you have two guitars and a drummer, and you're in need of a bass player, am I right?

Sorry your search is not going well. It is hard finding people in this state! Crazy, because there is so much coast and so many surf shops and tiki bars that could be played.

My bandmate plays guitar or bass, you are always welcome to come and jam with us. Too bad its probably at least 90 minutes away.

Good luck to you both.

(Dan, your avatar has my favorite mermaid.) Cool

SoCal ex-pat with a snow shovel

DISCLAIMER: The above is opinion/suggestion only & should not be used for mission planning/navigation, tweaking of instruments, beverage selection, or wardrobe choices.

yeah Wes, I actually have my avatar as a full size poster in my man cave. Smile

WaimeaBay wrote:

yeah Wes, I actually have my avatar as a full size poster in my man cave. Smile

Thumbs Up Class.

SoCal ex-pat with a snow shovel

DISCLAIMER: The above is opinion/suggestion only & should not be used for mission planning/navigation, tweaking of instruments, beverage selection, or wardrobe choices.

Tampa guitarist here. Hit me up.

Guitarist for Black Valley Moon & Down By Law

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