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Permalink Anyone see american idol tonight?

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I know, I know the show sucks. But did anyone see that song with that jeff beck guy (or whatever his name was) and I think Kelly Clarkson? That was a really nice looking set up that he had. Anyone know exactly what it was? I couldn't identify it from the tv.

I am super sweet

I guess either no one has or no wants to admit it. Laughing

Personally, I don't see the appeal of the show or understand how it has lasted as long as it has. But I know that wasn't the point of this thread so I'll shut up!

<img src="klzzwxh:0000"></img>

you're joking right,
I don't think that anybody on here would watch that show,
or if they did they would never admit it.
Hell I'm ashamed enough that my mom and dad watch it.



Embarassed i check the jeff beck site weekly to see what he is up to and it said he would be on that horrible show. my wife does watch it and she hollered for me to check becko out. the chick singer sucked. beck gave a lesson in touch guitar---nothing frantic or nutzo--great phrasing and touch. his usual strat but the amp seemed to be a fender rig--but i couldn't tell which model it was. thats the best i got on it now. peace

I hate the show very as well. I never would have watched it, but my grandma came over, and she hasn't been here in half a year. But yeah, I only wathed it because she wanted to. All I know is that it was all nice and blonde, and either a dual showman or a bandmaster. I think his cab was a 2X15 as well. But I wasn't sure, so I decided to ask you guys.

I am super sweet

I watched it! lol.
Last evenings show raised over 60 million in funds for the newly formed Charity Projects Entertainment Fund for distribution to groups including America's Second Harvest: The Nation's Food Bank Network, Boys & Girls Clubs of America and the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria.
Beck had what looked to be a Fender blonde head and cab with his white strat. He didn't play much but what he did play was class.
The wife and I comment on the show together when we get a chance to actually sit down together and catch it. Its entertaining, and I think the 'Idol Gives Back' idea is super!

I watched Elvis with Celine Dion on youtube (a friend sent it to me). He kicked her ass.

Yeah he did - they should have just shown the Elvis footage without Celine.

Not that I watched it or anything.... Embarassed

here's the link.

"You can't tell where you're going if you don't know where you've been"

Personally, I don't see the appeal of the show or understand how it has lasted as long as it has. But I know that wasn't the point of this thread so I'll shut up!

Never underestimate the ability for the American people to inflict suffering upon themselves while at the same time entertaining themselves.

I highly recommend seeing the movie Idiocracy if you want a glimpse of what the future of America will be if we keep supporting the mindless television reality series.

Or just the movie. It is pretty freaking funny.


I read on another forum that Beck was using a Supersonic head/cab.

I'm usually apathetic about singing but I disagree that Kelly Clarkson sucks. If there was ever one contestant on that show that can sing, she's it.


I watched it. I believe this is what he was using:


It's the new Super Sonic from Fender.

I watched Elvis with Celine Dion on youtube (a friend sent it to me). He kicked her ass.


Here's the KC and Jeff Beck performance on YouTube.


I highly recommend seeing the movie Idiocracy if you want a glimpse of what the future of America will be if we keep supporting the mindless television reality series.

Or just the movie. It is pretty freaking funny.

It's a brilliant movie--naturally the studio tried to kill it off. (No advertising, super-limited release, etc.)

Seriously, anyone who hasn't seen it is missing out.


That was excessively violent and completely unnecessary. I loved it.

we have a dutch version too over here...

last week my oldest son suggested the canadian version, all i had to do was go to youtube and type: "idols canada fart"

i think that covers it, no?

I watched this on YouTube after reading this thread. Jeff played freakin' awesome, such amazing tone and TOUCH. And Kelly has got a set of pipes on her like few others. I think they both did amazingly well - too bad the song is pretty boring and kinda generic....


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I'll admit to watching the show early in the season when it takes a page from one of my all time favorite shows - "The Gong SHow." But as for the rest of the season, I would put it up as exhibit A as to why public opinion polls should never be a defining factor in setting public policy.





Speaking of AI, did anyone see Sanjaya sing 'Bessame Mucho'? (One of my fav Ventures covers) Im sure it sucked, but, it would be neat to play the Ventures version but announce it as a Sanjaya song...

Speaking of AI, did anyone see Sanjaya sing 'Bessame Mucho'? (One of my fav Ventures covers) Im sure it sucked, but, it would be neat to play the Ventures version but announce it as a Sanjaya song...

it was, for want of a better term, 'tired'

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