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SurfGuitar101 Forums » Surf Music General Discussion »

Permalink Would a homemade cd-r be a fair promotional tool?

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Would most artists agree with this? I only ask it because I meet many people who wonder what music is blaring from my car. Here in the midwest there is no underground and radio stinks. I thought about putting one song of like 20 or so artists on a cd just to give to people so that they could find out about their music. It seems music stores around here won't play it either, so the masses would never hear of their music unless by some sort of chance. Still, I'm apprehensive about it because many artists in the surf music biz aren't eating kaviar and sipping champagne and I would hate to hurt them financially in any way.... especially considering I greatly admire their music.

I'd maybe encourage them to go to a particular artist's mySpace page - nearly all surf bands have them these days. I think just about every Double Crown band has one, and there's one for Double Crown as well ( Other than that, I don't think I'd object to much if you took the free MP3's on the Double Crown site ( and made a CD-R out of them, as long as it was just given away for free. Maybe write the website ( on the CD-R.

Double Crown Records

Surf CD's / Vinyl / Fanzines / DVD's
Aloha Screwdriver - Lunar Wobble CD
The Nebulas - Euphorion LP / CD
Supertubos - The Fourth Drive CD
Continental Magazine - Issue #37 w/17 Song CD

I would say just contact the members of the band. Most any band that has a CD worth getting your hands on has either an e-mail address on that CD or have a web presence with contact info.

I know most bands would be more than happy to be on a mix CD for folks, but just make sure everyone is happy if you're giving away their music.


So...uh.. are you saying you want to make people mix CDs?

Storm Surge of Reverb: Surf & Instro Radio

Yeah. I intended to contact the artists first if I ever did this, but the free mp3s would probably be a better idea. There doesn't seem to me too many computer literate people up here... at least in the older generations. I guess I'm sad because the music industry seems to crap on artists that don't sell their souls to big labels and or have great ideas. I've been listening to a cd by a guy named Ashley MacIsaac that I really like that is like Irish fiddle pub music with R&B beats (among other things). I found this in a dollar bin and only bought it because he is holding a fiddle on the back wearing a kilt. It came out many years ago and had I known about it, I would have bought it for it is outstanding.

Someone should make a site specific for promotional demos where artists could put them in genres and subgenres. Myspace is cool but isn't as accomodating as having pages with genre headers. Of course some genres overlap, though.

As for the double crown idea, maybe I'll have to check in on that. The problem is most people only hear the garbage on the radio and tv and don't realize some of the great stuff in the underground, many times which is infinitely better.

Why not make a CD-ROM with html files that work with any browser and features you favorite bands’ sites and mySpaces?


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