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Permalink ELECTRIC BEACH PARTY 8 PM EDT...tonight's playlist

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Thanks for the spin Carol!!!!

Buy Speed of Dark @ Bandcamp
Buy Spin the Bottle @ Bandcamp
My Blog- Euro Tour Blog
Pool Boys on Spotify
Frankie & The Pool Boys on FB
Pollo Del Mar on FB
DJ Frankie Pool Boy on North Sea Surf Radio

Thanks, Mom. Smile

Great show!

Surfin’ Europe – Surf gigs in Europe
The Malbehavers – Instrumental Surf Music from Tilburg (NL)
Tout Tilburg Surft – Malbehavers’ debut EP

this evening at 8 PM EDT, 7 central, 6 mountain and 5 pacific. repeats at midnight EDT, 11 central, 10 mountain and 9 pacific. streams at


let's go the ventures
zephyr cove duane eddy
big foot rick estrin and the night cats
kitten with a whip the rockats
white boy shuffle scott smith

the rattler james wilsey
shazam the lustre kings
ride of the ruthless don leady
boogie bored the crazy aces

malibu nightmare joao erbetta
kamikaze jon & the nightriders
rebel rouser duane eddy
kickin' chicken jimmy thackery
mr. guitar link wray

ramrod the duo-tones
fat wolf blues don leady
boogie board jon & the nightriders
40 miles of bad road the duo-tones
thrown away the crazy aces

turf's up brad paisley
tail shaker the tail gators
slinky chet atkins

Last edited: Apr 06, 2020 14:09:35

Thank you Carol, for playing us on you show!


monday, april 13, 2020...this evening at 8 PM EDT, 7 central, 6 mountain, 5 pacific. repeats at midnight EDT, 11 central, 10 mountain and 9 pacific. streams at

featured artist: the phantom operators

'chupacabra rock' phantom operators
'the driver' phantom operators
'long gun' bambi molesters
'tiki bar crawl' slacktone

'cylinders' the break
'commanche' the revels
'slaughter beach' atomic mosquitos
'locked and loaded' the penetrators

'flight of garuda' daikaiju
'atlantic echo' the atlantics
'spyda's web' laika and the cosmonauts
'tailspin' los straitjackets

'grommet' jon & the nightriders
'killer dana' the chantays
'sunset glide' the eliminators

'ghost truckers' phantom operators
'last ride of the unforgiven' phantom operators

Good job, Mom. Smile

this evening, monday, april 20, 2020…..8 PM EDT, 7 central, 6 mountain and 5 pacific….repeats at midnight EDT, 11 central, 10 mountain and 9 pacific…streams at

tonight featured artist: the penetrators!

'another time, another place' the penetrators
'locked and loaded' the penetrators
'rincon' the eliminators
'killer dana' the chantays

'geronimo' jon & the nightriders
'flash of green' pollo del mar
'ripped tide' the phantom operators
'farthest shore' the madeira

'mosquito bay' the takeoffs
'predatory repose' the destroyers
'lost acapulco' la astronauta
'undegpump' y niwl
'lobster boat' burt rocket

'slide' joe matera
'dark eyes' the bitch boys
'cecelia ann' the bambi molesters
'ghosts at the ranch' longboard ranch

'code name gypsy' the penetrators
'the wind beneath my kilt' the penetrators

this evening, monday, april 27, 2020…..8 PM EDT, 7 central, 6 mountain and 5 pacific….repeats at midnight EDT, 11 central, 10 mountain and 9 pacific…streams at

repeating a show from 2015 when our station finally started streaming.


the wind beneath my kilt, melodies dilemma the penetrators

journey to califura, six waves under bang! mustang

earthquake, body surf aki aelong and the nobles

shape of things to come, blues theme davie allan and the arrows

siboney, hawaii joe bambi molesters

twangin' tritones, el boogie el danka

cross steppin', dawn patrol the eliminators

taste of honey, invaders the exotics

silver coast, coolangatta insect surfers

wild weekend, pink panther theme three balls of fire

Good job, Mom!

this evening at 8 PM EDT, 7 central, 6 mountain and 5 pacific. repeats at midnight EDT, 11 central, 10 mountain and 9 pacific. streams at

featuring all european bands this hour

'journey to califuria' bang! mustang
'bolero' bang! mustang

'taipei tower chase' the space rangers
'paper moon' the space rangers
'treble in paradise' speedball jr.
'there she blows' speedball jr.

'undegpedwar' y niwl
'chwech' y niwl
'hawaii joe' bambi molesters
'glider' bambi molesters

'twangin' tritones' el danka
'mi guaguanco' el danka
'surf rider' bitch boys
'dark eyes' bitch boys

'six waves under' bang!mustang
'soleil rouge' the space rangers
'pilgrimage' speedball jr.
'undepump' y niwl
'standing on the nose in a stylish manner' bambi molesters
'el boogie' bitch boys

'cloudburst' bitch boys

this evening at 8 PM EDT, 7 central, 6 mountain and 5 pacific. repeats at midnight EDT, 11 central, 10 mountain and 9 pacific. streams at

'boogie bored' the crazy aces
'taste of honey' the exotics
'big noise from makaha' the bitch boys
'gonzales' the shadows
'our favorite martian' bobby fuller four
'out of limits' the marketts

'moving target' jon & the nightriders
'viva waimea' joao erbetta
'pilgrimage' speedball jr.
'return of the surf guitar' martin cilia
'journey to califuria' bang! mustang
'flight of garuda' daikaiju

'turf's up' brad paisley
'surf's up' the atlantics
'dawn patrol' the eliminators
'hideaway' the duo-tones
'midnight run' the penetrators
'la planche' the vanduras

'celtic traditional/enter sandman' the goddesses of bagpipes

this evening at 8 PM EDT, 7 central, 6 mountain and 5 pacific….repeating at midnight EDT, 11 central, 10 mountain and 9 pacific. streams at

featured artist: the exotics

'invaders' the exotics
'jetsetter' the exotics
'checkpoint echo' the penetrators
'slide' joe matera

'solaris stomp' the space cossacks
'slidin' evan foster
'dark eyes' the bitch boys
'shadow magic' the space rangers

'las cruces' the phantom operators
'cross steppin' the eliminators
'our favorite martian' bobby fuller four
'monsoon' the chantays
'midnight run' jon & the nightriders

'flight of the surf guitar' the atlantic
'pilgrimage' speedball jr.
'siboney' the bambi molesters
'slaughter beach' the atomic mosquitos
'silver coast' the insect surfers

'sandoway' the exotics
'lonely girl' the exotics

I tuned in just to hear Flight Of The Surf Guitar because it's a great title. Great show!!!!

Squid From Madrid - New Single on Bandcamp
MB Website

this evening, may 25, 2020, at 8 PM EDT, 7 central, 6 mountain and 5 pacific..repeats at midnight EDT, 11 central, 10 mountain and 9 pacific. streams at

tonight's featured artist: jon & the nightriders

'banzai washout' jon & the nightriders
'geranimo' jon & the nightriders
'the wedge' the duo-tones
'das model' the space rangers
'cactus planet' webb wilder
'telegraph jungle' el danka

'fathomless' the fathoms
'crystal t' the chanteys
'tiki bar crawl' slacktone
'tiki patrol' the phantom operators
'atlantic echo' the atlantis

'flight of garuda' daikaiju
'landlocked' the bambi molesters
'surf lady' dirty fuse
'E5' the eliminators
'invaders' the exotics

'moving target' jon & the nightriders
'rumble at waikiki' jon & the nightriders

tonight! stream at 8PM EDT, 7 central, 6 mountain and 5 pacific….repeats at midnight EDT, 11 central, 10 mountain and 9 pacific….

featured artist: the mentawais

'surfin' java' the mentawais
'cheater 5' the mentawais
'shoot the pier' the poles
'cloudburst' the bitch boys
'a forest' the phantom 4

'diamond head' jon & the nightriders
'slippery surface' the evanstones
'red sunrise' the space cossacks
'long gun' the bambi molesters
'let's go tripping' the beach boys

'las cruces' the phantom operators
'johnny's noseride' the eliminators
'vila nova' the exotics
'in the shadows' the atlantics
'wataridori' the surf coasters

'checkpoint echo' the penetrators
'das model' the space rangers
'surf rider' the lively ones

'finless slide' the mentawais
'flat day' the mentawais

Thanks for the play!! We'll have to send you some new tunes from the new record!

this evening, monday, June 15, 2020….8 PM EDT, 7 central, 6 mountain and 5 pacific…..repeats at midnight EDT, 11 central, 10 mountain and 9 pacific.streams at

featured artist: the duo-tones

'ramrod' the duo-tones'
'lonely bull' the duo-tones
'crystal t' the chantays
'tally ho' pj and the galaxies
'torquette' the fireballs
'shape of things to come' davie allan and the arrows

'squad car' eddie and the showmen
'rebel rouser' duane eddy
'failsafe' the original surfaris
'lanky bones' pj and the galaxies
'earthquake' aki aleong and the nobles

'killer dana' the chantays
'mr. moto' the belairs
'let's go trippin' the beach boys
'zephyr cove' duane eddy
'bulldog' the fireballs
'bullwinkle pt. 2' the centurions

'wild weekend' the rebels
'memphis' lonnie mack
'mr. rebel' eddie and the showmen
'body surf' aki aleong and the nobles
'monsooon' the chantays
'blues theme' davie allan and the arrows

'kamikaze' the duo-tones
'outside' the duo-tones

this evening, monday, June 29, 2020….8 PM EDT, 7 central, 6 mountain and 5 pacific…..repeats at midnight EDT, 11 central, 10 mountain and 9 pacific.streams at

featured artist: the aquatudes

sorry for no playlist, we're just too busy in our store right now

mom_surfing wrote:

this evening, monday, June 29, 2020….8 PM EDT, 7 central, 6 mountain and 5 pacific…..repeats at midnight EDT, 11 central, 10 mountain and 9 pacific.streams at

featured artist: the aquatudes

sorry for no playlist, we're just too busy in our store right now

Thank you for featuring The Aquatudes, Carol! I enjoyed listening to all of the bands you played tonight. - Dick B.

*Dick B.
The Aquatudes

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