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Hey guys, first post here. I've scoured the internet and can't really find the information I'm looking for. In a few weeks I'll probably be acquiring a lake placid blue HSS strat. With a humbucker in the bridge am I going to lose that surf tone? Can I just use the middle pup instead? Believe it or not, I've never played a strat before so I just wanted to get you guys opinions on it. Thanks a million.

Welcome. Glad to have you with us.

Nice looking guitar. I have always thought Lake Placid blue was a sharp looking color. I really like that Strat.

You will be fine with an HSS. If you are not satisfied with the sound from the bridge pickup, try using the neck pickup and pick the strings closer to the bridge. That will get you a good substitute.


Thanks a ton Norm.

I use Strats for surf gigs and the middle pickup (position 3) is the one I use if the bridge tone has too much bite for the matching the sound on the record or that I am looking for. I find that, with surf, the in-between position of #2 and #4 are rarely if ever used.
By the way, I have a Strat that was HSS but I grew tired of the rather planky sound of the "H" that I bought an "S" (and a new pickguard) and for surf that bridge "S" really is a game-changer.
For my non-surf band, I am using a Les Paul for all the "H" tones and switch to a Strat for the "S-S-S".

The Surf Shakers:
Vancouver BC Canada

Last edited: Feb 02, 2015 01:08:38

Coil tap the h.

The Kahuna Kings

A Mosrite bridge pickup would be an interesting option in a Strat. I'm not sure if they are being made yet, but Curtis Novak appears to be working on one: Novak Mosrite pickups

I've been playing surf with strats for 5 years and I use the middle pickup 99% of the time. I only use the other positions in very few songs or parts of songs.

I don't believe the "surf tone" resides at the bridge pickup, but nomatter how harsh, the bridge strat tone is something I'd miss in a HSS strat.

shake_n_stomp wrote:

I find that, with surf, the in-between position of #2 and #4 are rarely if ever used.

What??? You must be kidding Wink I love 2+4 for super clean tones and I suppose they are used quite often.

The Hicadoolas

Last edited: Feb 02, 2015 07:16:47

Welcome to sg101, Reverb_jones! Glad you're here. BTW, the very famous and unquestioned surf guitarist extrordinaire, Paul Johnson, uses a Strat with a bridge humbucker.

This is Noel. Reverb's at maximum an' I'm givin' 'er all she's got.

Welcome to SG101.
I think you'll be fine with that Strat just as it is.


For me, the middle pickup on a Strat is where I am 80-90% of the time when playing surf music. It was also the most commonly used pickup setting by the Strat masters of yore: Hank Marvin, Dick Dale, Jim Skiathitis and Theo Penglis of the Atlantics. Between the middle and neck, you're pretty much covered for most of what you need. You can easily play surf music without ever using your Strat's bridge pickup (though it IS nice to have that option on occasion).

Lords of Atlantis on Facebook
The Madeira Official Website
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The Blair-Pongracic Band on Facebook
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The Madeira Channel on YouTube

I built a Teisco with vintage Kawai p'ups front & back and a Strat in middle, with 3 on/off switches. The Strat p'up is lightyears better than the other two in any combination and I use it almost exclusively.

Squink Out!

Thanks a lot for all the advice and warm welcomes! And that settles it, I'm definitely going with the HSS now. Worst comes to worst I'll get a new pickguard and bridge pup.

SanchoPansen wrote:

shake_n_stomp wrote:

I find that, with surf, the in-between position of #2 and #4 are rarely if ever used.

What??? You must be kidding Wink I love 2+4 for super clean tones and I suppose they are used quite often.

Well, I didn't say one cannot use the 2 & 4 positions! To my ear, using either positions 1/3/5 to me (IMVHO/YMMV, etc) are my sweet spots for playing instro/surf. Perhaps these tones were the ones most in use because up until 1977 fewer guitarists used the 'in-between' tones because the stock pickup selector was only a 3-way (although the in-between tones could be obtained mid-throw between each 'click'). - hey, just a theory!

The Surf Shakers:
Vancouver BC Canada

Reverb_jones wrote:

Thanks a lot for all the advice and warm welcomes! And that settles it, I'm definitely going with the HSS now. Worst comes to worst I'll get a new pickguard and bridge pup.

Belated welcome to SG101. Smile

I LOVE the middle pickup on my Strat, probably on 70-75% of the time.
One thing; with that nice Blue axe you're not likely to be lamenting, "Hey, guys, my Strat bridge pickup seems a little thin..."
Big Grin

Nice to have you aboard.

SoCal ex-pat with a snow shovel

DISCLAIMER: The above is opinion/suggestion only & should not be used for mission planning/navigation, tweaking of instruments, beverage selection, or wardrobe choices.

I use all 3 pick ups, but I am playing on the neck and middle more often. The bridge p-up is great for the lower strings...extra twang. It depends on the amp I use, the amp's settings, the room, my mood, etc.

Try the humbucker too. If it sounds good, you have another option. Use your ears, not your eyes, and enjoy the new guitar!


Canadian Surf

A bit off-topic, but the standard Fender Strat tone knobs do not affect the bridge P/U. A very easy soldering mod of adding a very short jumper at the 5-way selector turns tone#2 into also controlling the bridge P/U (in addition to controlling the middle). So, that sometimes 'bright, brash, strident' bridge P/U can be mellowed-out a bit. And if you want to go 'full-throttle', use a no-load pot for the tone pots.

The Surf Shakers:
Vancouver BC Canada

Last edited: Feb 02, 2015 15:56:45

IvanP wrote:

For me, the middle pickup on a Strat is where I am 80-90% of the time when playing surf music. It was also the most commonly used pickup setting by the Strat masters of yore: Hank Marvin, Dick Dale, Jim Skiathitis and Theo Penglis of the Atlantics. Between the middle and neck, you're pretty much covered for most of what you need. You can easily play surf music without ever using your Strat's bridge pickup (though it IS nice to have that option on occasion).

That comes as a surprise to me, I thought that Hank Marvin and Jim Skiathitis used the bridge pickup most of the time. Everyday I learn something new! Smile

I don't know squat but I keep learning all the time here. Someday I might get all the way to squat! Smile

I have a couple strat look-alikes and the middle pickup sound has been my most-used, too.

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