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Sounds like this could be useful and fun. Supposed to allow individual musicians in different locations to play and record together in real time..

Last edited: Jan 17, 2015 10:23:56

The short videos describe computer and internet requirements. WiFi does not support it, you need an Ethernet cable to connect computer to modem. Looks like (SG101) "fans" can listen live, too! Who's in?

*Dick B.
The Aquatudes

A great idea in theory but it probably has a very limited distance range. You'll need to keep your total latency to less than 12ms to be able to play in time with other members of the jam.

So check out the built in calculator. Then you will have to add in for the latency of the Internet. It takes about 10ms light to travel from coast to coast. The Internet is much slower than that. You'll probably need broadband internet with at least a 2MB upload speed.

All that said ... I hope it works great!

Because there's nothing more musically satisfying than an experience that is 0% organic and named after a Shaq movie.

Insect Surfers
The Tikiyaki Orchestra
The Scimitars
Lords Of Atlantis
Fiberglass Jungle - Surf Radio

JONPAUL wrote:

Because there's nothing more musically satisfying than an experience that is 0% organic and named after a Shaq movie.

ROTFL OK, topic notwithstanding, that's funny.

SoCal ex-pat with a snow shovel

DISCLAIMER: The above is opinion/suggestion only & should not be used for mission planning/navigation, tweaking of instruments, beverage selection, or wardrobe choices.

It's cool how this app or whatever brings the whole lightspeed thing home in a very appreciable way.

Squink Out!

Latency - that must be why the introduction only talked about jamming with others in your area. Too bad that this apparently keeps you from working with someone on the other side of the country. Still, might prove to be useful in working up material with your band members. Next rainy day I think I will give it a shot.

So, I set up an account and have listened in on a few jams. Some nice recorded jams there, but some of the open jams sound like Guitar Center on a Saturday afternoon! Most members have neglected to fill out their profile of genre favorites, so it's a bit hard right now to see if anyone on Jam Kazam plays some surf rock. The site provides ways to search for other players both by overall latency and distance. Also provides a way to plan a future (Instro-Surf?) jam and ask potential players to RSVP to compare latency compatability and arrange a time. Slower tempos can tolerate more latency, so surf rockers likely need to be in your corner of the globe to play the faster tunes. You can record and share as well.
I need to get hard-wired to my cable modem first, then see if I have any success conducting a jam. I set one up, called "North East Surf-Rock Jam". I set it to allow fans to listen in and text chat with each other, and the players. Stand by ...
Anyone else have any actual Jam Kazam experience to report?

*Dick B.
The Aquatudes

Last edited: Jan 18, 2015 21:00:21

Please keep us posted.

Update: So, I'm connected via ethernet cable to my router now. Speed check of my setup reveals a 9 msec latency, supposedly good for supporting up to 8 musicians. Therein lies the challenge. A few players with accounts in the NJ-NY-CT-NH-MA region show up with reasonable latency to jam with me. Their profiles show not too many have been active recently. Some show having participated in a decent number of sessions. I'll check in here again after I connect with somebody. - Dick

*Dick B.
The Aquatudes

I'm gonna post a session invitation to try to get a regular surf-rock jam started. Looks like a little organization can go a long way on Jam Kazam. Pre-scheduled sessions, with an agreed "set "list" might work best. It is pretty unlikely to find a player with compatible genre interest and ability, - AND compatible latency - by just jumping on-the-line. If there are SG101-ers that want to set up an account and try, PM me and we can work on jamming together.

*Dick B.
The Aquatudes

Update: Jam Kazam is getting ready to launch their own super-low latency device, to help extend the distance/internet range over which musicians might connect to play together. See promo video of long-distance band rehearsal here:
Jam Kazam long-distance band rehearsal video

My own quest to actually find someone to jam with, who has compatible genre interest and ability, compatible latency peformance and on-the-line at the same time as me persists ... - Dick

*Dick B.
The Aquatudes

This just in:
E-mail announcing Jam Blaster Kickstarter campaign. The two linked short videos are worth a look.
The service and product seem like an ideal tool for our SG101 community. We share a niche passion for playing surf music, but we are too often separated by distance and/or circumstance. What do you all think? - Dick

Hello Dickster –

I’m the CEO of JamKazam, and I wanted to write you a note personally because JamKazam is launching something very special this coming Monday, February 9th. It’s called the JamBlaster, and it is truly revolutionary. Please watch this short video that explains this new product. I promise it’s worth a couple of minutes, and I think you’ll be amazed, or at least very impressed:

To be really specific Dickster:
• Your computer and interface require 9 milliseconds to process audio, which is normal for recording interfaces, but very slow compared to what is possible.
• The JamBlaster processes audio in less than 3 milliseconds, a solid 67% reduction in latency.
• In addition, the JamBlaster cuts down something called jitter, saving you typically another 2 to 5 milliseconds of latency.
• Every 1 millisecond you save on audio processing can buy you up to about 100 miles of range over the Internet, and the JamBlaster can save you about 8-10ms.
• So the JamBlaster can significantly extend the range over which you can play with others, and make all of your sessions feel and sound much tighter.

Here is a video that explains more about latency and how the JamBlaster can transform your ability to play online with other musicians:

If you have any questions about the JamBlaster, feel free to write me back via email. I’m happy to provide answers.

We are launching the JamBlaster on Kickstarter on Monday, February 9th. If you're not familiar with Kickstarter, it is the leading crowdfunding platform for bringing new products to market. Last year 22,000 projects were successfully funded on Kickstarter, raising a total of $529 million from 3.3 million project backers. If you’re interested in the JamBlaster, we'll send out a link to the Kickstarter page next Monday, when our Kickstarter page becomes active.

Thanks for taking the time to check this out. It really is an amazing product. And feel free to write me anytime!


Co-Founder & CEO
JamKazam, Inc.

*Dick B.
The Aquatudes

I agree with Jonpaul that it is something less than organic. This virtual jamming method lacks a lot in the immediacy of being in the presence of fellow players. On the plus side, I prefer the idea of musicians playing together virtually across otherwise prohibitive distances over the idea of the isolated single guitarist who plays to a drum machine and self-added bass and rhythm (that puts the organic component in the negative!). I, like many of us, have done the latter and have always disliked the anti-social nature of the process. Yes, self recordings are fine for demoing ideas - but music is best with players bouncing their ideas off of each other and it's a great way to improve your skills. If this web app makes it possible to do a rehearsal for players living in Burbank and Laguna at a time where rush hour would make it impossible, then it sounds promising.

My problem is WiFi and my lack of technical knowledge. I don't see an Ethernet input on my WiFi router. Do I simply disconnect the WiFi Router and put the line to an Ethernet card in my computer (providing I have one)?

"Hello Girls!"

Last edited: Feb 05, 2015 13:33:03

Yes, Marty - you run the ethernet cable from either your WiFi router, or your internet modem to the ethernet port on your computer. The video at explains the specs your computer needs to run it. - Dick

*Dick B.
The Aquatudes

Thanks, Dick. The problem here is that the internet modem and WiFi router are a combined unit without an Ethernet input port. Your answer reminded me of that fact. Hence, if I want to do this, I will need to invest in a separate internet modem. -MT

"Hello Girls!"

You should be able to find a router that is a WiFi and Ethernet combo. Are you getting your internet from the phone company or cable?

Hey Mike,
That is what I have - a WiFi and Ethernet modem in one. The issue is that it doesn't have an input on the combo modem for the required direct Ethernet cable. -MT

"Hello Girls!"

Last edited: Feb 05, 2015 22:48:18

If your modem is connected to a Ethernet port you can purchase a small 4 port switch. Plug the WiFi into one the ports and you still have 3 more inputs. I'm by no means a computer guru, but I work for my local phone company and spent 6 years doing internet installations. If you need more help, pm me and I'll shoot you my phone number.

Happy to report that I shared a successful Jam Kazam on-line "Surf Jam Session" today with Tony the bass player with "SPF-4" (aka "RedJagBass" here on SG-101). I am located in central CT, and Tony is about 150 driving miles away, between Boston and Cape Cod. (Point-to-point distance is about 100 miles). We were able to play some bass and drums together with no noticeable latency. Just need to connect with a surf guitarist next. We would highly recommend that SG-101 community members try connecting via Jam Kazam. - Dick

*Dick B.
The Aquatudes

Last edited: Mar 09, 2015 11:57:22

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