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Permalink Just Posted: "Walk Don't Run" Instructional Video

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The debate will be endless on whether the Ventures 1960 hit "Walk Don't Run" has any relationship to surf. (I personally view i as a precursor) But back in the `60s, and maybe today, it was/is a part of every surf guitarist's repertoire.

In any case I created this video in direct response to a request that I do so on another surf-music related forum. Thought some here might like to see it as well.


Still rockin' after all these years!

Last edited: Dec 14, 2014 07:41:35

Don, that was fun! I enjoyed every minute of it. You look like you were having fun, too.

This is Noel. Reverb's at maximum an' I'm givin' 'er all she's got.

Great video! Thank you for posting.

Very good, really enjoyable to watch.

More cowbell?? Nah...More Reverb!!

Great video man. One of the first things I learned was the intro and the beginning of the melody, never thought to finish learning it after all of these years.

The one place I differ is, instead of hitting the C on 1st fret of the B string, I slide to the 5th fret.

Download my rock cover of Diamond Head

Cool video. I haven't watched the whole thing yet, but I couldn't help but notice that the first note of the melody is wrong. You are playing and instructing that an open G note on the 3rd string be played. At first I thought that I'd been playing in wrong for 50 years, because I've been playing an E note on the 4th string. So, I just spent much too much time checking it out. I looked at some on-line tabs, and my official 60's Ventures music book (which by the way transcribes the whole thing one half step to high). Then I recorded the opening by the Ventures from two different YouTube recordings, isolated, and looped the first note, and verified that it is indeed an E not a G.

mp3 comparisons available upon request Big Grin

Update: As long as I have too much time on my hands, I made an (unlisted) video comparison.

My Web Site - Tunes - Pictures - Guitar Projects - Hard Rock Cafe Guitar Pins

Last edited: Dec 29, 2014 21:48:49

Jeff, I was traveling and thus the delayed response. Thank you for the correction! I tried it both ways and you are absolutely right. In fact, even without a guitar I "played" the interval in my head and sensed you were correct.

Kind'a funny... I learned the piece -- "sounded it out" as we used to say in the days before tabs and the like -- in about 1961 when I was about 14 years old. Coming back to it just within the last year I played it as I knew it then and the incorrect note (which I must have played eighty-two million times!) went unheard by me.

Mind you I am not, even on newly learned pieces, a note for note player, And that by desire and intent. I prefer to play things as they appeal to me. But I can make no such claim here. This was just a youthful error carried forward. So I guess "old dogs" can learn "new tricks"!

Thanks again!


PS - I posted the correction, giving you deserved credit, on the forum for which I had first made the video.

Still rockin' after all these years!

Last edited: Dec 29, 2014 15:29:38

The great thing about writing your own songs is, nobody knows if you are playing it correctly.
Big Grin


hahahahaha just your bandmates notice, which is good cause they are paying attention.

bigtikidude wrote:

The great thing about writing your own songs is, nobody knows if you are playing it correctly.
Big Grin

When you have to shoot ... shoot! Don't talk.
"Los Grainders"
"Planeta Reverb"

bigtikidude wrote:

The great thing about writing your own songs is, nobody knows if you are playing it correctly.
Big Grin

Word, bro.

The Mystery Men?
El Capitan and The Reluctant Sadists
SSS Agent #31

and the song won't be to hard to play, cuz you can only write it as hard as you can play it to begin with.


Frankie Blandino says that's not true Jeff. Big Grin

When you have to shoot ... shoot! Don't talk.
"Los Grainders"
"Planeta Reverb"


I've learned to play endless tunes the "wrong" way. Sometimes it's from listening to covers that have their own take, sometimes I hear it wrong, and sometimes it's because I just don't have the ability to play it "right". Sometimes I like the "wrong" way better Laughing

I was taught WDR by a friend back in 1964. Too bad we didn't have computers and software back then to slow things down, isolate notes, and loop them. I'm sure I ruined a lot of LPs lifting and moving the tone arm to repeat passages over and over Big Grin

BTW, I've one or two WDR tutorials on YT that leave the first note out altogether, and start with the "A" Sigh

My Web Site - Tunes - Pictures - Guitar Projects - Hard Rock Cafe Guitar Pins

Last edited: Dec 29, 2014 22:42:09

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