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Permalink Anyone out there "hate" recording?

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The Surge! boys are currently sequestered in the basement trying to record material for a long overdue (to us anyway) new CD.......

Now that being said, the operative word here is "trying." I read somewhere that the Astronauts did about 30 some-odd takes of Miserlou for their "Surfin' with the Astronauts" album before they got a take that they could use.

I'll bet I have tracked twice that many takes on one song trying to nail something that is relatively easy.


I just made a pot of coffee. Maybe that will help.

Ok Ed........"now back to the salt mine."

That's where we went wrong...........we should call the band room "studio" "The Salt Mine"......not the Boatwerx!


Traditional........speak softly and play through a big blonde amp. Did I mention that I still like big blonde amps?

I DO!! Recording is like having a root canal to me. Actually, I've enjoyed root canals more (nitrous oxide and music helped that!).

I love recording. It can be difficult when you do it "live" though...we usually do two or three takes and pick the best one.

It's more relaxing and enjoyable when it's DIY and free. I think I'd dislike it if we were paying by the hour...much more stressful.

i just finishing my first recording (in a very long time) and it was a bit tough getting tracks i liked. record, delete, record delete and so on. for some reason i get very nervous when i record. i hope i get a little more comfortable with it casue i want to do a whole lot more recording.

now if i was paying by the hour, i'd be broke and songless!

What seems to help me the most is to make a quick CD of all the tracks without my lead and then put my player on auto-play and play it and play it and play it while I try to develop no brainer muscle memory.

I do wish I had kept a record of how many train wreck takes I've done on some of this. I might apply for a Guinness World Record.

I like Jamie's idea, and what a great idea for a CD title: "Nitrous Oxide Helps"


Traditional........speak softly and play through a big blonde amp. Did I mention that I still like big blonde amps?

I enjoy recording, producing.
Capturing the moment (if possible)

I really don't like engineering.

Ed, that stuff you played for me recently sounded really good.

Grown to dislike much of the process of late.

The Kahuna Kings

Another love/hate thing about recording:
We are forced to record ourselves, at home using cheap gear. There just isn't enough funding of Crazy Aces music to warrant "real" studios or gear.
Part of this is a fun challenge - get the best sounds you can with simple and cheap gear
The hard part - I can hear the difference between "good" mics and preamps and I wish sometimes that I couldn't, LOL

I still consider myself fortunate to be able to create and share music, however it is recorded



By myself, yes. With others, I love it.

I will NEVER complete a recording by myself. Perpetual demo.

I get in my own head pretty bad when recording. If I don't get something right in the first few takes, the chances of it coming out right the same day diminish. I enjoy practicing but it seems like when recording I can screw up everything I've never managed to screw up before.

The Mystery Men?
El Capitan and The Reluctant Sadists
SSS Agent #31

ParkRowe wrote:

i just finishing my first recording (in a very long time) and it was a bit tough getting tracks i liked. record, delete, record delete and so on. for some reason i get very nervous when i record. i hope i get a little more comfortable with it casue i want to do a whole lot more recording.

now if i was paying by the hour, i'd be broke and songless!

For me, recording got much less stressful the more I did. Now I really enjoy the whole process. The songs on our Penguin or Robot? were under rehearsed when we went into the studio. We came up with some neat things that probably would not have happened otherwise. In the early days, we got a bit uptight when the red light went on. Now it's just fun!


Canadian Surf

I like the idea of recording. I like being in the studio. I like the mixing process.

I hate that the moment the red light goes on, I forget how to play. I hate that I make the most stupid, ham-fisted mistakes. I hate that my perfectionist insistances suddenly make me look like a hypocrite because to all around I've not bothered to learn my parts. Or how to play the instrument in the first place, on particularly bad days. I hate when I can't quite get the tone right.

CrazyAces wrote:

Another love/hate thing about recording:
We are forced to record ourselves, at home using cheap gear. There just isn't enough funding of Crazy Aces music to warrant "real" studios or gear.
Part of this is a fun challenge - get the best sounds you can with simple and cheap gear
The hard part - I can hear the difference between "good" mics and preamps and I wish sometimes that I couldn't, LOL

I still consider myself fortunate to be able to create and share music, however it is recorded



So true Jeff!

Getting through all the muckity muck to the point of being able to see the red light is what I hate. I typically bring the drummer in and take him through the song with me on guitar and hopefully end up with a decent drum track. I do everything else after that to get the song done. I wish I could just write the song and play my guitar with some killer mics and pres going into someone elses board.

The Kahuna Kings

I hate it when I'm doing it, but I love it when it's done. I'm far more proud of my album than any live performances I've done. I think what I hate most is seeing the potential of what I could do with unlimited resources, which is a complete fantasy, as my resources are quite finite.

Danny Snyder

"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo

Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta

Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party

Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF

Is there an "Recordees Anonymous" organization? If not, there ought to be one.

Thanks for the kind words Jeff and Danny live and on tape you rock!

One thing I keep forgetting is the old "well, if it was easy, everyone would be doing it."

And I really do have basically myself to point my finger at as I keep digging in downstairs rather than paying someone who actually knows what they are doing and has the right facility to make our recordings. However, in the end, it is up to the four of us and we are still speaking to each other and that counts for a lot.

Sharing all this will all you guys is a big help.

Isn't this a great group of people lurking around in these parts?

Reverbs guys. I feel better already.

Tomorrow.........tape will roll (or at least the hard disk will spin).


Traditional........speak softly and play through a big blonde amp. Did I mention that I still like big blonde amps?

i absolutely dislike trying to record myself on my computer. it seems every time i redo something it gets worse. plus the issue of playing all the parts by myself. ugh.

to have more money and time than i know what to do with would make it all better. get someone else to be the one hitting the record button. get a real sound guy to mix it. get someone else to play the instruments. ha!

Hate recording( the only way I enjoy it - its when we make a kind of a live recording, playing together. Writing guitar down to recorded drums and bass makes me sick in 15 mintues Argh

Waikiki Makaki surf-rock band from Ukraine

Lost Diver

My favorite thing in the world. Absolutely love it.

What's not to love Ted. You guys are great at it. Everything you do comes out great. We all love it when you guys are in the studio!

Thanks Capt Obvious! Big Grin

The Kahuna Kings

spskins wrote:

My favorite thing in the world. Absolutely love it.

What Ted said. I love everything about recording.

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