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Says I attempted a scripting attack?

You have been blocked from entering this site.

You have attempted a Scripting attack on this site.

All of the following information has been gathered to assist the webmaster should this need to be reported to local or federal law enforcement.

<img src="klzzwxh:0000"></img>

Was it a one time problem?

Wow that was REALLY fast, I was going to try posting my message again right now to see if it works.

<img src="klzzwxh:0000"></img>

No still not working, I'm trying to post more info about the Marauder in the Marauder post and it won't let me, but apperently I can post to this? The message contained a URL and a quote no scripting attack that I'm aware of.

<img src="klzzwxh:0000"></img>

OK I got it posted I guess it was a little too long and had to split it into two different posts. So I guess I am guilty at least a half dozen or so scripting attacks. Any chance I'll be let off with just a warning? Crying

<img src="klzzwxh:0000"></img>

Any chance I'll be let off with just a warning? Crying

No chance pal. we're currently checking our super secret inside contact to get your adress, and then we'll hunt you down for some serious jag-slamming (see pic on the left)


Rules to live by #314:
"When in Italy, if the menu says something's grilled, don't assume it is."

I have heard about this "Surf virus" Paranoid once you get it your hooked for life!!


Beyond The Surf YouTube channel
Beyond The Surf Instagram
The Verbtones @ Instagram
The Verbtones @ Facebook
The Verbtones @ bandcamp

No chance pal. we're currently checking our super secret inside contact to get your adress, and then we'll hunt you down for some serious jag-slamming (see pic on the left)



Sometimes the site security software trips when you try to post text from other web pages that contains HTML.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

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