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Permalink Reventlos vs Killer Bees vs Surf City PHOTOS

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There Reventlos played Surf City Nights." The band battled killer bees & the noise nazi from the city. How brilliant was the city? Invite a band then put them in the only block that has condos. Then put the noise meter on them & bust their chops about the noise. I guess it made too much sense to move them a block south with all the bars.

The band handled the situation like total pros, sounded great & pleased the crowd. I would have just told the city to pound sand. They were more concerned with the noise level than the bees swarming everyone. It's all too typical for the city officials.

Just a bit of a bee problem. Was it the Hai Karate after shave?


The (L) the "Singing Reventlo" (R) Matt and the infamous 'Billy Baroo" surf green Stratocaster.

The Reventlos do Main Street, HB.

The "Noise Nazi" ruining all the fun. The band gets temporarily shut down for playing gasp 85 db.

"The balloon guys says it too loud!" Note Lee in the background dodging the killer bees. The bees were obviously city employees as the just attacked the band. Or, did they cut the Noise Nazi slack simply out of professional courtesy?

Last edited: Apr 17, 2007 22:58:34

We tried to beehave, but it was like we were in a B-movie.

Matt Q (everyone was stung once except the friggin drummer. What's with those guys?)

Tim, Too bad you didn't get a pic of Greg when he had about 70 Bees on him.
we were rolling and scared at the same time. I was about 100 ft away and the bees were by us too. He sprayed down with Off bug spray and put on a black reventlos t-shirt over the yellow t-shirt to help, but no dice, they were all over him, Flying in his face and in his nose.

ok here goes the Bee jokes we were thinking of.
1st Lee the Drummer said Join the Army, Bee all you can Bee.

Jim Copeland (surf fan) asked for Flight of the Bumble Bee, and Taste of Honey.
I told the Reventlos that they were just a Bee-list band. Rolling Eyes

then asked if when they left if they were gonna make a Bee line for home.

But it was all OK, because they were the first Instro/surf band to have Group-bees get it?

The cops were there for a bit, but then left, I guess they went to go get their Bee Bee guns,

and When I got home and told my Dad, he said maybe it wouldn't have been so bad, if the Reventlos played more Bee sides.

The guys were super troopers, I know I wouldn't have stayed around to play there.


Oh, the music was really good too Rock

He sprayed down with Off bug spray and put on a black reventlos t-shirt over the yellow t-shirt to help, but no dice, they were all over him

I hate to have to be a nerd but I can't help it. Anything regarding Animalia and I have to butt in.
Actually, wearing black is the last thing you want to do around bees. Instinctually and evolutionarily, they're really agitated by the color black thanks to the long complicated relationship with (black) bears over the years. That's why bee keepers wear all white.

Excuse me while I push my glasses back up the brim of my nose. Rolling Eyes

Sorry to hear all this but remember Lee Kix is responsible for booking this gig. Rest assured before I allow any of the other bands who play for the museum to do this gig I will investigate and find out what the heck is going on. I have direct contact with the guy who books these gigs that wanted me to take over and I intend to let him in on this crap. Not only that the noise level at Pier Plaza is 95 db at the sound booth and in the city it's whatever the neighborhood will tolerate there is no db level measurement in the residential area. As for the bees that could have turned fatal and that's not cool so the gal in charge will be hearing from me as I have a direct line to her as well. If they want this program to continue to work they must eleviate this kind of thing from happening. Until I have some answers I am not recommending any of the bands in my entourage. The bands need someone to speak up for them and guess who's very good at doing that. Reventlos you guys are real troopers and I am proud of you but don't put up with this kind of crap I doubt the city would want you to if they knew about it.

I'm a lover not a fighter, a hugger not a handshaker and I take friendships very seriously...Love the life you live, live the life you love. Cool

Linda, thanks for sticking up for us, but this was just one of those crazy snafus that every band experiences from time to time. Plus, it makes a good story. Interestingly, Greg started out wearing yellow, and the rest of us were in black, but the bees went for him in a huge Hollywood way. Must be his aftershave, or karma really is a bitch.

I understand what you are saying. But the other guys were wearing black too, and barely got bothered.
Greg must have had a scent or something about him that the Bees really



He sprayed down with Off bug spray and put on a black reventlos t-shirt over the yellow t-shirt to help, but no dice, they were all over him

I hate to have to be a nerd but I can't help it. Anything regarding Animalia and I have to butt in.
Actually, wearing black is the last thing you want to do around bees. Instinctually and evolutionarily, they're really agitated by the color black thanks to the long complicated relationship with (black) bears over the years. That's why bee keepers wear all white.

Excuse me while I push my glasses back up the brim of my nose. Rolling Eyes


Actually, wearing black is the last thing you want to do around bees. Instinctually and evolutionarily, they're really agitated by the color black thanks to the long complicated relationship with (black) bears over the years. That's why bee keepers wear all white.

Maybe they just like pleather?

Hey, I read bees are disapearing in droves? whats that all about?

Here in So. Cal. we actually have The African Killer bees coming in from Mexico so its hard to tell if Bees are disappearing, It seems like I see more and more all the time, Kristena's husband got attacked by killler bees about a year back.
I did hear somebody mention that cell phones are killing or making Bees go away form city areas, because it disorientates them, and they cant figure out how to get back to their hives.



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