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Permalink Double Crown`s "Surf Party" Cassette!

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Hi there,

I feel to do a little review about this great release.
The first thing which is cool is that this is a CASSETTE. Yes. I love this format a lot.
What can I say. In this moment I listen to "Surf Party" the 3rd time in a row. So I like it a lot!

A side:
Frankie & The Poolboys - Skinny Dippin:
A cool rockin` surf song with a nice fuzzy feeling. Easy summer song.

The Surfites - Comet's Tail:
The first higlight! A Surfites song is always a higlight for surf music lovers! What a cool fuzzy surf track! Perfect splashy sound! Fast and full of positive surf energy! Yeaaahhh!!!

The Concussions - Wray Conniff:
Wow! What a 60s vibe in this song! There are not many other bands with THIS cool 60s feeling in their newer songs. With their first release I thought they are a cheap Los Straitjackets clone. BUT NOW they have found a real real cool own sound! Great stuff!!!

Burt Rocket - Mr Motor:
The next nice splashy track! Cool and fast melody. Very catchy!

Boss Fink - The 5th Horseman:
BOSS FINK!!!! THIS is my favorite on this cassette!!! PURE fun surf music! It reminds to old Phantom Surfers. It starts with a reverb crash and then the band rolls in into this surf monster. The melody repeats a lot of times, then a little funny trashy guitar solo then back to the melody and so on, two little breaks, thats it!!! You could say that this is a simple song and maybe you are right. Yes, maybe it is simple, I dont care. THIS IS PURE FUN SURF for me! I love it! Great surf guitar picking sound! Let me tell you that it is worth to get this cassette just because of this song!

The Madeira - Undercurrents Rough Mix:
Oh, a rough mix? Sounds perfect, the end is very funny! Haha! Whatever, this is a veeeeery nice song! Cool feeling, extremely nice melody. Great ending for the A-Side!

Side B:
The Boss Martians - Highball At Hatty's:
Aaaaahhhh!!! The Boss Martians!!!! One of the surf music gods!!! You never can go wrong with a Boss Martians song!!! This song has the typical mood of the old BM stuff. Splashy guitar! The organ always holds the same harmony needed : )
Simple and fantastic modern surf classic. I LOVE the guitar sound. Splishy splashy!!!! Cooooool!!!

The Mobsmen - Mobsmen Blues:
I like the Mobsmen but I always think about Satans Pilgrims when I hear them. The song is cool! Minimalmelody, great surf playing! They are not as good as Satans Pilgrims for me. The song writing is not as good as SP. Anyway, as said before this is a cool surf song!

The Volcanics - Del Rey:
Oh! I guess many people like them, but for me this song is a poor rip off from "The rebel" from Eddie & The Showmen! JUST stressful from beginning to the end!! Too much of everything, and I miss an own idea… When the song ends I feel good to breath again. Puh!

The Shockwave - Golden Gambler
I like this band, but this song doesnt hold my attention very much. Not very catchy… The melody is a bit too simple for me… Organ comes in, trumpets come, and then the simple melody again. Then a not special guitar solo kind part. I dont know why, but for me just boring… sorry. I miss something special in this song at all!

The Beechwoods - Watusi At Night
Oh oh, the end of the cassette. I can not say something about this song. Not special at all. I guess the band wanted to create a cool 60`s style song. With a few minimal vocals. For me totally boring…

………………turn around and start again with
A side:
Frankie & The Poolboys - Skinny Dippin:
A cool rockin` surf song with a nice fuzzy feeling. Easy summer song.

The Surfites - Comet's Tail:
The first higlight! A Surfites song is always a higlight for surf music lovers! What a cool fuzzy surf track! Perfect splashy sound! Fast and full of positive surf energy! Yeaaahhh!!!

The Concussions - Wray Conniff:
Wow! What a 60s vibe in this song! There are not many other bands with THIS cool 60s feeling in their newer songs. With their first release I thought they are a cheap Los Straitjackets clone. BUT NOW they have found a real real cool own sound! Great stuff!!!

Burt Rocket - Mr Motor:
The next nice splashy track! Cool and fast melody. Very catchy!

Boss Fink - The 5th Horseman:
BOSS FINK!!!! THIS is my favorite on this cassette!!! PURE fun surf music! It reminds to old Phantom Surfers. It starts with a reverb crash and then the band rolls in into this surf monster. The melody repeats a lot of times, then a little funny trashy guitar solo then back to the melody and so on, two little breaks, thats it!!! You could say that this is a simple song and maybe you are right. Yes, maybe it is simple, I dont care. THIS IS PURE FUN SURF for me! I love it! Great surf guitar picking sound! Let me tell you that it is worth to get this cassette just because of this song!

The Madeira - Undercurrents Rough Mix:
Oh, a rough mix? Sounds perfect, the end is very funny! Haha! Whatever, this is a veeeeery nice song!
………...and so on

ALL in all I love this cassette and would definitely buy it again.
The look of the cover is pretty! The colors look nice! It feels simply good!
It is NOT expensive, so get it. EVen if you are just a bit interested in surf music, GET IT! You will not be disappointed!
I highly recommend this release!
Get it here:

No, I am NOT paid by Double Crown Records! I just want you to have good music at your home! So, now make a break with reading here and order the cassette NOW!

Thanks for your time!

Twang cheers!

Ralf Kilauea

Last edited: Oct 31, 2014 07:56:34

This was on my "Order Next" list since I first heard about it. Looks like I made the right decision.

This is Noel. Reverb's at maximum an' I'm givin' 'er all she's got.

Last edited: Oct 31, 2014 07:59:29

Love the review Ralph, thanks! Big Grin

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Ralf! You are such a breath of fresh air! Thank you for your extremely honest and brief yet insightful take on this release. If I didn't already have it, your words would've made me go buy a copy! Thumbs Up

Insect Surfers
The Tikiyaki Orchestra
The Scimitars
Lords Of Atlantis
Fiberglass Jungle - Surf Radio

HallmarkSweptWinger wrote:

I feel to do a little review about this great release.
Boss Fink - The 5th Horseman:
BOSS FINK!!!! THIS is my favorite on this cassette!!! PURE fun surf music! It reminds to old Phantom Surfers. It starts with a reverb crash and then the band rolls in into this surf monster. The melody repeats a lot of times, then a little funny trashy guitar solo then back to the melody and so on, two little breaks, thats it!!! You could say that this is a simple song and maybe you are right. Yes, maybe it is simple, I dont care. THIS IS PURE FUN SURF for me! I love it! Great surf guitar picking sound! Let me tell you that it is worth to get this cassette just because of this song!

Thanks, man!!! This revue made me very happy!

BOSS FINK "R.P.M." available now from DOUBLE CROWN RECORDS!

Thanks for "The 5th Horseman"!

Please give us more of this fresh surf music! Go Go!

Twang cheers!

Ralf Kilauea

beautiful review Ralph!
I'm in love of this cassette that remind me when I was yong Smile and I listened all music in vinyl and cassette, like most of you
That's right?
I hope to see more vinyl and cassette
Just a question
How many copies in percentage were sold in Europe and in America?

Massimo Pafumi
Jaguar & The Savanas facebook
Jaguar & The Savanas web

Thanks for the great review Ralf. Of course, I disagree with your assessment of some of the songs, but I do appreciate your honest opinion. I do have the itch to do another cassette, just because it was a fun thing to put together, but not really for moneymaking purposes. This one has yet to come close to breaking even so far, but that's fine. Hopefully over time it'll reach that point.

Massimo - I'm afraid I don't have a quick and easy way to tell you how many copies were sent to European vs. American customers, but I would guess that perhaps 20% went to Europe, and the other 80% to American customers. That kinda falls in line with the overall percentage of orders that I receive though. In all I think I've sold about 40-50 cassettes.

Double Crown Records

Surf CD's / Vinyl / Fanzines / DVD's
Aloha Screwdriver - Lunar Wobble CD
The Nebulas - Euphorion LP / CD
Supertubos - The Fourth Drive CD
Continental Magazine - Issue #38 w/17 Song CD

Forgive me if it was mentioned somewhere else, but how many copies were made?
Come on people, I know it's kinda funky, but let's help Sean sell more of these. And if you don't have a tape player, find somebody and use it to make a cdr of the tape to listen to.


I'm probably going to pick up a copy of this w/ my next DC order despite the fact that I have no way of playing it and already own many of the tunes on other records that I've purchased from Double Crown. I wish it included a digital download with purchase!

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