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Carlos Yela
Surf Music Madrid FB
La Ola Perfecta
Surf Music Madrid site

Jeff, I'll do! Even if they stop talking to me hahahaha Laughing

Carlos, gracias por tomar a Los Grainders en cuenta, todo un gusto cerrar este especial de bandas mexicanas. Cool

When you have to shoot ... shoot! Don't talk.

"Los Grainders" >
"The Strings Aflame" >
"Planeta Reverb" >

Os lo mereceis!! Por la música, por la promoción, porque me gustan las bandas con 3 guitarras, porque sin Planeta Reverb ese programa no hubiera sido posible y ademas, porque escucháis el programa

Carlos Yela
Surf Music Madrid FB
La Ola Perfecta
Surf Music Madrid site

Today releases 2014
Slobodan Experiment, The Dead Rocks, Meanwhile in Mexico, The Akulas, El Ray, The Charades, Dirty Fuse, The Phantom Four, A-phonics, Redneck Surfers, Los Blue Marinos, Apocalypso Banda, Los Cuchillos, The Sine Waves, The Sellwoods, Kill Baby Kill, The TiKi CReePs, Daikaiju.

Carlos Yela
Surf Music Madrid FB
La Ola Perfecta
Surf Music Madrid site

Buen programa el de hoy, perfecto para una mañana relajada en casa.

When you have to shoot ... shoot! Don't talk.

"Los Grainders" >
"The Strings Aflame" >
"Planeta Reverb" >

y bueno for recuperación de la crudo?


Thanx guys, gracias chicos!!
Potente material se ha editado este año.
La Ola Perfecta #8 Releases 2014
1.- Slobodan Experiment "Nejatov"
2.- The Dead Rocks "Mr. Antonis"
3.- Meanwhile in México "Tutti Cornutti"
4.- The Akulas "Our Man Flint"
5.- El Ray "Those Damn Kids"
6.- The Charades "She Does It Right"
7.- Dirty Fuse "Atlas"
8.- The Phantom Four "Ramgaya"
9.- Els A-phonics "Mandshurian Beat"
10.- Redneck Surfers "Middel-est hell"
11.- Los Blue Marinos "The Last Wave"
12.- Apocalyso!! "Orion"
13.- Los Cuchillos "Isla Macabro"
14.- The Sine Waves "Tsar Bomba"
15.- The Sellwoods "Palm Reader"
16.- Kill, Baby... Kill! "Stop Off in Ridgeview"
17.- Slobodan Experiment "Riptide"
18.- The Tiki Creeps "Buzz Bomb"
19.- Daikaiju "Spiral Serpent Strike"
20.- B11 "Isn't Lovely"

Carlos Yela
Surf Music Madrid FB
La Ola Perfecta
Surf Music Madrid site

Last edited: Dec 06, 2014 14:05:22

hahahahaha Dead
Absolutely, Jeff!

When you have to shoot ... shoot! Don't talk.

"Los Grainders" >
"The Strings Aflame" >
"Planeta Reverb" >

Hi buddy

In just over an hour begins a new program "La Ola Perfecta" in North Sea Surf Radio (

11AM México City
9:00 Los Angeles
10:00 Denver
12:00 New York
18:00 España

If you are interested in the new surf music is done in Spain, I invite you to listen to this show

We will listen to recordings of 2014, 2013 and 2012

Play list

La Ola Perfecta #9 Spanish Surf Bands Vol.2

  1. Intro The Wangs "Wangs Stomp (1999, Kamikaze Records)
    1.- The Longboards "Jerry Pole" (CD "Insane!" 2013, El Toro Records)
    2.- The Kanaloas "Surf Like An Egyptian" (7" "Letterjacket", 2012, Butterfly Records)
    4.- Born Losers "Cycle Guitars" (12" "Cycle Guitars", 2012 Kingsnake Records)
    5.- Kings of Makaha "Hornet's Nest" (12", "En Ebullición", 2013 Freeky Dicky)
    6.- Dirty Surf "Miss Acapulco" (7" "Luchan, Cantan, Sangran", 2013, Devil Records)
    7.- Los Galerna "J. F. Murray" (mp3,from LP "Akelarre" 2013) tema cortesía de El Bumper
    8.- 13th Magic Skull "Subway Surfers" (12" "Sungazing in Rapa Nui" 2014 Buenritmo Records)
    9.- Los Coronas "En el Lago (surfeando)" (cover Triana) (10", "El Extraño Viaje", 2013, Sonny)
    10.- Hattori Hanzo Surf Experience "Mermaid" (CD "Attacanos ... con todo lo que tengas", 2014, auto release)
    11.- De Surfures "GuadaFornia" (CD "De Surfures Surf Rock", 2014, auto release)
    12.- Los Derrumbes "Lago de los Cisnes" (7" "Split Festival Surforma", 2014, Sleazy Records)
    13.- Surflamingo "Door To The Hyperspace" (12" "Creatures from the deep", 2014, auto release)
    15.- Supertubos "The Demeter" (10" "The Demeter", 2014, Action Weekend Records)
    16.- Redneck Surfers "The last path that will lead to the herd" (WAV from LP, "Heartbeast", 2014) tema cortesía de la banda
    17.- Durango14 "Salamandra" (CD "Vol.2", 2014, Maldito Digital) cortesía de la banda
    19.- Els A-phonics "Albufera Stomp" (CD "Els Aphonics & Friends", 2014, Sleaze Records)
    20.- Phonocaptors "John Virgin" (12" "Danse Macabre", 2014, Delia Records)
    21.- Le Grand Miércoles "Fukhusima" (12" "Ghost Cowboys", 2014, Liquidator & Golden Single Records)
    21.- Melopienso "Bajo el Sol" (cover Melopea, 1989) (CD "Only Locals", 2012, auto release) vocal
    22.- despedida Melopea "La Ola Perfecta" (LP "Surf, Chicas y Rock and Roll", 1989, Proa Records) vocal


Carlos Yela
Surf Music Madrid FB
La Ola Perfecta
Surf Music Madrid site

listening senor


Heyyyyyyyyyyy Jeff!!!! Yeah!!!

Carlos Yela
Surf Music Madrid FB
La Ola Perfecta
Surf Music Madrid site

Escuchando desde el inicio.
De Surfures y Els A-Phonics mis favoritos.

When you have to shoot ... shoot! Don't talk.

"Los Grainders" >
"The Strings Aflame" >
"Planeta Reverb" >

Me alegro te gusten esas selecciones. Hoy es un programa muy variado, desde fuzz hasta reggae surf, jajjaja, y ahora mismo lo que era el punk surf vocal que se hacía en España en los 80, en versión actualizada (Bajo el Sol)

Carlos Yela
Surf Music Madrid FB
La Ola Perfecta
Surf Music Madrid site

vocals? oooooof


Es lo que estoy escuchando! Cool

When you have to shoot ... shoot! Don't talk.

"Los Grainders" >
"The Strings Aflame" >
"Planeta Reverb" >

hehehee, only 1,5 tunes Jeff

Carlos Yela
Surf Music Madrid FB
La Ola Perfecta
Surf Music Madrid site

punk, surf & rock'n'roll from spanish 80s, MELOPEA

Carlos Yela
Surf Music Madrid FB
La Ola Perfecta
Surf Music Madrid site

carlosyela wrote:

punk, surf & rock'n'roll from spanish 80s, MELOPEA

Its very funny, I am looking at all of the cds and vinyl on your Facebook page right now, and when that song came on, that was the LP picture I was looking at. how weird is that?


Melopea, "Surf y rock and roll" (1989)

Carlos Yela
Surf Music Madrid FB
La Ola Perfecta
Surf Music Madrid site

Today has sounded a version by a group that is a continuation of that of the 80: Melopienso (2012, CD, below, right). The guitar is the only survivor, the rest of the band think they died

Carlos Yela
Surf Music Madrid FB
La Ola Perfecta
Surf Music Madrid site

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