It's quite likely that many people aren't checking the Daikaiju tour thread in the Show Announcements forum, but there was a show review posted on a Zagreb, Croatia website which really should be read by all SG101-ers, since it's pretty amazing - and dead on, I should add! I translated it, so here you go - enjoy!
Daikaiju and Threesome in Vintage Industrial Bar - The craziest concert that you did not attend
There are concerts for which no one can prepare you. It was a Thursday night, and Flight 3 and Psihomodo Pop played a free concert at Bundek. But that is not the concert that I'm talking about.
A group gathered in the Vintage Industrial Bar looking for good surf rock. As soon as the Serbian band Threesome came on the stage, it was clear that we got more than we could have hoped for. They look normal, but they are far from it. First of all, instead of the stereotypical female bass player, Threesome have a female drummer, and the guitarist and bassist with their punk performance concocted an atmosphere which astonished everybody. There was destruction of equipment, constant running around and wrestling with the audience, climbing anything and everything, falling off of borrowed amps... At one point they thanked the audience for not going to Psihomodo Pop, and then a bit later, probably unconsciously, played "Surfin 'Bird", reminding us how far GopĨevo 'mamaumama-ing' is from the original Trashmen. They were even called back for an encore, so the guitarist had to ask for the return of the pick that he threw into the audience. "Since I am a Serb, I only take one with me," he explained.
Then, naked from the waist up and in disguise, out came Daikaiju. "Kaiju" is a giant monster, as everyone who watched last year's summer blockbuster by Guillermo del Toro will remember. Godzilla is the most famous daikaiju, but what is left of Tokyo after Godzilla is finished with it pales in comparison to what the psycho-surf four Daikaiju did to Vintage Industrial Bar.
How to describe it? If a person were to write down all the madness that was going on, there would be more time spent writing it down than experiencing the beautiful chaos surrounding him. Should I tell you how they descended into the audience, wrapping people up in guitar cables? How at one point they seated us on the floor as around a campfire while they played? How the stronger audience members carried members of the band on their shoulders more than the band walked on their own shoes? How they even took the drums off the stage into the audience and played a song that way? Or how they poured gasoline on those same drums, then setting them on fire, while they played another song? How the audience picked up the drum set, along with the drummer, off the floor and into the air, and he played like that, while the guitarist, in true Spiderman style, climbed to the central roof beam while his sweat trickled down over the group of people that held the drum set high over their heads? At the end it was necessary to track down the instruments that ended up with various visitors to the club.
It was the craziest concert not just of the year but probably of the decade. All that really happened last night. And you were not there. You were at Psihomodo Pop.
(See a lot more photos in the gallery with the original article.)
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Last edited: Oct 09, 2014 11:22:35