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Permalink Recording surf sax

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Anyone have some good techniques for recording sax for surf music. I am a huge fan of Joel Willenbring from The Lively Ones and want to emulate that style on the next recording. I was thinking about using 2 mics, one a condenser dry and a 58 going through the reverb tank wet and mixing the two in the playback to give me a similar reverb space as that of the guitar track.

Any thoughts from the pros?

The Kahuna Kings

Last edited: Sep 16, 2014 17:37:17


The Kahuna Kings

Last edited: Sep 17, 2014 16:53:05

You might need to communicate directly with some bands. This is an all instruments forum but sax players and fans tend to get slapped around a bit. Bob Jones of the Rumblers is on Facebook. And, of course, there are some other folks around.

I found some footage of surf sax recordings. Mic placement is key.


Thanks Tuck and Jake it's a good thing there's no singing in instrumental surf.

The Kahuna Kings

Stratdancer- First, remember that a sax emanates sound from it's entire body, from reed to bell, so don't position the mic just near the horn. Put it a foot away and level with the middle of the keys. This will also give you a more vintage tone (more room sound), as close micing is definitely not a vintage technique. Use a large diaphragm condenser.
I like your idea of using a second mic going through a tank and amp. I've done that when recording bongos (1 mic straight, 1 into an amp) and it sounds huge with the reverb tone panned to the opposite side. Good luck!

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Last edited: Sep 20, 2014 20:19:32

Thanks for your thoughts Pollo. The sax player did some research on his AKG and that's exactly what they said about recording with the condenser. He was on the bell end close mic'd.
I'm also going to put a 58 on it and send it through the tank with an unbalanced signal then into the board. I like the idea of panning it out and finding the sweet spot between the two for sure!

The Kahuna Kings

I'm a luddite when it comes to recording and that side of technology, but I can vouch for not sticking an SM57 type mic directly at the bell.

Unless I was really growling through it, it sounded almost trumpet-like. I was planning on aiming a second mix at the reed next time, but I'll try and implement some of these methods instead.

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