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SurfGuitar101 Forums » Musicians & Gigs Wanted »

Permalink Surfer Rex looking for north Ohio bass player and drummer

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Surfer Rex plays covers of songs by a variety of current instro bands. We also play some first wave songs and we're wanting to start working on some originals. We've played 10 gigs since forming 11 months ago, but in the past month, we had to cancel two gigs. Unfortunately, our bass player and our drummer don't seem to be as committed to what we're doing. We (two guitarists) want to actively gig and work to that end. We also want to work on originals and expand our repertoire. We just don't see that happening as easily with our current lineup.

Jerry and I are very enthusiastic and we play with a lot of energy. We'd like to find players with enthusiasm that matches our own. Check out our web site ( and, from there, our Facebook page. We have a few videos posted to our Facebook page. We'd like to find some band members who are as excited about gigging as we are, not only in north Ohio, but a bit farther, if the opportunities present themselves.

We've been practicing once a week, but we're flexible about when and where. We also have ideas for future gigs, but, as it is with our current lineup, we're hesitant to put a lot of effort into getting more gigs, which is why I'm posting this to 101 and to the Cleveland craigslist. With a lineup more dedicated to gigging and working on new songs and, eventually, recording, the possibilities are endless. If you look at our current songs list posted to our Surfer Rex site, you'll see that we are also doing a few vocal songs to break things up. Sort of like what I do on my Big Surf Radio show. So, if you can do vocals and want to sing on a few songs, we'll be more than happy to accommodate. Although we're not the most seasoned players, we're getting out, meeting people and having a lot of fun. We have Roland edrums available for practices. An additional practice space might be a plus but not necessary. We're spread out (Oberlin, OH to Mentor, OH), but we don't mind driving and we might have some options for practice spaces in a central location, depending on your location. Jerry and I both also play bass, in case you play bass, but want to also do a bit of guitar.


Last edited: Sep 09, 2014 14:21:41

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