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Permalink The return of NSSR, we are back!!!

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Dear friends,

I know it has been way too long you heard from me. We had a smashing and impressive fundraiser months ago and then... silence. What happened?

First there was a delivery problem of one of the parts. And when we finally had our parts together to set everything up personal circumstances made life a bitch. While busy with setting up my own company and wokring on the launch of the new Phantom Four album my relationship crashed. The consequence being I had to move and arrange lots of stuff I will not bother you with. After all these things that happened I was on the brink of a nervous breakdown and needed to get away from things, and I did. For about a month I have been travelling, enjoying Bratislava, Budapest and the North of Spain. After my return two weeks ago I have spent lots of time on my business and the upcoming North Sea Surf Festival.

Since last week Rob Korver (our technical guy) and me have been having great difficulties in setting up the database software and new version of the Radio software. Today we finally had everything the software running. When my computer crashed I was lucky anough to be able to get all my files from the hard disc. However I could not use the DJ software anymore to do a backup from the system. Even though we were able to save all NSSR files, shows and music we have NOT been able to retreive all the settings for the shows and tracks and we will not be.

What does this mean for NSSR?
Is means I have to start with newly installed software and build the station from scratch. First I have to re-import all tracks in the 100+ different categories we have. That is maybe two hours work. Then I have to re-program each and every individual show track by track. This will take me at least one hour per show and we have about 25 different shows.

I am currently extremely busy with the festival and will not have time to work on this untill after the 21st of September. Even then I will need weeks maybe months to have the station running as it has been, since I have lots of work to do involving my own company. As you might understand this comes first since this has to pay the bills is not all that bad. I want to have NSSR up and running again this week so here's what I am going to do. Tomorrow I will import ALL database tracks and will program a very long show with a mix of all different genres, a jingle once every couple of tracks and a promo. I hope to launch this tomorrow or Wednesday latest. This way we will have an NSSR with way more variety and the recognizable jingles, one step closer to the old NSSR and way better than the random Top 101 and Top 61 tracks running for the past months.

Next thing I will do is program the DJ shows for coming weekend and air North Sea Surf Festival specials by the DJ's. The first new regular DJ shows will air the weekend of the 19th.

The biggest task for me will be to re-program all the shows. This will be a lot of work that I have to divide over several nights for the weeks and months to come after my festival. This is a major setback for me and comes at a very bad time. Nevertheless I will continue with NSSR. We have become such a major force in surf music that it is an unbearable thought for me that all my efforts might have been in vain.

So prepare to listen to a more varied NSSR later this week and tune into the presented shows again starting this weekend but be patient for NSSR to be back in full swing with the dozens of different shows and maximum variety that you have been spoiled with since the launch exactly one year and one week ago.

Best regards,

p.s. Any people that have contributed music the past months, I will get to that in a later stage and please excuse me for not getting back to you. Eventually your music will be heard and we will use it for NSSR. Just be patient.

Niels Jansen
Program Director
North Sea Surf Radio

To submit your surf music to North Sea Surf Radio send the tracks as .mp3 in 320kbps bitrate with correct tags to via Dropbox.

North Sea Surf Radio: Website- Facebook - Twitter
North Sea Surf Festival: Website - Facebook - Twitter
The Phantom Four: Website - Facebook - Twitter

Last edited: Sep 12, 2014 11:59:14

Wow, Niels. Just... wow! What a mess. I wish you all the best, in your life, career, the festival, and the radio station. I think everyone here is pulling for you!

This is Noel. Reverb's at maximum an' I'm givin' 'er all she's got.

What a mess indeed.
Computers can be so helpfull in modern life.
But when they die, it really leaves a big hole.
And a hassle to get everything up n running again.

Best of luck with the station and the Festivsl Niels.


Welcome back to the airwaves, dude! It sounds like you're getting things in general back under control. NSSR is an awesome part of life for us surf nuts!

Thanks for the update Niels and all the luck with the further work (be it work-work or freetime-work) and everything else!

Los Apollos - cinematic surf music trio (Berlin)
"Postcards from the Scrapyard" Vol. 1, 2 & 3 NOW available on various platforms!
"Chaos at the Lobster Lounge" available as LP and download on Surf Cookie Records!

Sorry to hear about all the problems Neils, both personal and computer related. We are all very glad you are getting back on your feet. Cheers

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Niels, you are deeply appreciated here for all that you do, amidst all that have to do (take care of yourself, pay bills, etc.). Do what you have to do in the order in which you have to do it, with prayers from this end.


SoCal ex-pat with a snow shovel

DISCLAIMER: The above is opinion/suggestion only & should not be used for mission planning/navigation, tweaking of instruments, beverage selection, or wardrobe choices.

Yihaaa, we are back! We have just started the new NSSR stream. After months of listening to a non stop shuffle stream of the Top 101's and Top 61 we are back with much more music, jingles, promo's, sweepers....and the weekly presented shows. The coming weeks we will be slowly re-programming all the individual non stop shows that have been lost during the crash so step by step we will be re-building to the NSSR you have gotten used to. We do not have a playlist with new tracks yet, we will launch that next week but we do have our first Wipeout! in a very long time; Ramgaya by The Phantom Four!

Enjoy everybody and thanks for your patience!

Niels Jansen
Program Director
North Sea Surf Radio

To submit your surf music to North Sea Surf Radio send the tracks as .mp3 in 320kbps bitrate with correct tags to via Dropbox.

North Sea Surf Radio: Website- Facebook - Twitter
North Sea Surf Festival: Website - Facebook - Twitter
The Phantom Four: Website - Facebook - Twitter

Listening now!!!

bigtikidude wrote:

What a mess indeed.
Computers can be so helpfull in modern life.
But when they die, it really leaves a big hole.
And a hassle to get everything up n running again.

Ah, yes, you say it!
I have my computer back from repairs after two weeks… Aaaaaaah!!!!
It was totally broke down…
And my iphoto program is still away… with many pics and a lot of movies with new song ideas of mine… aaaaaaahhhh!!!!!! Where are they?
And a few things do not work as they should… Aaaaaahhhh!!!!! I hate this...

However, the NSSR is back!
This is great!!!
BUT: …I have to get my computer back for repairs again unfortunately…
I don`t know if I can do my first new show then… I hope so.

Twang cheers!

Ralf Kilauea

Last edited: Sep 12, 2014 12:42:21

Listening now on my phone. Congratulations on weathering the storm, and here's to big waves ahead. Surf's Up!

This is Noel. Reverb's at maximum an' I'm givin' 'er all she's got.

Congrats Niels!


Well done Niels! Streaming away now. So glad things are on the upswing for you.



HallmarkSweptWinger wrote:

bigtikidude wrote:

What a mess indeed.
Computers can be so helpfull in modern life.
But when they die, it really leaves a big hole.
And a hassle to get everything up n running again.

Ah, yes, you say it!
I have my computer back from repairs after two weeks… Aaaaaaah!!!!
It was totally broke down…
And my iphoto program is still away… with many pics and a lot of movies with new song ideas of mine… aaaaaaahhhh!!!!!! Where are they?
And a few things do not work as they should… Aaaaaahhhh!!!!! I hate this...

However, the NSSR is back!
This is great!!!
BUT: …I have to get my computer back for repairs again unfortunately…
I don`t know if I can do my first new show then… I hope so.

You did have everything backed up, didn't you?

Los Fantasticos

Yes! This weekend our DJ's will return on air with their presented shows. All shows will be dedicated to the North Sea Surf Festival that will be held next weekend in Amsterdam. Make sure to tune in later today!


Niels Jansen
Program Director
North Sea Surf Radio

To submit your surf music to North Sea Surf Radio send the tracks as .mp3 in 320kbps bitrate with correct tags to via Dropbox.

North Sea Surf Radio: Website- Facebook - Twitter
North Sea Surf Festival: Website - Facebook - Twitter
The Phantom Four: Website - Facebook - Twitter

Last edited: Sep 13, 2014 05:46:52

Excellent news!
Thanks, and hope your Festival goes well.


Excellent! Thumbs Up

SoCal ex-pat with a snow shovel

DISCLAIMER: The above is opinion/suggestion only & should not be used for mission planning/navigation, tweaking of instruments, beverage selection, or wardrobe choices.

And we have lift off!

Niels Jansen
Program Director
North Sea Surf Radio

To submit your surf music to North Sea Surf Radio send the tracks as .mp3 in 320kbps bitrate with correct tags to via Dropbox.

North Sea Surf Radio: Website- Facebook - Twitter
North Sea Surf Festival: Website - Facebook - Twitter
The Phantom Four: Website - Facebook - Twitter

so good to hear spanish djs again.

I never took a foreign language in school.
But I worked in a warehouse for about 10 years,
with 30 Mexicans, so I picked up some spanish.
Its fun to listen and try to figure out what they are saying.


Last edited: Sep 13, 2014 10:23:01

Im in the Chatroom now, listening to NSSR dj shows,
if anybody wants to join me


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